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You would really want to get a tattoo on your neck? Well, you'll have to make sure you really want it, because it pretty much can't be undone. :huh:
Yeah! I'd love the tatoo on my neck! And I would really want it. And I want my lip pierced and my eyebrow pierced, but that's kinda off topic. Besides, I'd have 2 get it done with someone, cos I'm terrified of needles!

Ugh. Tattoos are absolutely disgusting. They make people look like trash, especially women. My advice to anyone thinking about getting one: DON'T GET ONE! They really are not nice.
And when you get older and your skin is wrinkling and stuff, what is your tattoo going to look like? It will be all faded and stretched out? And what are you going to tell your grandkids when they ask about it?

Seriously ppl, think about 'short and long term affects'
I don't think tattoos are disgusting at all. And when my grandchildren ask me what my tattoo is, I'll tell them the story. I think it is a work of art. I have one, and I plan on getting another. Please respect that other people have other opinions, and don't give advice if you haven't been in the position. If you don't have one, and don't have a good solid reason to tell people not to get one, it seems very rude to me to be preaching against them.

Edit: Thought I should probably show you my tattoo! I have a very large collection of lions... somewhere around 175 at last count. So, since I know that lions are a big part of my life, I decided to get one permanently etched on me!

My Tattoo

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I don't think tattoos are disgusting at all. And when my grandchildren ask me what my tattoo is, I'll tell them the story. I think it is a work of art. I have one, and I plan on getting another. Please respect that other people have other opinions, and don't give advice if you haven't been in the position. If you don't have one, and don't have a good solid reason to tell people not to get one, it seems very rude to me to be preaching against them.
Edit: Thought I should probably show you my tattoo! I have a very large collection of lions... somewhere around 175 at last count. So, since I know that lions are a big part of my life, I decided to get one permanently etched on me!

My Tattoo
Aww, he's cute ^.^

I've never considered or wanted a tattoo in my life.

I remember a girl in my year at school (about 16yrs old) got a small swallow tattooed on her lower right hand arm and it really looked odd and obvious to me.

But tattoos are not for everyone :rolleyes:

I suppose I dislike the way they subject you to the judgement of others - people make a decision about you based on what they see - we all do it - even if it's subconcious.

However, judgement varies from person to person - so some will think "cool" and some will think "eeew" :)

I guess if I wanted to consider a tattoo, I might try wearing a temporary one for a few months just to get the feel of life with a permanent mark on me. But then I'm a cautious kind of person :rolleyes:

Heres a pic of my Butterfly on my shoulder. It was a cover job for an old tattoo I once had there that I realized was a huge mistake.


Its a little bit blurry, hubby doesnt know how to focus the camera =(

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Well...I dunno. I don't really like tattoos that much, and I bet it's painful to get. I dunno, my own personal oppinion, but I really don't like tattoos. *shrugs*

I think tattoos ae pretty dang cool! I already KNOW I'm getting one when I'm old enough! I play on getting either a black rose,a snake,or a skull with a snake on uh,I dunno what it's called but right below your shoulder. Your shoulderblade! That's it! Yeah I think tattoos are wicked awesome!

....  Please respect that other people have other opinions, and don't give advice if you haven't been in the position.  If you don't have one, and don't have a good solid reason to tell people not to get one, it seems very rude to me to be preaching against them.
Edit: Thought I should probably show you my tattoo!  I have a very large collection of lions... somewhere around 175 at last count.  So, since I know that lions are a big part of my life, I decided to get one permanently etched on me!

My Tattoo
Saying that I think they were nasty and ugly isn't a good reason for me to give advice to people about getting them?

I never said I had anything against people with tattoos, I just said I didn't like tattoos.

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Saying that I think they were nasty and ugly isn't a good reason for me to give advice to people about getting them?
I never said I had anything against people with tattoos, I just said I didn't like tattoos.
No, it really isn't a good reason to give people the advice not to get them. The fact that you personally believe that they are unattractive is not even close to a valid reason to give people the advice against getting tattoos. There are many, many people, myself included, that think tattoos can be very beautiful works of art, if done correctly and well-placed. I will agree that some tattoos are ugly, but everybody has a different idea of beauty and attractiveness.

.. The fact that you personally believe that they are unattractive is not even close to a valid reason to give people the advice against getting tattoos..... I will agree that some tattoos are ugly, but everybody has a different idea of beauty and attractiveness.
I think the point of the topic is to ask for opinions - from everyone - not just those who have a tattoo...

It is also perfectly valid to advise people against getting tattoos if you find them unattractive (because a lot of people feel and judge the same way) and it might have some bearing on the final decision.

... because in the end - as liongirl has pointed out - everybody has a different idea of beauty and attractiveness.

It is equally valid to advise people that you are very proud of your own tattoo and point out your reasons for choosing a tattoo.

I agree with TM.But I just don't like them, and you have to respect that.
I really do respect that you don't like them. I guess I just have an issue when people try to say things like they apply to everyone. I probably took what you said a little bit out of context, but I would really like you to realize that giving people advice based strictly on your opinions doesn't seem like a very good idea to me.

I think the kind of opinion that we are referring to here is less of a personal opinion (like do you like them or not) and more of a factual opinion. Like for example, people can say they dont like them because your body is a one time thing, why vandalize it? Where as someone else would say (instead) that you shouldnt get a tattoo because there is the chance that it could get infected during the healing process if you arent careful.

So please, people, dont take things too personally. Some people do not like them and some people do. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if you are one of those people thinking about getting a tattoo, dont make your decision based upon wether SOMEONE ELSE likes it or not. It is your body and you are going to be the one who lives with the decision forever.

