Tenshi no TMGC: Let Me Be With You


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Feb 27, 2006
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((Chapter 2!))

Tenshi no TMG: Let Me Be With You

Chapter 2

In not too much less than a tama-year later...

Maco got out of bed before Canon did, not telling her a word. She would have to wake herself up. Today, she was going to see Lucky and Crazy evolve for the last time. Into adults! After sneaking out of their bedroom, she raced to the circle where most (except Canon) had gathered.

The chattering crowd turned silent, untill...Lucky and Crazy's teen forms squared, crossed, blinked...EVOLUTION! Lucky became a Gingurotchi. Crazy, a Pochitchi. Everyone cheered. All except Maco.

She stood shocked, looking at Crazy. There was something. Something. She couldn't put her finger on, she felt it, but couldn't place it...a unfamiliar feeling...choosing to disregaurd this big sign of something even bigger, she ignored it, and went over to congratulate the two. "Lucky! Crazy!" she said,. racing over to them. "Congratz on your evolution!" she said kindly. Crazy smiled back kindly. "Thank you for your kindness." he said, then went over to talk to the others.Maco smiled, seeing him walk away. Lucky came over to her. "Maco." she said dispisingly. The furwatchi blinked and asked "What?", a bit scared. Then Lucky's unexpected statement came:

"Stay away from Crazy. I don't know what's going through your flower-eared brain, but Crazy is MY tama-man. Don't get any stupid ideas." Maco was shocked. "N-no, you misunderstand me! I would never--" "I don't care if you would never. I'm telling you now, missy. Stay away from him." and then Lucky walked off to be with Crazy.

Maco just stood there shocked, again. Her...man? Stay....away? She considers me a threat to Crazy and her's relationship? What does that mean? And why is my heart beating so fast? What's wrong with me? I just want...to be with you. Looking up, she realised. That feeling. It was love! Glancing at Crazy through the crowd's veil, she smiled. There was no chance, but everything's possible.

((Well that was Chpter 2 of Let Me Be With You! I hope you liked it. LMBWY 3 will be up ASAP! See you then!))

