tamakraze12s tamagotchi v4 log!


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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
hello im tamakraze12 :D i will be updating about my tamagotchi v4 around next week on either wedsnday or thursday or if my tama in the mail comes 2 late friday! (im pretty sure that wont happen :p ) oh i almost forgot i am new 2 tamatalk ;) and i have been inspired by many members 2 do a log but i guess u guys gotta wait till next week sorry :( but i PROMISE 2 make a log about my v4 as soon as it comes in the mail! :ph34r: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: anyways i know the tama i will be soon logging about is an old version but the v4 was always my total FAVE!! i lost my old one 2 years ago it was the glow in the dark one 2!! :( :( : i luved my v4 so much i lost it while i was at a sleep over wit my friend (who is sadly not my friend anymore :( .) she claimed it was missing but the very next week she came 2 skool wit a glow in the dark tama v4 she told me she got it from ebay but i knew she probebly took it cuz i accidently scratched the shell on the back of the toy the scrath was very noticeable anyone would notice cuz the scratch looked kinda like a messed up heart :lol: anyway i saw the very same scratch on the toy that she claimed was hers i didnt make a scene or yell at her or etc..i wasnt very happy tho :angry: anyways so i guess my tama was stolen idk :unsure: anyways i will be logging next week byeee cya till then :D :D happy loggings

oh and in case u were wondering the tama im getting is the v4 with math numbers all over the shell :ph34r: :rolleyes:

im gunna use this topic as my log this 1 is the 1 wit 67 views so just so u know this is where im gunna put my log! :D (still waiting! :rolleyes: )

<_< OMG IM SORRRYYY U GUYS GOTTTA WAIT TILL THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DX gosshhh im so sorrryyy :lol:
OMG i got the v4 today yayyyyy! okay so the eggs hatching!...yay its a boy! ok ima name him grape! (dont ask y)

okay so me and grape r gunna play games ill log more when he evolves



happy: full

traing: none

points: none :p


lbs:20 :D :D

okay so yeaaa me and grape just came from tamatown! we just earned 1 training bar! yay! and we also connected with my sisters v4 who is also a baby (girl) we are planning 2 mate when they become adults! anywayz i have 2 go 2 the gym :D so i'll post when he evolves! and when i come back from the gym!





training: \

lbs:24 :0

point: 809


:p :D

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omg grape evolved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just as i was walking out the house grape evolved!! so i ran back in got on the computer and i am now updating this! he is an puchitchi! :p hes asleep rite as i type! i'll post again 2nite! byeeez

heyy nothing much has happend 2 grape since he fell asleep :p he woke up just now though now ima go play games on tamatown and go eat dinner and call my friend (havent called her since 3 weeks ago o.o) anyways back 2 grape ...all he's doin is moving around the screen :D boring...but ima go get some more points so we dont run out of foods


i'll post 2marrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or more 2nite! XD

-bye-bye! :D

hello peoplez,

nothin much happend 2 grape

except for games or sleep

grape will probebly evolve 2marrow! :p

anywayz heres grape and loves (my sisters v4)



hungry: full
















gender: boy


okay so grape just got back from skool he didnt get all the notes rite (poor grapey!) soo i decided 2 give him alittle treat (candy bar) he liked it! B) i hope he evolves into a mametchi! (i doubt it :( ) anyways im very excited for 2marrow see wat grape evolves 2! :D hopefully a y.mametchi?? dont know but...watever i get i wont throw a fit!!!!!!! :) anyways! yeah so nothing much with grape hes still bobbing around on the screen! im gunna go play mimic and jump rope! byes

i'll post more 2marrow!!

- :p

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OKAY so woke up like 12 minutez ago cuz i heard a VERY loud noise from outside yes i got scared anywayz enough about me okay GRAPE umm well he got sick so i gave him 2 spoon fulls of medicine then rite after he starts acting naughty so i gave him time out and rite i type hes at skool AWWWWW he didnt get all the notes rite oh and hes kinda fat :0 gotta go play jump rope!! but a lil later anwayz so my sisters tama is asleep just like my sister!! :) she probebly wont wake for hours!! uggghh anywho grape is now brushing his teeth (kinda wierd but at the same time not)

anyways so heres the stats





lbs:59(i'll fix that)


gender: boy


its odd cuz when grape was a baby he didnt really give any attention calls like all he did was poop get hungry after he poops plays games poops gets hungry poops again (alot of poop) and he only got sick once!! wierd anyway i'll post again when grape and i get back from tamatown :D


ok so grape and i just came back from tamatown!! we earned 5,990 points so now grape has 9,989 points! anywayz grape is now bobbing around on the screen

i'll post later bye

grape is asleep rite now we played mimic we won!! :lol: and we also played jump rope siigghh we lost :huh: anyways grape should evolve 2nite! im very excited 2 see wat he evolves into but kinda afraid 2 cuz i dont want an bad care though im taking good care of my tama :huh: so i hope thats not gunna be the case anyway! i will wake grape up later cuz i think he needs a nap toddlers need sleep 2 ya know :lol: anyway i really really need 2 bring down the weight hes 49 lbs!!! i want him 2 be 15 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :huh: anyway! i'll post when grape wakes up!

