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Well-known member
Jun 17, 2008
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California, USA
It's been a while since I was here. I've been into Tamagotchis since I was nine years old, and even though I'm not as obsessed with it as I was then, I keep coming back to Tamagotchi. It's nice to have a little friend I can just slip into my pocket.

Anyway, I'm Fida and I have a LOT of Tamagotchi. Seriously. Between us, my little sister and I have 19 Tamagotchi. Some of the ones I run are mine and some are hers, we don't really claim ownership of any of them. A lot of them are out of battery, though. Sitting on my bookshelf now I have 5 V3s, 1 V2, 1 V5, and a knockoff German version (didn't know it was fake when I bought it, and it doesn't pause, so I don't run it anyway). Buying batteries for 19 Tamagotchis gets expensive.

Let's see...it's raining and I have nothing else to do today, so who should I start up? I just grabbed all the ones sitting on my desk, so let's see who I have here.

I have a V2, the yellow one with butterflies. My first Tamagotchi :) It has a sixth-generation boy named Nick. He is four years old and a Marumimitchi. :marumimitchi: I'm going to keep him running as is.

The V3 I am running is blue and sort of has an ocean design on it. It is a first-generation boy, an Obotchi, and his name is Brett. I reset him and the new egg hatched into a girl. I named her Rayne because it's raining outside. Original, I know.

The V4 is translucent white. It's a nine-year-old, fourth generation girl named Chica. She is Pyonkotchi. The reason for this is because at one point I was running nearly all of my Tamagotchis. (Yes, really! My sister took care of some, but still.) Naturally I didn't have lots of time to raise skill points so she is at 0/0/0. And 70 lbs. Oops. OK, I looked up the matchmaker times, and one of them is 10:30 AM. It's almost 9:00 AM here, so I'll just wait until she comes and post more then.

My V4.5 is the Red Snakeskin design. It has a first-generation teen on it. I don't know the teen's name and since it is first generation I'm just going to reset it anyway. I just reset it and set the time, my birthday, and username. It hatched into a boy! Good, now I can mate him with Rayne when they are older. I named him Bobby.

The V6/Music Star is purple and black with stars on it. It's a five-year-old girl, Zoe. She's a Memetchi. Stress is at 41. Skill points are at 160/174/224. She is first generation and her band is named Licious. I don't know why. I am going to look up matchmaker information for her. She is probably old enough to mate.

Last but not least, my V7/Tama-Go is running. It's green with Mametchi. He's a two-year-old, fourth-generation boy. He is a Kilalatchi. Bonding is one half-shaded heart because I accidentally left him unpaused all day once (fortunately he didn't die).

So I'm running every version except for V1 and V5. Oh and I have a Tamagotchi Angel (US version) as well, but I'm not sure if I want to start running it right now. I might slip a battery into my V5 later though. I don't own a V1 so that's not coming. Expect another update later today, when the babies morph and the matchmaker has come!

~Fida, Nick, Rayne, Chica, Bobby, Zoe, and Kilalatchi

Been reading some other logs while I wait. Turns out 19 isn't actually that many Tamagotchi...wow. Some people are really dedicated collectors!! I like Tamas, but if I got another it would be an older version. Perhaps a Mini/Chibi.

Anyway, I have pictures this time. Apologies for the blurriness, but I took these with my cell phone camera.

Here's my V2, with Nick.


The V3, with Rayne. She is now Mizutamatchi. She has two training bars at this point.


The V4, with Chica. The matchmaker did come for her, and she mated with a Gozarutchi. She has a baby girl now, but I'm not sure what I'm going to name her yet. By the way I went through her history and in it is a Pyontitchi, a Memetchi, and another Pyontitchi. I can't remember if #1 on the list means first generation, or most recently departed. I guess I'll find out when Chica leaves, though.


The V4.5, with Bobby. He is Tamatchi, and he has two training bars. I didn't get the toddlers I wanted (Kuchitamatchi is probably my favorite toddler), but there's always next time, right? He has also been accepted into preschool.

Also, I realized that I was wrong and this is NOT Red Snakeskin design. I don't know what design it is, but it definitely looks cool.


Here's the Music Star, with Zoe. Her toy is the bunny and her instrument is the microphone. The king came by twice to give her food (yay! Much appreciated, my biggest problem with the Music Star is having to constantly buy food.), but there was no matchmaker visit. Oh well.

