Texting a boy


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just act yourself. do not pretend like ur someone else. then he`ll think as u as another person then the person u really are.

kinda confusing :furawatchi:

it really dont matter either your geeky , weird , obniouxous [however u spell it] i bet theres one guy oout there that loves to see you smile :furawatchi:

Well, here's my conversation with Mikal:

Him: Hey Barbie :] ((That's an inside joke.))

Me: Mikal I love you.

Him: Waz up...?

Me: Nothing dearie, if there was I would have called.

Him: Just making sure you hadn't drowned on a staircase. ((That's also an inside joke.))

Me: xDDD That's why I love you.

Him: Ily too baby.

So we just talk obnoxiously. Just like I do with girls.

"ur cute. go out wif me plz or else i will stalk u"
never worked for me though
xDDD That made me laugh! Frickin hard, too! xDDD

You always make funny posts.

Just talk to them like you would anybody else. :]

I say, "Hey, what's up?" and then go from there. Just get into a conversation, and don't overthink it.

^^^ Yeah i've been thinkin bout that. He said his mom checks his phone every 5 minutes to see who he's been texting >_> which kinda turned me off...

"ur cute. go out wif me plz or else i will stalk u"
never worked for me though


So yeah, I guess you should just be yourself. Like everyone else said xD

Just talk to them like you would your friends.

Start a Conversation. Say "Whats up" and your conversation should start.

Good luck ;]

So what if you are geeky, if you're not yourself, you're fake, and nobody likes fake people.


And he should respect you for who you are, so think.


Would you rather be liked for who you're not?

or hated for who you are?

The main thing is to be yourself. :]

But don't go totally wack-o on him when it's your first text! ;O There's no need to be embarrassed of being a little geeky or anything. I mean, his Mom checks his phone every 5 minutes! He's not exactly movie-star cool either. ;] Just a simple, "Hey, what's up?" will be cool, and should start a conversation.

It would also help if something funny had happened that day and you could say, "So funny today when. . ."

Just keep it lighthearted, friendly, flirty and cheerful.

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