Here are a few facts about Tattoos (these are a few things I was told when I got mine):

It hurts, period. When you get 2-4 needles buzzing in and out of your skin at the speed of light, it stings. It isnt an unbearable pain to most people, but some people have more sensitive skin than others. And some people like the feeling, it also depends on where you get it on the body, like if you get it on the inside of your thigh it will hurt like the dickens, whereas if you got it on the upperside of your wrist, it isnt so bad.

It CAN get infected while healing. It bleeds when you are getting the tattoo, which means it also scabs over, which means it is an open wound and needs to heal. You have to wash it twice a day (after you remove the bandage but I dont remember how long you have to wait for that) and you have to moisturize it though I dont remember if you do that while the scabs are there or after they have healed.

Tattoos FADE. Over time, it may be 5 years or 100, they do fade due to light, skin conditions, and other wear and tear that is normal to your skin. This causes the detail to be less noticable which in turn causes the tattoo to be less recognizable.

If you pick the scabs of the tattoo, the ink will come out. It doesnt happen every single time for every single scab (it mostly turns into one big scab for a while) but if you are a scab picker, you might want to be careful with a tattoo because the temptation will drive you nuts and the consequences are high.

Tattoos are EXPENSIVE! So, when you are thinking about getting one, take into consideration that you are paying through the teeth to get this permanent artwork put on your body, and if you dont like how it turns out, you have to pay to get it fixed (if its fixable).

Some Tattoos can be covered. So if you make a stupid choice in what you get, sometimes it can be changed, covered, or if you have the moolah, it can be laser removed though it may not completely be gone. I have 3 tattoos, 2 of them are covering old tattoos (an ex boyfriends name, and a drug symbol from when I was young and stupid).

Tattoos can be pretty, and they can be ugly. It depends on what you get and where you get it and what size it is. If you get a lifesize tattoo of a baseball on your ankle, it might look a bit tacky, whereas an anklet or a small flower would look a little more classy.

If you go in to get a tattoo, do not take breaks during the process. My husband took little breaks during his (it took a few hours to do his) and he says everytime he went back to the chair after the break, it stung 10 times more.

DO NOT get a boyfriend/girlfriends name tattooed on you for any reason. You may love them, but it is almost like a jinx lol. It is a very common mistake. There is always the slightest of chances that you will not be together forever, and you do not want that tattoo staring back at you for the rest of your life reminding you about things. I am happily married, but I would never consider tattooing my husbands name on me lol made that mistake with my ex and no matter how much I love my husband, I dont need to tattoo it on me for the world to see it.

Thats really all I can think of off the top of my head. Sorry if I have a few facts wrong, its been about 2 years since I was in the tattoo shop getting my work done so things may have changed since then or I may have forgotten a thing or two, but this is what I remember to the best of my knowledge.

Sorry for the long post too, I am used to posting on guild boards and I have a tendancy to go on and on about things sometimes hehe.

It hurts, period. When you get 2-4 needles buzzing in and out of your skin at the speed of light, it stings. It isnt an unbearable pain to most people, but some people have more sensitive skin than others. And some people like the feeling, it also depends on where you get it on the body, like if you get it on the inside of your thigh it will hurt like the dickens, whereas if you got it on the upperside of your wrist, it isnt so bad.
I want a white rose with red blood dripping from the petals tatooed high up on the right hand side of my neck. Will it hurt?

I want a white rose with red blood dripping from the petals tatooed high up on the right hand side of my neck. Will it hurt?
Yes, it will hurt. That area of your body has very sensitive skin, so it actually could hurt more than other places you could get a tattoo. And I'm sure you've thought this through a time or two, but might I suggest thinking through that tattoo again? There are a lot of professions that forbid visible tattoos in their dress code, and it could potentially prevent you from getting a job that you really want in the future. I'm not trying to tell you not to get it, because I think it would look really cool, I'm just trying to get you to consider it again for the sake of your future.

I have nothing against Tattoos. If I would get one, It would be a little Turtle. The Tattoos I absolutely hate are..Ones with Naked people. One time I was at the beach and this lady had a Tattoo of a Naked angel on her back. It all dpends on how many you have and where you have it.



I know we have a piercings thread, but I'm curious about your opinions on tattoos as well. Do you think they're decent? Indecent? Beautiful? Do you think they look bad?
I have never actually thought seriously about getting a tattoo until the past couple years or so, but now I think I'm interested in getting one. What I would love to get first is a Giant Vinegaroon in a great pose(done by a very skilled realistic portrait-type artist) on my hip. I know a lot of people think they are a big ugly bug(look it up they are like nothing you have ever seen before!), but they are one of my favorite creatures to keep, and I'm very drawn to them. can bet no one else has a Vinegaroon on their body. ^_^

I would also consider having a full body portrait of my Quaker Parrot, Rima. She is so special to me and so beautiful, I would love to have an accurate color tattoo of her probably on my shoulder blade. Just like everyone pictures a pirate's little green parrot on their shoulder, I think it would be cute.

Another idea I have is a beautiful portrait of my blind goldfish, Chiffon, I have her story in my signature. She was very special to me as well, and people tend to hassle me when I tell them I would have her tattooed on my just like she looked in real life...having no eyes. They say it would be wierd and ugly. But, that is how I knew her for her entire life and I think she was beautiful the way she was!

Perhaps I'm open-minded to it because my Dad has tattoos, several guys I have dated have them, and so do some of my friends. My Mom wants one, too. But, I know people have strong opinions about them, so I would like to hear them!
I want to have a bunch of Tattoo's. Mainly tropical flowers and such. I am a sucker for Tropical stuff x3 And anything Blue-Green.

That would be awesome seeing someone go around with a Fish tattoo'd on their arm. If I ever see someone like that I will ask if it be you!!!

I mainly want a Blue-Green Flower on my back, with mini-flowers along it. And maybe a few Japanese symbols (There are very popular choices for tattoo's)

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