Tama's wont send presents to eachother?


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Well-known member
Apr 27, 2006
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I have a V2 and V4 tama, they interact by playing games, but when I wrap a present on each and hit send (connect), nothing happens, it's never sent. What am I doing wrong?

V2 doesn't have the present function.
Sure it does, I see it right here and in the instructions.

There is room for items, as I can still buy items.

Mabye the items im sending arent available on the other version of each, thus, making them not compatable to send?

There are new items in the v4 so it will not send presents.If your trying to send an item that is NOT in v2, then im sure it will not send it.

A pointer to note: No matter what, whether the pressies are compatible or not, the present will NEVER ever be sent between 2 versions. However, you can get unexpected things. I had v3 & v4, and when they did presents, whether I wrapped something or not, the tama would occasionally send one of these:

a) pot plant

:D ball (like the one you see in heading)

c) spade

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