It should be noted that I run the Music Star far less than I run the other Tamas. So don't expect frequent updates on this one.


Last but not least, my Tama-Go, with Kilalatchi. By the way, he has two training bars, and friendship is still at a lightly-shaded heart.


I need to stop looking at Tamagotchi on eBay. I don't have much spending money and so all I'm doing is making myself want so many Tamas! Ha.

~Fida, Nick, Rayne, Chica & baby girl, Bobby, Zoe, and Kilalatchi

EDIT: Oops! Fixed the large images.

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I tried to post yesterday and then my Internet failed. Grr. Let's try this again. No pictures today, but there will be some tomorrow.

Nick is five years old and doing just fine. He went out to eat with my family the other night, and I think he enjoyed it. I was only able to take him as he is the least needy of my Tamas right now, but that's fine by me since I wasn't wearing clothes with large pockets anyway.

Early this morning, Rayne morphed into Obotchi...sigh. This is my least favorite teenager. Oh well, it's only for a few days. Training is at five bars.

Chica left her baby last night. I named the baby O'Hara, minus the apostrophe, of course. (I have a kitten, and at the pet store, they called her O'Hara. We've since renamed her, since cats don't care what they're called anyway.) After an hour, she became Mohitamatchi.

Bobby morphed early this morning as well, though I messed with the time so he'd wake up before I had to leave for school. He is Ura-Young Mametchi. He is now in regular school, with Mr. Canvas as his teacher. This teacher gives you the third skill, which I don't remember the name of right now.

Yesterday, Zoe turned six, and she got married. I don't know the name of the character she married, though. They had a baby girl! I haven't decided on a name for her yet. She has been performing in lots of concerts since she had a baby! In TWO DAYS her band has gone from rank 999 to 97, and they now have 16,657,497 fans! Wow! I never really understood how to get either of those up, but now I realize it's via concerts. Her skills are at 462/440/580 now, yay.

Kilalatchi morphed yesterday. He is now a Gozarutchi! I think this is a horrible-care character if I remember correctly, but there was one day when he was alone for about six hours because I forgot to pause him. :( Poor guy. He is still two years old, and there is no date place option available. Friendship is one fully-shaded heart (need to figure out how to increase it).

~Fida, Nick, Rayne, O'Hara, Bobby, Zoe & partner & baby girl, and Gozarutchi

The other day I read a topic on TamaTalk concerning Angels, and I got that urge to restart my Angel. And so I did. :) If you do not know much about Angels I suggest this page, so you can understand what I'm talking about.

I have the US version (Tamagotchi Angel as opposed to Angelgotchi), so the opening screen shows a ship rather than a graveyard. This is essentially the 'egg' stage for Angel. (I apologize for the less-than-perfect quality of these pictures. Holding Angel up was the only way to get a decent photo, as it was dark out and I had my light on.)


After five minutes, it 'hatched' into Obaketchi 2, the baby. (Obaketchi 1 is the Japanese 'egg' screen.) Angel stayed this way for a total of one hour and twenty minutes, being needy as all baby Tamas are. After that time, it changed into Maru-ten, the child. Maru-ten went straight to bed, as it was nearly 10 PM, so I wasn't able to get an awake picture. I will get one tomorrow though.


Since Angel is a '90s Tama, it ages every time it goes to sleep and wakes up. To keep the age accurate, I do not change the clock after pausing Angel - thus the time is messed up a little. Angel is one now, because of the nap it took as a baby. AP is at 21 last I checked. I am going for Ginjirotenshi, the second-healthiest adult. This means I need to get Kodoten, the 'good' teen, and then neglect. So we'll see how that goes.

Nick is six, so there's not long left before he can mate.

Rayne is two today. Here's a picture of her (accidentally rotated sideways - oops!)


O'Hara is still 0 years old, though she might age while she's asleep tonight. She's been accepted into preschool, and she called for discipline once today. Here's her picture.


Bobby is two years old. He has five training bars, just like Rayne. Here's a picture.


I expected the parents on the Music Star to leave last night, but they didn't. I think they will leave tonight though. Zoe is seven years old today, so they should. Her final skill points are 510/476/622. This is their picture.


