Tamas band at school


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2005
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This is my best year at school i am now in grade six and graduating this year but my school has to be the worst for banning stuff last year everyone was brading gimp ( plastic lace) they banned it 2 weeks later 2 years ago lots of the boy and some of the girls where playing with pokeballs this year lots of basket balls and various other balls were brought to school banned them and now tamgotchi's have become a fad and they have sadly banned them and a petition will not help at all and i really want to continue to play5 with them i always paused the or put them to sleep when we were doing tests and various other inportent stuff and unpaused them when we would have free time of art and i always kept the sound off please help how can i hide my tamas from my classmates i am also an office assitant so i cant have them hanging on my belt loops and when i sit down they fall out of my pockets and suggestons??????????? ;) :blink: :blink:

you could buy pants with deep deep pockets that close[SIZE=14pt]tight![/SIZE] ;)

i think i am going to knight a little purse wich i could stuff with tissue paper

I leave it in my backpack all day and between classes I pretend like I'm getting a pencil or something out and then I clean up poop, praise it, scold it, feed it, treat it. After school I work off all the pounds put on by treats to keep him happy.

thats a good tip but i dont want them to turn into bad chrictors by leaving them

yeah man,

that is so unfair they done that out my school to. But i feel sorry for u caus eu are in year six and u have bad kluck damnnn

today i hide them in my coat pocket and checked on them when we were watchin shrek

Feel sorry for you, my school never banned it yet..but probably soon, Maybe you can like put it on a chain and put it under your shirt and when the teacher is not talking and you do your work..feed it and clean up its poop?

well heres a good tip, ask your mom or grama if they can knit or crochet maybe you can, a little pouch and hide it in you desk when you in class try to sit in the back , and THERE! hope i helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

Tammalewis stole the words right out of my mouth! <_< I agree; buy a necklace/chain, hook your Tamagotchi onto it, and were it. Just put itdown the neck of your shirt so it will be hidden. Or buy a little wallet with a clip and put you Tamagotchi in it and hook it yo your belt loop. Put money in it so if a teacher asks, "What's in there?" You can jingle it so the coins will make noise. If you can't do either, pause it in the morning, leave it in your room and take care of it when you get home. :D

Best of luck,


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