bye-bye ;) :) :huh: :huh: :huh: :D

OKAY! so nothing happend much happend 2 grape but when grape and love connected love gave grape a snake looking plant and my sis had 2 give love an time-out which now love has 3! training barz just like me :huh: i also went 2 the shop and bought milk and pie a soda and pizza and 2 chests they both gave me 500 points!! :3 anywho the robber also came and took 150points :D so i played jump rope twice and won 450 ponits in total!! i now have 9,998 points! :huh: :D :D:D SO ive been playing jump rope many times and now grape weighs 20 pounds which isnt as great but itz okay :) sooo i'll post again later!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

okay im kinda sad cuz i spilled ice cweam (no i didnt miss spell the word cream i like adding spice 2 wordz! yes im aKRAZY WOMON! HA-ZAH! loljk jk) anyways grape is 1yrs old which means he'll evolve soon or soonish idk...anyways i finally found my v3! :D but its broken :D (im kiddng im actually very sad :( ) yeah i was at my friends house 2day and i brought my bag and i was looking for my v4 (grape) but i found meep yes meep she was an memetchi before my dad drove over it idk how my tama got in the road but heres how it happend i suppose i was coimg home from skool and on my back pack there was a key chain thingy watever anyways SO it must have fell of my bag and onto the road and my dad had 2 go back 2 work after he dropped me off and so when i got inside i couldnt find my v3 so when i went 2 go see my dad my dad was like here this is yours rite? and he gave me a blue v3 with a totally cracked screen and the battery was leaking and dude i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad anyways

GRAPE! okay so he went 2 skool he got the notes all rite :) (poor meepsy) sorry anyway we bought a ticket 2 well idk where :eek: i'll find out anywho i also bought a pen and a ice cream and a pencil :D anyways i'll post when grape evolves :D








:) :wacko: :lol: B) :D

GRAPE EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! into a gourmetchi :| i was hoping for a mame family teen lol anyways ive decided 2 try 2 get nonbiritchi! tho i probebly wont get him :0 anyways im going 2 go crazy on social and kindness points soo yeahh love evolved into a ringotchi shes super cute :) anyways thats it for now i'll post later bye!

OKAY so mrs frill came 2 tell lil grapey that he had 2 move on 2 a diffrent skool so grape cried but now he has a teacher! mr canvas! okay sorry for the small update im going 2 a friends house rite nowz byee

okay so i lost my tamagotchi at my friends house :eek: soo i had 2 spent 3 hours looking for him then i found him under the SUPER HEAVVY chair :eek: anyways grape had 3 lost hunger hearts and 4 lost happy hearts and was very sick if i left him an other 2 hours he'd be dead (cant imagine losing grape!)anyways i fed him snacks and meals his hunger hearts and happy hearts r now all full i played flag like 19 times he's 19 lbs now :) ! and hes happy we also went 2 skool about 4 times he earned 12 social pointz B) anyways we went 2 tamatown and got 6 new foods pizza,milk,smoothie,corn dog,beef! and maybe 1 last food i dont remember! :0 anyways! i feel sorry for my friend (allison) her v3 and v4.5,tamago all got stolen from her house! while she was wit her mom this morning i mean she has like 27 tamagotchis but she really luvs them all :( oh and her v3 (blue/bubbles) died he was a mametchi! she worked so hard 2 get him :(

he was her fave lil guy he died cuz her stoopid brother kidnapped it and lost it in his closet we found him today it was 2 late he was gone ;__; im sorry allison!


~in loving memory of max(mametchi of allison)

anyways i'll post 2 marrow bye

OMG i lost grape AGAIN this time when i woke up (i always put grape in this lil pulshie tamagotchi thingie!) i looked in the plushie HE WAS GONE i looked every where again and again i eventually found him he was under my bed :eek: anyways grape was asleep so i woke him up and played flag 14 times he's 18lbs now whenever he loses 1 pound and it goes 2 17lbs he wont play games so i HAD 2 feed him 1 cake,banana,ice cream! so i played flag a few times and hes at a good weight ;) anyways he just got fortune mail!! he has a good fortune!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay grape! anyways he'll evolve 2marrow so now i gotta go psyco on the social skillz! i have 102 rite now ;) i know i probebly wont get nonbiritchi but thats okay ;)


hungery: full








grape is now bobbing around on the screen exciting rite?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?? jk anyways yeah im gunna go 2 tamatown now bye bye post when we get back! :D

grape earned 2900 points HA-ZAH! jk jk anyways i bought an action figure!! yayy he likes it!! we also got a waffle! he ate it now hes 21 lbs :0 thats okay tho!!!!!!!! cant wait till he evolves! i hope i get a togetchi or a nonbiritchi!! either way im excited! ;) grape earned 2 training bars! yay
