TamaMatty's Tama Log! (◕‿◕✿)


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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2016
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Hellooooooo TamaTalk! I'm finally able to start a full time log! This log will track the progress of my Tamagotchis from birth to marriage. I'll try to post 3 times every week, which is about all I can handle. The star of this blog will be my peacock design v4.5, which is my absolute FAVORITE Tamagotchi that I own. I just wanted to do a little introduction before the actual blog, so... yeah! I hope you enjoy! ^_^

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Hiya! I can't wait to read this log~ Will you be posting pictures? I'm only asking because I don't have a good camera, so seeing someone do a log without pictures might encourage me to do one, too! X3

Heh heh... about that...

I honestly have absolute NO IDEA how to work photobucket and all that jaz. Even after being basically been guided through the whole process by another TamaTalker, I still can't even figure out how to upload pictures. Sorry! :( But thanks for the question! :D


Hellooooooooooo TamaTalk! I have finally found the time to start a full time blog! Yeah! Hooray! Woooooooo! I'm just gonna jump right in to the blog, so I hope you enjoy!


I'm currently raising a 2 year old Ura Young Memetchi. She is SO CUTE! ^_^ Anyways, I have decided to evolve her into a graceful Purimatchi. She already has 110 points for humor, so I think she will evolve into Purimatchi tomorrow! :D But, I've noticed that Luna ...is a bit of a brat. In fact, the only reason why she is so well trained is because she would CONSTANTLY call for attention when she didn't need it, thus making me put her in time out. But I still love her! :D

That all for today! Enjoy!

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Ooo, Primatchi is one of my favorites! She was my first Tamagotchi adult I ever got, so she means a lot to me as a character...even if I thought she was a cowgirl as a 7 year old. XD

Heh heh... about that...

I honestly have absolute NO IDEA how to work photobucket and all that jaz. Even after being basically been guided through the whole process by another TamaTalker, I still can't even figure out how to upload pictures. Sorry! :( But thanks for the question! :D
A good alternative to Photobucket is uploading the photo to Tumblr and than "Copy Image" from tumblr and than "Paste Image" to Tamatalk Log. Hope this helps :)

Thanks for the help! :D But, my computer doesn't open up certain websites for some strange reason, and Tumblr just so happens to be one of those websites.

Hooray. :( But I'll try figure something out! :D

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Helloooooooo TamaTalk! Luna is now a Purimatchi! :3 She looks like a ballerina with angel wings! She was also able to buy a pair of jeans, which she looks kinda weird in, to be honest. Besides that, that is all that happened today. But I'v been thinking about adding more Tamagotchis to the mix to make it more interesting. What do you think? Tell me in the comments! Bye!

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Heh, heh...

Helloooooooooooooooooo, TamaTalk! First off, holy pixels! It's been WAAAAAY too long since the last time I posted. But that's because my computer has been without WiFi for a couple of weeks. Anyways, have some bad news. Luna... is no longer with us :( . She sadly pasted away while I was at my sister's birthday party, and not knowing she had her sound turned of, I assumed she was okay. But, I now have a new Tamagotchi! I decided to name her after JaidenAnimation's (my faves you-tuber) pet bird: Ari! Ari is currently a Ura Violetchi, and she is the DEFINITION of cute ^_^ ! She is 4 yrs old and has a job as a fireman. (Firegirl? Firewoman? I don't know...) Anyways, I just thought I'd give you an update on my little Tamagotchi world. Also, there might be a new Tamagotchi entering this log... ;) (Hint,hint)

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New Arrivals!

Hello, TamaTalk! This post takes course over today and yesterday, so try not to get too confused... :huh:


Ari the Ura Violetchi recently got married, and had a baby girl named Bee ^_^ ! She is currently Hitodetchi, and should evolve into her teen stage tomorrow! Since her father was in the Ura Mame group, she should evolve into either Ura Young Marotchi or Zouritchi.


To add more interesting things to this log, I decided to start up my v4, so Bee could have somebody to "connect" with. (see what I did there? ;) ) On my v4, I discovered a male Harutchi named Peeps. I neglected him for the whole day to see what character he would become. He surprisingly turned into a Young Androtchi! He is currently on pause so Bee can catch up with her growth.

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Thanks for the help! :D But, my computer doesn't open up certain websites for some strange reason, and Tumblr just so happens to be one of those websites. Hooray. :( But I'll try figure something out! :D
I hope you don't mind me adding this in, but you can try to use Imgur to upload your photos! I've been using it for my Mix log and my connection/4U log and I haven't encountered any issues. Just know that if you delete an image on Imgur that you also posted somewhere else, then it won't show up because you removed it.

You can log into Imgur through your Google account or you can make an account for yourself. After uploading an image, right click and select "copy image address". On the reply here, select the little image icon and paste the link. Each post has a maxi limit of 10 images by the way.

Thank for the advice :D ! I'll try to add pictures to the log in the near future. But not for this weeks updates :( . Sorry...
