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I'm a boy!!


Hey, did anyone notice that at the Tama-Go Giveaways they only show pictures of them giving them to girls?

I live in NZ, and they are in The Boys and Girls toy section.

Tamagotchis have gotten WAY too feminized. The shell designs, especially for the vintage Tamagotchis, were neutral and they weren't separated into a "girls" section at toy stores. Kudos to all the boys going out there and getting what they want!

^^ Amen!! I am a 14-year old girl, and even I'm embarrassed a bit my having to go into the My Little Pony section of the Warehouse!! It doesn't matter though- and everyone at my school that I know says I'm too old to be playing with them, I say, it's not childish to have a real pet,is it? So Tamagotchis aren't either, and leave them to think about it. (Usually to the library, o play with my tamas or come on TT).

Well, let's look at it like this: Bandai made Tamas back in the 90's (Early, I think) and then they made Digimon v-pets. They marketed digimon as a tamagotchi for boys. It's just like Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. Some boys read Nancy Drew, and some girl like to read Hardy boys. It all depends on what you prefer. Bandai just didn't think boys would wanna raise cute little aliens. :)

I'm a 13 yr old boy who Is thinking of collect one of every tamagotchi that has a reasonable price tag!

why does bandai keep on saying tamas are good for girls?And when I go to buy one they are in the girl section.

does anyone know why they are directed at girls?

because I know boys play them aswell.

YA BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: B) ;)

i agree and im now in high school i walked home i heard the following " omg he has a tamagotchi nerd" "he has a tamagotchi" *laugh* *oh my god he has a tamagotchi there for GIRLS"

etc *and a bit of swearing insults too*

toys r us just has them in an electronics section i agree with old school tama and also they have girled up the packaging and everything but i got rid of a load a few years ago cos i hadnt had a battery for them i could never find em and they were non tama town connectable ones anyway and i got rid of ver 3 i had it for years i kept a v4 i got a new v1 and i have 2 v6s and a hexagontchi

ps im 11 years old in high school

why does bandai keep on saying tamas are good for girls?

And when I go to buy one they are in the girl section.

does anyone know why they are directed at girls?

because I know boys play them aswell.

I guess the best reason (or excuse) I could make up is the whole stereotypical idea of "girls play with dolls", as in they like to take care of things (or whatever), whereas the boy stereotype is like "boys like fighting", etc. (I personally don't agree with these ideas, but I assume these could be reasons for this whole thing to evolve this way).

Apparently, just after the first Tamagotchi came out they created the Digimon Tamagotchi targeted for boys.

But it's weird because I do remember when the first Tamagotchis came out EVERYONE had them. All the boys and girls at school played with them. It was 'the thing'. haha.

I guess I do sometimes notice the recent Tamagotchi Connection versions having "girly" and "boyish" designs.

I wonder the statistics of boys/girls (and their ages/locations) who play Tamagotchis. I think there's a lot more than just "little girls" who play with Tamagotchis. Hahah. :)

Anyways, you have an interesting question here.

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