Gozarutchi is three years old today. I don't remember when the Date Place becomes available but I hope it's tomorrow. Here's his picture.


Still looking at Tamas on eBay pretty frequently. Debating whether it's worth it to spend $30 on a P1 or P2. I want to get one of each, but they're either overpriced or in huge lots with other pets I don't want. Oh and my little sister is trying to convince me that we need a Furby or two. I haven't had one of those since I was six, and then I was terrified of it so I'm not sure.

~Fida, Maru-ten, Nick, Rayne, O'Haram, Bobby, Zoe & partner & baby girl, and Gozarutchi

Something in the filter is being mean and not letting me post pictures today...I will try to have some up tomorrow.

Angel is 2 years old. Since I've never gotten anything but the top character on Angel (it's really hard to get bad characters with Angels), I decided that this time I'll only take average care. If I get Kodo-ten (the good teen) I'll neglect it, and if I get Tako-ten (the bad teen) then I'll continue on with the average care. AP is at 15 (I filled it when she was a baby, before I remembered how hard it is to get a bad character), and the Deeds meter is at 25%, which she got when she 'hatched.'

Nick is seven, and today he got married. He has a baby girl now. I plan on naming her Sara.

Rayne is three years old and will morph tomorrow or the next day. Training is at six bars, and she weighs a whopping 84 lbs. I am not good at remembering to get weight down at all!

O'Hara morphed into Young Dorotchi. She is 1 year old, and she was accepted into school today. She chose Ms. Flower.

Bobby is three and has six training bars. Hoping he will morph tomorrow.

Zoe and her partner left on the night of the 12th. I named their baby Carrie. She became a Hitodetchi not much later - I really like this character, so cute :)

Her toy is the dollhouse and her instrument is the violin. Her skills are at 149/159/167 and stress is at 7. Nice and low. I particularly like the way she looks when she gets happy.

Gozarutchi is five and still cannot get married. I hope six is old enough, I'm eager to start the next generation. There are still lots of characters I haven't gotten!

~Fida, Maru-ten, Nick & Sara, Rayne, O'Hara, Bobby, Carrie, and Gozarutchi

I fell behind on my updating due to homework...ugh. Tonight's update will be longer, to make up for lost time.

Angel is three (didn't play with her a lot the last couple of days), and upon waking she immediately became Kodo-ten, the good teen. So now I'm really neglecting her, in hopes of getting Ginjirotenshi. AP is at 0, and the Deeds meter is at 25%. She did good deeds twice as a Maru-ten (both of which I ignored), and took two walks. Here's some pictures. First is Maru-ten, then Maru-ten asking to be praised, and then Kodo-ten. Sorry about the glare.


Nick left Sara recently. She became Kuribotchi and, this morning, Ringotchi. I get Ringotchi a lot on this Tama it seems. I didn't get a picture of Ringotchi yet, but here's Kuribotchi.


Rayne became Pyonkotchi, and she is five years old with a total of seven training bars. She married Bobby today, and they had two baby boys! I will name hers Kenta. It's a Japanese name that means 'healthy and stout.' This picture doesn't include Kenta, but it's good enough for now.


O'Hara is Pyonkotchi as well. The funny thing is that she goes to bed an hour later than Rayne, despite them being the same character! Hee. She is three, so it will be a while before she meets the matchmaker. Sorry, no picture of her.

Bobby is five, and a Matsuritchi. He married Rayne today, and I will name his baby Taiki. It is also a Japanese name, this time meaning 'large radiance.' I haven't gotten a picture of them yet.

Carrie is one I do have pictures of! She became Chamametchi:


Now she's two, and a Chantotchi! Yea! Her skills are at 349/332/306, and she's in a band, the Geeks. (Get it? Band Geeks :p ) They have performed in two concerts already. Here's two pictures: one of her, and one of her practicing. She is really cute when she gets happy, so I hope to get a picture of that soon too!


Gozarutchi got married when he turned six. He married a Pipotchi. Today he is eight, and they still haven't had their baby yet. I think it will be tomorrow, though. I don't have a picture, but I remodeled their home. It was the jail cell before, because when I bought it I thought it was a barn or something.

Until next time!

