Tamas + School = BAD


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Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
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A few tips...

1. always switch off the sound> i was in a test once with a hungry tama . :huh:

2. feed it / look after it at break or lunch

3. NEVER hatch one in / during school. babys are TOO needy

hope these helped .

in school you can connect to your friends but not in lessons , i always get caught! :furawatchi:

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teaher caught me with my V3 and i told the teacher that it was another teachers tama and she completley believed me!!!

huh ! wow . i get caught connecting my v.2 and v.3 together all the time.

my v.4 is coming for my birthday (on sun)

Well, I never take my tama to school, but my mum brings it when she picks me up so that I won't miss the stock, unfortunately someone found out about it

(they thought the bag I keep it in was a sweet bag, he then asked about it, I confessed it was a tama and told him about the reason mum brings it, that wasn't smart exactly, but at least he wouldn't think I was addicted to sugar...)

lately people have been teasing me and trying not to let me notice, but they made mistakes: "Oh yeah, you have to get to the shop before three to buy food for it, It shuts at three..." (lol, silly mistake!) I just try to ignore it...

yer i kinda get picked on about my tama coz im kinda 13 and addicted to all of them ! there all my babies that are on like the 10th gen. are something :(

Well one time, I went to school and forgot my tama and forgot to put my tama on sleepy mode! So from 10 AM to 3 PM, my tama made 3 poops, got sick, lost all happy hearts, and only had one hungry heart.

i think that schools should allow tamagotchis as they teach responsibilitys.

does anyone agree :(

Ya you are in the wrong forum. :eek:

Maybe a Guide will stumble apon this and move it for you. :)

Angelgotchi11, also, I do agree with you. :(

topic moved to "What's On Your Mind?"

Haha. Few stories to share.


In sixth grade me and my best friend Cassie had just got into Tamagotchi's. (I've played with them all my life but I grew outta them until sixth grade) So we would play with them in class EVERYDAY because our teacher was such an airhead and she never noticed. Seriously, we would connect them and we played SOOOOOOOOO many games because we sat right next to eachother. Those were some good times because nobody made fun of you because you liked Tama's.


Now, I'm in eight grade. I can't play with my Tama during class because I'd get made fun of. The only people who know I play with Tama's is my family and best friend Lauren. Cassie doesn't know I still play with them. But I dont really care what anyone else thinks. Tama's are like crack. Everyone thinks its cool, but they dont know your on it. Very addicting.

i do not think that tamagotchi should be allowed at school the same way they dont allow gameboys. you CAN use it for education, but it is just a toy.

and on jimmythej: well, thats ok. people think its so immature because its TANGABLE. you can see it, touch it, its there. but, what if someone was addicted to teletubbys? you wouldnt see that, but it would be so much worse then having a tamagotchi. if they knew. so dont worry about it!

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