Tamatown's Town of Tamas (2nd Try)


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Stopped running my Music Star due to bad character problems.



My Tama-Go is a Bellitchi now! Yay! It's playing in the park with Grippatchi..


If you wanted to see how it was when it was a baby, here it is. Her name is Kiki.


Then, she went to a special dinner. Out of the Menu, she picked 'Shark Fin,'

"Mmm...it must be tasty,"


She hated it at the start, but after messing a bit with the fin, she loved it!


She planted a plant in her parents honour (just as every generation does from now) and it grew into a nice Apple Tree.


Her stats :)


More of her stats ;)

Thanks for reading.


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Hey guys! Guess what Kiki evolved into?


Shelltchi! She was so happy that she needed to go to Kuchi's Restaurant again!

"I wonder what will be on the Menu this time!"


Isn't she a lucky duck! Getting nice food everyday ;) This time she decided to pick out Fried Rice.

"This looks better than the shark fin!"


There is the meal. She gobbled it up very quickly.

Thanks for reading!


I think pictures are going to start getting better ^_^


This is Memetchi just randomly bouncing around her room, nothing to do :3

I'll edit in the evening and post more pictures later :D


As you can see, Kiki got married to that random sheep character, I got to start learning names :p She's having a great time, but I wish I married her to that Kuromametchi. Oh well! More pictures coming soon!

P.S: I'm getting the ID-L! Somewhere in November, so it will arrive on my birthday (16th December)


Today Kiki went rollerskating. She had a lot of fun, but she got tired so thought she could dig in for tea. We bought a Ham Burger for her to eat.

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Here's the new girl:


Blehh...not a girl again, but I think I shall be aiming for Violetchi or Chamametchi.


We decided to go to the shop, and buy a nice muffin for tea.


When I decided to feed her, it seems she wanted to have a nice nap! Oh well!


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Oooh, I like Comic Sans. It's nice!

Anyway, during the days I haven't posted, I paused my Tama-Go so you guys won't miss anything...

...Only to recieve the poor thing sick :(


But, I want to get Uwasatchi - so aiming on a few care misses, maybe? Still unsure on what character I wanna get...

Hey, followers!

As I already have said in my Status Update, I am now running my lovely Music Star! So, lets get on with the Episode!


Just for more info, she's a toddler and her name is Lily. Lily, who's at the door? Someone special?


Not really, I guess. Or should I say Lily's guess. Just the pre-school teacher..and she gave Lily a gift. A............**drum roll***.....UFO! :p

Uh..so..lets see if Lily likes this UFO.


No, not at all..I'd be suprised if she did, though. So instead, we decided to go to School and play jump rope!


She loves to play with her friends, dosen't she? :)

I guess thats it for today! Thanks for joining in with us!

P.S: Mark your Calendars! The Halloween Special is coming October 31st! Don't read/watch it if you don't like spookiness...more details tommorow! Bye....

....BOO! Did I scare ya? ;)

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Note: More details of the Halloween Special are in the next post!

Hey guys! Lily evolved into an Ichigotchi! How sweet ^_^


That's Lily smiling at the camera! Aww!

That's the only image for today. I'll be sure to put a good amount tommorow!

The Halloween Special

Pictures - Of course there will be pictures! More spookier than ever before! Watch the Tamagotchis go trick or treating round all the houses!

Activities - There is going to be a Tama-Themed Halloween quiz. Be prepared!

Candy - Err I guess we can have some Online Candy! Anyway, lets skip that...

Additional Affects - Yup. Scroll the page up and down and you shall see scary pictures from time to time.

So, there's a sneak peak of the Halloween Special! See more inside info next week! :)

EDIT: Decorations are going to be here too! Check the next post! Seems we're already getting ready! :)

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Oops, sorry. Just having a little bit of Halloween Fun! Anyway..lets get on to what Lily is doing :D


Looks like her Music School teacher has come! What has she given her?


Looks like she was in a rush! Lets see what she gave her..


A Piano! Lily is in love with it!



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We hit 550 views! Thanks to all who follow and like this log! It's not the same without you! :)

Log update is coming soon.

So, a lot to talk about Lily today.


Just a little picture of her, forgot to mention shes an Ichigotchi.


B.T.B! Stands for Best Tamagotchi Band :) Lets welcome the Band Members, Lily, Dino and Daniel! :)

I'm trying to get Pro Debut..well, lets see...:3

Great news everyone!

After Lily evolved into Mimitchi (Yes GotchiGuardian, it's your night today :D ) She decided to take a nice bath.


Then, after a few concerts, she got Pro Debut! :D


Excuse me for the very blurry picture.. thats Paletchi (I think) giving her 10000GP.


After that, she decided to do some work. Work first, fun second! :D


She planted a seed. Is this a beanstalk or something? It's growing taller...and taller.....and taller


It touched the sun! What a gift!

That's all we have for you today ^_^ Keep watching!


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Want a bit more info on the Halloween Special? Yup, it's coming closer! Well, first, it's not going to be a log..as I said Tamagotchis will trick or treat round houses..think of it..like..a Comic (with pictures instead of drawings!) I'll start working on it now to make sure it comes out extra special on October 31st! :)

Hi guys! :)


Mimitchi randomly saying: :D

Half episode. Sorry for the trouble.

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Time for a better episode! :)

Do you know why? I just noticed! We got 600+ views! Thanks guys! :D

On with the show...


Looks like Lily found herself a little friend! Or should I say, a mimic? ;)


Lily owns a toy shop! Not a very popular one now, but I'm sure it will become famous one day! :)


She wanted to show you her new celebrity dress! How is it? :D

Since she became so famous, because of me,I also decided to buy her a Stereo! Since she just loved music!


Seems like she had a lot of fun, she couldn't stop dancing! It plays some GREAT tunes!


Then, she decided to right in her precious diary. I just took a little peek. :p

Dear Diary,

Today I had a lot of fun. My Owner bought me a new dress, a stereo AND a Toy Shop! Hopefully the toy shop will soon be as famous as Mametchi's! Yesterday, the Match maker brought a Shimashimatchi - but he just wasn't the one for me. Hopefully the Match Maker will come back and bring someone better, because, well, I just didn't like him! I'm going to miss my owner when I go back to Tamatown.

How sweet! Yup, it's true. She didn't like the Shimashimatchi. So, there might be someone coming today! Stay tuned for the next episode tommorow! ;)


EDIT: Just after I posted this, the Match Maker came! She brought a lovely Dorotchi. Mimitchi liked him! They brought an egg which hatched into a baby girl!

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Not much with Lily today...she put a Mocha and Spot costume on..but why would I want to hide her true beauty? She's a perfect care character, so I don't want to hide her beauty, lol. Anyway, she gets about 100000 GP per day, I think. She sometimes meets the band members as well. Leave a comment on my profile for girl & boy names because after this I will run my Tama-Go!

Btw, the Name Generator is not helping, Lol. I don't want to name my Tama 'Ooo' - although its an interesting name, huh? ;)