~Fida, Kodo-ten, Sara, Rayne & Kenta, O'Hara, Bobby & Taiki, Carrie, Gozarutchi & Pipotchi

I keep putting off doing updates until they are mammoth updates. Not sure if that's good or not. Oh and just for fun this time I figured out when each went to sleep, and when they woke up. Some of the waking-up times may not be exact, because I'm not really a morning person ;)

Remember when I said that I don't play with my Music Star much? Well, it's more Angel that I don't play with very much. Because she is still in the Kodo-ten stage. Mostly because I'm treating her so badly that I need to keep an eye on her, because her beep is much quieter than the others'. She has about 12 hours left to go in the teen stage, but most of that is spent sleeping so she'll be morphing tomorrow probably. She's asked for praise only once so far, and she's been on two walks. When I call her back she comes back lifting weights. Very cute. She goes to bed at 8 PM and gets up at 8 AM.

Sara is still Ringotchi, as I've not played with her very much lately. I found a toy bear in the items slot, so I gave it to her to play with. When she sleeps it is in the top left-hand corner of the screen, a nice touch. She goes to sleep at 8 PM (I can't get used to that...don't most teen characters go to sleep at 9 PM? Weird) and gets up at 9 AM.


Rayne left Kenta alone, so now I'm raising him. He is a Tamatchi. He goes to sleep at 8 PM, and wakes up at 9 AM I think. This picture is when she was rolling back and forth at the bottom of the screen.


O'Hara still has a few more days to go until she can get married via matchmaker. She is five years old now. She goes to sleep at 10 PM and gets up at I think 9 AM. I have her clock set an hour ahead so I don't really remember. (I like my Tamas in bed by 9 PM, gives me time to relax before I go to bed.)

I never got a final photo of Bobby, as I was planning on him to leave one day later than he did. :( He left Taiki just recently, and his son is a Tamatchi...just like his brother :) He has been accepted into preschool, he is not a great student though...he doesn't dance correctly most of the time. Oh well, I'll take what I can get. He goes to sleep at 8 PM, and wakes up at about 9 AM.


Carrie's still the same as she was in my last update...haven't been playing with her very much recently. See, I never really figured out the whole band thing, but I am going to try and do that in time for the next generation. Her skill points are 427/416/402. She practices a lot because when I see her doing it, sometimes I praise her. She's just hanging out, waiting for the matchmaker to pay her a visit. She goes to bed at 9 PM and wakes up at 7 AM (ugh!).

Here's Gozarutchi, Pipotchi, and their baby girl:


The new background is the columns style.

Last night they left their baby, and she is now a Belltchi, even though I neglected her pretty badly in the baby stage. Oh well. I will just see what I get, I guess. She goes to sleep at 8 PM, but I haven't had a chance to see when she wakes up. I am guessing 8 AM.

~Fida, Kodo-ten, Sara, Kenta, O'Hara, Taiki, Carrie, and Belltchi

I went to my local Target the other day, and I was hoping to pick up a Tama-Go figure while I was there, hopefully Chamametchi. I found out that they don't stock Tamagotchi anymore :( Oh well, my birthday is next month, so maybe I will get a figure. I hope so.

Angel morphed into Kuriten on the 24th. I decided I didn't want Kuriten again, because she changes into the secret character every time I have her, and I am so tired of getting that character. I hit the reset button, and as of right now I'm not actively running Angel. I will likely start it up again sometime soon, but not right now.

Sara is four today, and she morphed into Mametchi! I do love Mametchi. She will marry Kenta probably, so I might end up pausing her for a day or two so he can catch up.


I found a throne in the Items slot. I have a lot of rare items in there :) So here is Sara on her throne.


Kenta is one, and as far as I remember his character is called Hashitamatchi.


O'Hara is technically old enough to marry, but I'm going to give it one more day before she does.

Taiki is one year old, and today he became Ura-Young Mametchi. He has become exactly the same character in every stage as his father so far. He was accepted into school, and chose Mr. Turtle as his teacher.


Carrie is five today, and recently I found an item generator for the Music Star. I am not a big fan of the characters you get from the Destiny Stars, so it seemed pointless to spend lots of effort getting the stars on Music City. But I want to complete the character list on Music City. So, behold, Dazzilitchi and her band:


She is five now. I think she will marry tomorrow.

