TamaTalk is experiencing growing pains!


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I am happy to hear that! but there is one more problum the avatars they dont work

To answer some questions:

If people donate more would that help? Sorry if i sound n00bish!
Yes, donating will help TamaTalk. More...

TamaTalk isn`t letting me into TamaChat!
TamaChat! has been closed for a while. No-one is quote sure when the chat will be back. With the server change, it has screwed up chat. We all hope it will return ASAP. :p I am sure Admin is doing all he/she can. :lol:

Any other questions? :ichigotchi:

Well I am glad it is okay now I joined lastwekk and I love it. I am at another forum where it keeps shuttign down, someone keeps attacking it I hope it is up soon. Well yea so I understand how it feels like not to be able to go to you favorite forum=)

I dont mind that that happened now just as long as we can get on now!

Besides if we need 2 upgrade then we should!I think tamatalk rocks Admin and im very happy 2 b part of it!These things happen after little tweaks have benn made and if it makes tamatalk better then it doesnt matter.It was only 4 1 night anyway.

All my complements 2 the Admin 4 this wonderful site and more 4 him and the tamaguides 4 keeping tamatalk gr8 and spam free!

Keep up the good work everybody.


I dont mind that that happened now just as long as we can get on now!Besides if we need 2 upgrade then we should!I think tamatalk rocks Admin and im very happy 2 b part of it!These things happen after little tweaks have benn made and if it makes tamatalk better then it doesnt matter.It was only 4 1 night anyway.

All my complements 2 the Admin 4 this wonderful site and more 4 him and the tamaguides 4 keeping tamatalk gr8 and spam free!

Keep up the good work everybody.

Yes, I agree, Admin is very dedicated to to TamaTalk, and does a wonderful job.

And thanks, I am glad us TamaGuides are enhancing your time here! :marumimitchi:

As for TamaChat, I believe that it is still having issues. :mametchi:

i don't mind if tamachat won't be working for a few weeks! i just want tamatalk to not have problems!

Yeah Tamatalk is a massive website community. The admin is doing a superb job here, full credit to him/her (<<---sorry)

Im sure he/she is very grateful of all of you who have show/n/ed any sign of appreciation. Even if you havent donated. So again, Thanks Admin, and just letting you know, many people recognise your efforts and time, not to mention money, you have put into this Site!

Well done!!


Way to go, Admin!!! i do wish that the chat could be open for the following reasons:

1. I get to talk to my friends and TamaTalk friends

2. It makes my weekends brighter, happier, better, blah blah blah

3. It is fun

4. I get quick advice for my tama

5. You get to meet people from around the world! <_<

Please help the chat---my weekends are dreadful---even without school!!! That's pretty bad...

I would lose an addiction if that happened to tamatalk.(yes I'm addicted)Let's try to keep to the positives though... <_<

Don't think chat is a good idea right now... We are in the middle bracket of costs right now and I want to see how much better it is before testing things with the chat... Moving up to the top bracket (and higher cost of $200 per month) would let us add in chat easily... But I have no idea how I could afford that much money. Unfortunately, I can't say when chat will be back... <_< I know it stinks because it is a very popular destination on weekends... Wish I had better news.
[SIZE=14pt]So thats why the chat is closed.[/SIZE]

Hello again TamaTalkers!I wanted to write everyone to let you know some of what has been going on here behind the scenes... We made the move to a new server setup in hopes of getting some much needed elbow room to grow and expand the site. We now have that space. Unfortunately, we are also growing so much that the current server setups aren't able to handle the load anymore. We have always been working with L2 Ventures to stay online. The costs of staying online continue to grow. The monthly cost of a server to host this site is now having to be bumped up to $100 each month... They are telling us that the load might need a bump up even further to a stronger dedicated server (which usually start out costing about $200 each month). Pretty high if you ask me but we don't have a choice. We have been experimenting with more advertising to help offset some costs. We might need to do even more. I am thinking of adding a banner advertisement spot at the top of the screen (to the right of the TamaTalk logo) which people/companies can "rent" out and help sponsor us and keep costs down. I hate advertising as much as the next web surfer... But that's the only way we can stay free for everyone. This will be worked out soon... Hope everyone udnerstands!

Related to all this growth related problems... TamaChat is currently closed for repairs. The chat system did not survive the move to our new server. I have been trying to get things working again but have hit a number of frustrating walls. To add on to the problems, the growth of the site is also leading to much slowness overall as our database is trying to cope. The chat system adds to the database load a great deal. So until the database slowness can be resolved, chat will remain closed. I am hoping this will not last too long...

Thanks everyone for your patience and understanding through our growing pains...

[SIZE=30pt]Oh no, I see. [/SIZE] :) ;) I hope the tamachat will be open soon. ;) . .

~ *~

Great choice admin!

It is probuly hard to pay all that money, just to keep us happy!

Thank-you, we all thank-you and wish you luck.

Loyal helper, Relaurax

You are spamming!!! Did you realise that? This is not a time to chat, Admin said.

I hope this site gets better soon Admin, TamaTalk is the best! I gotta suggestion about the chatroom thing, well, ppl could use pms to chat aswell! Maybe?

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