teacher taking tamagotchi away!


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do you think it's mean that the teachers take tamagotchis away?

  • yes, i think they should be stopped

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  • yes

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  • no, their reason to take it away makes sense

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  • no

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well it depends, if you leave the sound on and it beeps in class it could distract people, you should turn the sound off in classes so it won't bother people.

I remember my Last day of school we were watching a movie. My friends and I [i have 3 friends(they are all girls and one was absant). We were playing with it in class behind my teacher's desk then he caught us. I shook very hard when he told us to put them in our pocket. One of my friends didn't have pockets so I held it for her. Lol. Phew! :)

If they said stop playing with it that would be a warning to the child so they wouldn't play with it again in the lesson and when it beeps somtimes the sound comes on in your pocket.

Well, if it is being really distracting to you or other people, then they should probably take it away. I think that they should let you put it on pause before they take it and then they should have to give it back at the end of the day.

How is it mean to take away a stupid toy that causes distraction when you're at school to learn and pay attention? They have good reasoning for taking them away. They're annoying and distracting. You're there to learn and make something of yourself. Keep the toys at home.

I got my tama taken away from me... but I got it back. (thank goodness)

i dont think its bad.

i dont have any temptation to play with them in class.

they stay in my pocket.

during brunch and lunch i play with them tho..

but some people might play with them in class.

and thats not okay since its kinda the same if you brought a hand-held video game.. a DS a gameboy whatever.. and you expect those not to be taken away if you are caught playing in class?

Well, if you're playing with it when you're supposed to be working, then I think it needs to be done. Although it is pretty upsetting... And my language teacher takes away anything we're playing with... Until the end of the year...

How is it mean to take away a stupid toy that causes distraction when you're at school to learn and pay attention? They have good reasoning for taking them away. They're annoying and distracting. You're there to learn and make something of yourself. Keep the toys at home.
Even though I take my Digimon to school with me, I agree with what sweet kandi said. You can't be playing with your Tamagotchi in class. They even added a pause feature so you wouldn't need to take it to school every day. Do the right thing, and pause the thing until you get home.

There's no reason to have it out during class... Most class periods only last about 45-60 minutes long, and during that time span, your Tamagotchi isn't going to die. If you're afraid about that, why not pause them and leave them home?

I believe it is fair for teachers to take them away if you're playing with them in class; you're not only distracting the class, but also not learning anything the teacher's saying, and it can frustrate teachers!

Your tamas will survive for a couple of hours unattended while you are in class so if you're playing with them in class or cleaning poops or feeding them or whatever, the bottom line is you shouldn't be.

Your teachers are responsible for your learning, not to let you play with tamas during class... :)

I think taking them away for the day if it's overly disruptive is fine... if you just keep it in your pocket and check on it between classes nothing bad will happen.

As for taking something away for a year... >.< That's just horrible... As much as I favor learning in classrooms, taking away a delightful toy for a long time is just cruel.

the year thingy i dont like the sound of.... yuck!

i wish i were as lucky as some people who have parents who approve of tamagotchis..

i NEVER turn on the sound.. ever....

edit... and tamagotchi arent like your normal game ethier.. if you are or know someone who is caught up in japanese tech and history of tech you know exactly how addicting these are! [enough to last for 10 years and cause lots of fakes]

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Why do ya'll blame teachers?

It's ya'lls fault. If you don't want them to be

took away then don't let them see it. It's as simple as that.

Besides, they should give it back, later.

(sorry for the ya'll. I'm Southern. ^.^)

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all i have 2 say is HA! HA! HA! im home schooled!! my teacher is my moooom i can play it win im in school!!! HA HA :) :( :kuribotchi:

all i have 2 say is HA! HA! HA! im home schooled!! my teacher is my moooom i can play it win im in school!!! HA HA :D B) :(
Please do not brag on TamaTalk, it may annoy people.

Teachers have every right to take them away.

First of all, it takes your mind off your work.

Second of all, you just shouldn't.

Pause it or set it's time to sleep so it sleeps while you are at school.

If you almost get caught, set your Tamagotchi to clock mode and if your teacher asks "What are you doing?" say that you are checking the time on your clock. That worked for me 4 times with different teachers.

The point is, dont take them to school!


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