Belltchi morphed into Shelltchi yesterday. She is one, though her health meter says zero years (I had to change her batteries, which led to the time getting set back a few hours and me having to fix it). I don't know why the bunny is still in her house when Easter is over, but it doesn't really matter.


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I reset my Angel just now. I set the time and turned the sound off, and now it's alone because I decided I'm going to get Oyajitenshi. That's the most unhealthy character. The way I'm going to get him is with the Unchi-Kun method, which involves setting the time, turning the sound off, and paying absolutely no attention to the Angel. You don't even pick it up because Angel has a motion sensor. But I have never gotten Unchi-Kun, and instead of trying for him this time, I will just wait until he becomes Oyajitenshi, and then I will play with him. There is the chance I might get Debirutchi, but that's okay; like I said, I've never had any adults but Kuriten and the twins. I will still give reports on how Angel is doing, but there will be no pictures as it's too easy to accidentally move Angel when taking a picture. Right now I have Maru-ten, peacefully asleep on a cloud. She was hatched about noon today.

Sara is five, and as I was writing this her battery died. Sigh. Tomorrow I will try to find batteries.

Kenta is three today. I was expecting him to morph when he got up, but it's almost 9 PM here and he hasn't changed yet. So he will change tomorrow probably.

O'Hara got married the other day. She has a baby boy now, and is due to leave tonight. I heard about something you can do with your Tama, where you name the first generation baby with an A name and progress down to Z. I don't want to reset however, so I am going to just start with the next generation. His name will be Aaron. He is generation six, by the way. O'Hara will leave him tonight, I think.


Taiki morphed today, into Ura-Mametchi! He's so goofy-looking and sweet :) I was happy to get him. I was kind of aiming to get him, but there's no specific method to get a character like him, really, not like on the Tama-Go or Angel. Anyway, he will be marrying Sara, most likely.


Carrie got married today, at age seven. I don't know the name of the character she married, but they had a baby boy! I'm happy for that, because I've never had a boy on the Music Star before. I will name him Stellan, I think. I also have a Boy's Destiny Star in addition to the girl's one I had (remember, I used an item generator :p ) so I will probably use that on him when he grows up. Before Carrie leaves I will need to look at the characters I could get so I can decide how to treat him...it's exciting to have new characters available! I am still working on figuring out the whole band thing, so I hope to have that up and running by the time Stellan is a toddler!


Shelltchi morphed into Marotchi. I have had Marotchi on this Tama before, so I wasn't all that thrilled, but it's okay. I'll just try to take better care next time. I am really bad at getting them on the toilet in time as I get wrapped up in what I'm doing, so I think that's affecting the character I get. Marotchi's age reads 3, but I have messed with the clock so she's probably 4 or 5. The Date Place is not available yet.


(Yes, I took this with the background off on purpose. I couldn't get a good shot with it on and I was impatient.)

~Fida, Maru-ten, Sara w/dead battery, Kenta, O'Hara & Aaron, Taiki, Carrie & partner & Stellan, and Marotchi

Today was a pretty good day, Tama-wise.

Shortly before changing into Tako-ten, Angel got sick and remained that way through teenhood. In case you don't know, if you start an Angel and don't play with it at all, it won't ask for praise at all, and it will get sick - because that's the method to Lucky Unchi-Kun. When I got home today, I had a sick Oyajitenshi on my Angel. I had to give him tons of medicine, somewhere upwards of five doses I'm pretty sure. Anyway, he is alive and healthy and we are spending lots of time together! I'm treating him very well to make up for the neglect he went through. He is three years old now, and because he is a bad character he won't live very long...but that's okay! He's sweet all the same.


I still need to buy batteries for Sara.

Kenta changed today! I was getting worried when he turned four yesterday and did not change, but today he did! He became Mimitchi! When I get batteries for Sara I will marry them. Mimitchi and Mametchi - how perfect!


Aaron was left alone the night before last. He is a Mohitamatchi, and he loves preschool.


Taiki is four, not old enough for the matchmaker yet.

Carrie still hasn't left Stellan. I hope she leaves tonight.

Marotchi's age is five on the status and still no date place. Oh well, tomorrow probably.

~Fida, Oyajitenshi, Sara w/dead battery, Kenta, Aaron, Taiki, Carrie & partner & Stellan, and Marotchi

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