Teens in TamaTalk?


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Being older doesn't necessarily mean you don't have enough time to go online. lol It just means that you alot time for different things than you used to, and different things take priority. Even when I'm working full time hours, I still make time to come on TamaTalk. As long as it is online, I will take the time to come here. Things in life change, but you still have the same number of hours in a day!
And, 50 year olds aren't quite in the age bracket to be breaking hips because they're feeble. :D My boyfriend is very close to that age, and there are a good number of days where he has more energy than me. :lol:

You guys know how old I am, so I don't think I need to repeat it. hehe.
my apologies for underestimating the energy of older people :lol:

and you're right about still being able to go on TamaTalk when you're older. I guess people can still go on. ;)

Although my dream job is to be an entrepreneur, if I fulfill that goal.. then I will probably will spend most of my computer time writing speeches... stuff for business trips and etc. you know, instead of tamagotchi forums ;) But I'm gonna go on TamaTalk in any of my spare time!!!

if..... the website is still running, you never know hat can happen in 20 years.. maybe Admin might have to close it, like he said he would in that April Fool's joke announcement!! :furawatchi: (it scared me to death :D )

I'm 14 but I got into a sixteens movie last week (hehe, I'm a rebel! :( Nah it was my sisters birthday and I did look 16). I'm going to be 15 in October ... *Tumbleweed rolls across screen* YES! I know its AGES AWAY! Grr!



I'm 17, gonna be 18 next year in Feb 6th, then head to college. (I'll still post on tamatalk)

I'm 16.

The majority of people who post in this forum are around 13 years old, But people of all different ages come here.

I love how we all get along (most of the time) =]

  I'm 16.  The majority of people who post in this forum are around 13 years old, But people of all different ages come here. I love how we all get along (most of the time) =]

Yeah,your right Lara_Long_Stockings,most of people that enter this forum is about 15 and below,i'm actually 13,there's no problem in being a teen or an oldie to enter this forum,just enjoy what your'e doing in this forum(except of being a mean person now and then),talk with other people,chat with them,post topics(topics with sense,not topics with non-sense),be friends with them etc.

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