Tamatamatamago! A log.


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Jun 21, 2012
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Hi this is yummigotchi!!! I got a tamago two weeks and two days ago, and am now starting a log for my kikitchi, nicknamed Kiki though obviously that is more of a girly name... I have a white kuchipatchi tamago.

An overview.

I got my tama, had a girl baby, then hoshitchi, and paused it for a looooong plane ride. I thought I still had it paused when I reacher my destination but apparently I unpaused it where I am staying because it was a marotchi (I think, the one with squinty eyes and a weird loopy on her head?). Then I restarted, and had a boy. He evolved into mattaritchi then kilalatchi and this morning, I woke up late to a kikitchi!

Kikitchi will be in orange, and other stuff black.

im on an iPad so this coding is a test.

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Hello! This is Kikitchi here. I have no idea why Yummigotchi chose such a dumb name for this log, but I can assure you it won't be dumb! Today, I went to the store, and found a new house remodeling. So I took it! Thgen yummi kept feeding me snacks...this part is embarassing, but I gotreallyfatthenpoopedsomeofmyweightout. There, I said it. Then we played a lot of games, but I'm still 60 pounds... we're working on it!

I took really good care of my kilalatchi, and was hoping for kuromametchi. But kikitchi is also cute! I also have a v2 tama, but I haven't unpaused it for days. If I do decide to unpause it, it will be in blue. It currently is a memetchi with a girl baby.

Fun fact: I also have a tamagotchi 2 back at home! I dunno what else to call it... help?

I probably will not post everyday, but on my on days I will prrobably post several times. Well, off to play with kikitchi.

Yayyy! I love long jump. Can we play long jump? And at the park, I think Violetchi keeps showing up because she likes me... but I don't really like her back! Actually, I like chamametchi.....................

So, an update, we-

We went to play long jump and I won! I call it long jump because long jumper sounds funny! Oh well! We went to thepark, and I met uwasatchi and we went on the swings! And I made a sand castle with necktietchi! Then, I couldn't find anyone to play with, but that's when mametchi came! (I think yummmigotchi is in love with mametchi)

I am not! I was just hoping to get kuro/memetchi because they are good care characters!

Yadda yadda. Obviously, full friendship, training, hungry and happy bars and weighing 21 pounds isn't enough!

*sniff* I was consistent too... why am i stuck with this guy?!?!?!

Yummi! Feed me, I'm hungry now!

*sniff* you're getting spoiled...



So... I went out to eat... And I forgot Kiki at home!!!

dont call me that

He is grumpy because of it... Lost weight by long jumper. Went to park, met mametchi and shimasomethingtchi. The cat tub thing is what i think of him as. 43pounds now!!!! Short post because iPad is ridiculously hard to type on.

Hmm I'm going to start dating my posts. I'm in Asia, but I live in the us so if you're reading this from another country, the dates might be a little funny and totally out of whack when I get home... I hate coding color on the iPad so I'll just go

Kikitchi:I went to sleep hungry last night... I only had three hearts full! Yummi turned my lights of at 8:57.

I thought you were sleeping...?

Kikitchi: oh-okay I was supposed to sleep but since my lights weren't off immediately I woke up and was wondering where yummi was... Moving on. We went to the park, we met nonopotchi, kuromametchi, and that cat tub again! Nono and I made a sand castle, but while kuro and I were playing, he destroyed it! But when I explained that I helped make it, he understood and remade it with me. I am 28 lbs now, I'm almost at base weight! We played some long jump.

Yup! I paused Kiki

Kiki: AHEM

Kikitchi overnight and so he is still three... But no worries! Well, gtg.

Kikitchi (unenthusiastically (did I spell that right? Of course not)): bye


Edit I said I was going to date my posts... Today is 6/25, 6/24 kikitchi went to sleep 8:27 and was paused.

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Nothing happened... On the 25th I forgot to pause kikitchi and he nearly died. Oops. Today I left him at home but only a couple of hours. So friendship not quite full yet... Well kikitchi should be able to marry on the morrow...

Kikitchi: chamametchi... Sigh...

Sooooooooooo sorry for the long break...

I unpaused my v2 tama, the Memetchi with the baby. So Memetchi left her girl, and I named the girl different dfrnt for short. Memetchi was boopy. She evolved into the star thing. I made her all fat for bump, but she never won... Then her battery ran out!!!!!! It was used though.

On my tamago, kikitchi married makiko, after turning down violetchi (apparently she WAS flirting with him) then lovelitchi. They had a girl baby, who is now belltchi, who is on pause. She weighs 11 lbs, full hearts, and 11 training. Signing out, yummigotchi.


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