TamaTalk history.


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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
I don't know too much about TamaTalk. How do you think it happened?

1. Did TamaTalk start off from an invision free site?

2. Who thought of the idea to make TamaTalk and why?

3. How did it get so popular?

NOTE: For those who don't know, try guessing. For those who do, please tell the entireTamaTalk community! :D :furawatchi:

All I know is there used to be a warn system instead of karma. I dont know anything, and look at the date I joined! Ha. :D

Hmm, nice idea.Ill try and answer those questions :3

1.It probably started out as an ordinary forum about tamagotchis.It didnt have so much decorations and alll, and wasnt as pretty and unique as today.But still, it started from there and jumped up to a great, tamagotchi forum that is today!

2.The admin did :3 And why....Well, thats up to them.They wanted the responsibility to make a site and direct it.Im glad they thought of it though, I made so much awesome friends here and had cool conversations like this!

3.Hmm, maybe cuz slowly by slowly it got better and better, more and more people came.Once more people came, eventually tamagotchis official site put it on their top tamagotchi sites list, why so many members are coming today.

Hmm, nice idea.Ill try and answer those questions :31.It probably started out as an ordinary forum about tamagotchis.It didnt have so much decorations and alll, and wasnt as pretty and unique as today.But still, it started from there and jumped up to a great, tamagotchi forum that is today!

2.The admin did :3 And why....Well, thats up to them.They wanted the responsibility to make a site and direct it.Im glad they thought of it though, I made so much awesome friends here and had cool conversations like this!

3.Hmm, maybe cuz slowly by slowly it got better and better, more and more people came.Once more people came, eventually tamagotchis official site put it on their top tamagotchi sites list, why so many members are coming today.
Nice idea! :furawatchi:

My sister and I were here for a while.

1. Did TamaTalk start off from an invision free site? No, it did not. It started off as a regular small forum domain.

2. Who thought of the idea to make TamaTalk and why? Probuly Admin did, because he loves Tamagotchis!

3. How did it get so popular? So many people like them, and especially because it was a big faze in highschools and elementary schools. Who wouldn't? :furawatchi:

I don't know too much about TamaTalk. How do you think it happened?
1. Did TamaTalk start off from an invision free site?

2. Who thought of the idea to make TamaTalk and why?

3. How did it get so popular?

NOTE: For those who don't know, try guessing. For those who do, please tell the entireTamaTalk community! :D B)
1: No. Period. It was a small server bought

2: Admin, without him we wouldn't even be talking XD

3: Tamagotchis were a big 1997 fad I guess

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