Tennant or Eccleston?


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Tennant of course.

Because his style is much more like the classic Drs of earlier years - Patrick Troughton, Tom Baker, Sylvester Macoy, etc.

Eccleston was a bit too serious / straight to be a convincing Dr Who for me.

Eccleston deffo!!!!!!

He is much more manly than Tennant, and he could show fear. Plus he has better dress sense! I loved the ep. The Doctor Dances, he is a v. good dancer.

Tennants really cocky, and know it all, and the only time hes really been scared was when Rose nearly went into the void, and that was cos he fancied her!

My best friend is obsessed with D.T, so I'd say the other one.

I don't appreciate having magazines with pictures of D.T on it shoved in my face all the time, it gets annoying :X
