Teens/tweens like kids, kids like tweens


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I don't get it.. [/blonde moment]

But really. What about kids and teens?

i think she means kids these days act like thyre older than they should be.

At my school, its like that. The little wannabe 4th graders wear like TNA and stuff, and 2nd graders wear like lululemon. And they wear alotta stuff thats meant to be for teenagers. They think it makes them cool , but it just makes us big kids think theyre losers. =]

Have you noticed that lil kids try to act like they are teenagers? And more teens/tweens are life doing dumb stuff, like kids? *thinks of me and phoebe*

Have you noticed that lil kids try to act like they are teenagers? And more teens/tweens are life doing dumb stuff, like kids? *thinks of me and phoebe*
The stuff I do isn't dumb, it's pure delight.

But yeah, I've noticed it.

How come I come up, in like, every topic? XD

Edit. What I meant was, how come, like, everyone always mentions me? XD

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^ Because we love you, Feebee. I do. <3

I'm a teen. If thirteen counts - which I think it does. Because it ends with teen. And I'm doing dumb stuff all the time. And I don't know what I'd do without my spazticated life of ridiculous doings. XD

I act my age.

And I'm a kid/not teen.

Do I get some trophy for this or something?

I'm pretty immature fer a teen actually. I got in a fight with my 8 year old sister about apple juice... We were wrestling each other.... hehehe. I won. x3

And I have a dinosaur baby blanket... and I eat tons of baby food. O:

In 5th grade all the girls stuffed their bras. x33

Yes I've noticed... and well I don't really care. lol.

In 5th grade all the girls stuffed their bras. x33Yes I've noticed... and well I don't really care. lol.
Some 5th graders dont even wear bras at my school

I'm not to sure that the tamatalk community would like to hear about this, Phoebe.

My karma is already suffered enough, so no way am i going to tell anybody about it.


Ah, yes, immaturity.

I can't really explain much. Alot of my immaturity is sex related.

Erm...I like to kiss my mum in front of people. Does that count as not acting my age?

Maybe I act younger than my age. Well, I go screaming and dancing along the beach with my 15 yr old sister sideways trying to summon up suddenlies. People stare. =D

In primary school, If you like Dora the Explorer or some other kids show, you get killed with insults, but in High school you're a saint if you have a Wiggles backpack o_0

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