Tenshi's (New and not just Connection) Log


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Nova and Wave left...but Ooh ooh!



[SIZE=14pt]Petal became a Kuchitmatchi![/SIZE]

Bloom became a Mohitamatchi!

Thorn became a UFO-tchi!

Ivy became a Ringotchi!

Leaf became a Young Mimitchi!

All but Briar and the V3s have turned into teens! Briar shall end up a Inchigotchi, we all know that! He's a first gen v1 for pity's sake.

At some point in time all of them went down to all hearts empty on at least hungry. I'm sorry guys! Twas a accident :) Some of them even got sick! Those being Leaf, Thorn, and probably more that I forgot to remember. UBER-SORRY! ;_;

:-; They all evolved but I lost Leaf....


Briar became a Hintotmatchi!

Petal became a, something or another. I forgot what it's called.

Bloom became a Hinatchi!


Briar is currently being taken care of my my friend Zen untill she gets her own.


Leaf was with me outside. I took him out only once. Buuut, by the time I was in Social Studies, he wasn't in my pocket! :_; Hopefully Kasie found it since she has the recess after me and knows it's mine.


Red with jellybean tamas must be CURSED for getting looost!


BTW, before I lost him, he was a Androtchi/Robotchi...so cute....but I lost him...:_:



Both of my lost tamas have been found!


A seventh grader informed me Friday that she had found Leaf and would give him to me Monday (though it'll be tuesday now since today I'm home sick.) However, he's dead. :rolleyes: She didn't know how to take care of it and she said it died.


I did realise this though: What if she actually found Kareu? :)


They look exactly alike....


However, probably she found Leaf. Kareu got lost a LONG time ago.


Annnd, Leandra found my Gen1. Yay!







But not good charas!! :rolleyes: I blame society ~~


[SIZE=14pt]Thorn is a HANATCHI! (nooooooooo!)[/SIZE]

Ivy is a HANATCHI! (double nooooooooooo!)

Petal is a DEBATCHI! (TRIPLE noooooooooo!)

Bloom is a BUNBUNTCHI! (Yay something cute!)

:rolleyes: I'm going to reset all but Bloom later. And then mate Bloom with a friend of mine's Hanatchi, then reset Bloom and the baby. (Hanatchis are not good and Bunbuntchis are not too good either...cute but not good)


I was playing alot of slot then looked at her weight and saw it was 24 LBS! But adults aren't supposed to get any thinner than 30 lbs? How? The world may never know.. :rolleyes:

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Hey all.

This is me on my NEW account. Yes this is Tenshi. I just want to say I'm going to make a new log ASAP. Just wait. I'll post the link to it here later.

i know i have been typing everywear but my tamagotchi just keeps on saying error when i put in a password!!!!!!how do i fix this :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

help me tamagotchi v3 when ever i put in a password it just says error help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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help me tamagotchi v3 when ever i put in a password it just says error help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ummm you really shoulda Pmed me about this, but I'll tell you anyway. If you didn't get them yourself (off tamatown with the username you put in on your v3), it'll say that. :rolleyes:



Of course I'm on my new account. And I definitly don't have the same tams. xD


It turned out that the girl really did have Kareu! (Leaf lost a screw when I first debugged him.) And that I was wrong, I really didn't half-debug Kareu. I just didn't know how to pick a chara. :angry: However, due to some mess-ups (I bet the girl got it wet on accident), she randomly resets. -_-




Blue w/ lollipops: Canon, age 1 female Yu-fotchi, Gen1

White w/ fruit rings: Maco, age 2 female Young Mametchi, Gen1

Red w/ jellybeans: Glow, age 6 male Marumametchi, Gen2 with male baby to be named Star


My v3s'll get hatched today in a group hatching with my friends, and I'll get my v1 back as a gen2 girl named Koko, and Zen'll get herself at least 2 tamagotchis! One from me, one from Eden. Her b-day's real soon and I'm going to her party tonight!


My friends all have tams (Zen'll get hers tonight)!


Abby: pink w/ makeup v2 named Zen (she names her tams after her friends...how sweet :angry: )

Eden: None, untill she buys a new one (see a bit farther down 2 see why)

Zen: At least 2 v3s, possibly more concidering what everyone else gives her...


About Edens Tam: She lost it sometime recently. Then, outside at recess, Kayla and Norah, two girls in our clas, found seventh-graders kicking it around. The screen is total junk, the whole thing scratched and beat up, and the eletronics are shot. It's dead all right. :( -_- Buuut, 3 of them were 6th graders and admitted to beating it up and are bringing 5$ from each of them on Monday so she can get a new one. In the meantime, at the sleepover we get to dissect it--oh boy! ^_^


Well that's all for now! 9I need to make 47 pound Canon lose weight! :p Bye!

Lalalaaaaa 7 tamas to take care of~~


I know, you're thinking, "SEVEN?!?!! How did--?"


Weeeeell, I hatched my v3s at the party, I got Koko the v1 back, and then a friend of mine wants me to try to get her a good character (she also told me to debug it...it's now debugged but i downloaded the chara). So that makes 4 new tams to take care of, plus the others...! ^^





[SIZE=14pt]Canon and Maco evolved! My paln worked: I got a good chara and a bad chara![/SIZE]



This is GREAT! ^^ I forgot to tell you my plan, didn't I?

I want my blue v2 and v3s to be bad characters so I can explore them. And I want my white v2 and silver v3 to be good characters so I can love them! And my v1 and debugged v2 will go wherever they happen to go. I don't mind.

I hyperspeeded Glow untill he left the baby, but then I lost it at the naming screen over at Zen's. She named it Dai. I hypersped it and got a furwatchi! Looks funny for a boy heh heh. It now has another BOY (noooooo they're attacking) from the matchmaker.

ANYWAY, here are my tama's stats:

MACO--Female Age 3 Furwatchi, training 6 bars (How did I get a good chara? :) ) Gen1

CANON--Female Age 3 Tarakotchi, training 7 bars (How did I get a BAD chara? :D :D I guess care really is alot of it Gen1...) Gen1

DAI--Male Age 7 Furwatchi, training FULL (w/ bad care) Gen3 with Gen4 baby boy

KOKO--Female Age 2 Young Mimitchi, training 5 bars (w/ ok care) Gen2

TOMOS--Male Age 0 Pipporioriotchi(long namme), training UNKNOWN (w/ bad care) Gen1 (stats fuzzy because friend is borrowing overnight)

FIRIN--Male Age 0 Tamatchi, training 2 bars (w/ ok/good care) Gen1

and the guest...

LILEY--Female Age 1 Oniontchi, training 2 bars ( :D and raising) Gen1
