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Well-known member
Jul 29, 2005
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How did you find out about Tamatalk? I found out by typing in "Tamas" and that was when Tamatalk popped up! :puroperatchi:

I'm happy I found this website! Yay!

How did you find out about Tamatalk? I found out by typing in "Tamas" and that was when Tamatalk popped up! :puroperatchi:
I'm happy I found this website! Yay!
If I am remembering correctly, I searched fror Tamagotchi Codes, and TamaTalk came up...




i just went to tamagotchiconnection.com to fan sites and tamatalk. simple huh? :puroperatchi:

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i just went to tamagotchiconnection.com to fan sites and tamatalk. simple huh? :puroperatchi:
That's how I got to TamaTalk too! I needed help with my tamagotchi v2, so I looked at fansites, and there was TamaTalk! :)

my friend told me about it in school..........i joined a week before her though....o_O

The first time was tamagotchi.com and I didn't pay much attention to it. The second time was googling 'Tamagotchi Codes' and then I decided to join.

I found this site by typing in Tamagotchis on Google.

I saw this site several times and didn't know if I wanted to join yet.

I would have been an earlier member if I did join when I first saw it.

Then I finally joined!

How did you find out about Tamatalk? I found out by typing in "Tamas" and that was when Tamatalk popped up! :puroperatchi:
I'm happy I found this website! Yay!
Same here! I was doing a search on tamagotchis and tama talk popped up! From then I wanted to join. Now I did yey for me!

[SIZE=22pt] Lol. I knew about tamatalk in February/March (2005) when I searched for tamagotchis. But I thought it was one of those small websites, so I was like [/SIZE] :kuribotchi: and then in April, mimitchilover in school told me and I went back to it, and I joined! April 20....lol

:) tamagirl777

What? That's odd. She knew about the site before you, and joined after you joined? :lol:  


You'll find there are a lot of lurkers on TamaTalk. People who read the forums but never actually join... some people join just to get rid of the suitable irritating little pop up! :lol:

Bell Sprout - yeah, that was part of the reason I joined. That thing followed me everywhere!

I was googling "Tamagotchi growth care tips" because I wanted to be the best owner possible. This is also how I found Mimitchi.com/Tamagotchi Planet/Mystic Fortress. But I clicked on TamaTalk because there were bunches of results with tamatalk.com in the address. That's when the popup started following me. After I got where I wanted to go, I wanted to look around TamaTalk and see what there was. But it wasn't letting me go ANYWHERE! So I thought, "Ah, what the heck. I'll just join." And voila...here I am. :wacko:

Probably not one of the most exciting ways to discoever tamatalk but i found it by googling and looking for tamagotchi tips and tricks and it brought me to tamtalk. I actually discovered tamatalk in like January or Febuary and looked around on it everyday and finally in summer vacation my mom finally let me join! I was so excited that first week i had 300 posts in the first week! :furawatchi: -RR

i found mine the same way as Darkcore.i was looking for tamagotchi codes and it came up, and i decided to join since it seemed really cool and decorative. then i dcided to try to get on as much as possibly since i made my first friend half an hour later, though that was the only day she came on..

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