That Came Out Wrong.


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I had this one online:

I called Aiden 'Tampon' by accident (due to his username being 'Temple'), and he said "that's my name, don't wear it out!". Of coarse, me being myself, I went ahead and said "ORLY? -wears- O<". :D

I've had more. My brain just isn't working properly right now. I'll post them later.

yes!! and taking my sort-of ex os a perv, this SOOOOOOO came out wrong!!!

so yah me and him were after school sitting on a bench. intending to talk about homework, i asked "so should we get busy?"

he snorted and avoided me for like the next two weeks.

it was so embarressing. (sp?) :rolleyes: :huh:

Oh, LOL.

I have so many.

"What's an exit sign?"


"Did you do the Nazis? Were they easy? You should have done Hitler instead."


E - "We were watching this video and it was about this guy who was in Pompeii and they were filming his life and then the volcano erupted and everyone died. It was so sad.."

Me - "...but how did the camera crew survive..?"


I'll post more later. :rolleyes:

One time my swim team was giving our coach her year-end present, and they chose me to be the one to surprise her. I was supposed to tell her to come into the hall because we needed to tell her something.. and then we'd show her her present.

But instead I said, "We need to talk to you.... in the car." xD It sounded so wrong. I ws supposed to say in the hall, I don't know why I said in the car..

Will post more later.

My friend gave me a piggyback ride the other day. It was hilarious.

And then I fell off and I was all like, "That was one bumpy ride!"

Not surprisingly, everyone around understood the reference immediately. xD

I have so many. I'll post 'em later. XD

And I know TC has a bunch, too. O:

''Apparently I'm too active for Mr K.''

It said on the computer that Geminis are too active for Pisces.

''OH MY GAWD. They're sooo squishy!''

I was talking about the new balls we got in Gym.

''Shizzz! That thing's like, 20cm long! Actually, looks more like a sausage.''

Giant catterpillar thing Jen and I saw in the yard.

''Hahaha, it has little flaps!''

Jen and I were making chatterboxes and it had flaps which amused me.

My friends and I were playing Apples To Apples at the library today, and we decided that if you draw a card with a person you never heard of on it, you could put it back in the pile and draw a new card.

I was like, "We don't like playing with people we don't know, it's not very fun!"

Everyone cracked up, and then I cracked up, realizing my reference.

And then Maria was like, "Well I disagree. It's fun with people you don't know!" XD

''Apparently I'm too active for Mr K.''It said on the computer that Geminis are too active for Pisces.

I'm a Pisces xD

Another one, there was a new kid in school. And the teacher asked him "where do you come from?" and I just had to blurt out "Spencer!" (guy in my class)

Not many people got it, actually.. which is kinda good.

My friend was drawing people around a campfire, and one of the girls looked like it was grasping a boy's "lower area". And I said loudly "AAWW! GROSS! She's grasping his P*nus!" And everyone stared at me. So I go around showing and telling everyone in the class. :)

I say "That's what she said" often. haha

Okay, thigs that sounded wrong.......

Lucy: Have fun in PE with The Evil One? (Pe teacher's nickname)

Me: Oh yeah, we got to bounce each others balls! (I meant basketballs......)


Laura: Lets sit on each others laps. Bethie, sit on my lap, Lucy, n Beths

Me: But I wanna be on top!


Lucyu: Laura I'll work wih you

Me: But I wanna do it with Laura!!!!


Laura: *takes my pencil from case*


There are many more I can't be bothered remembering

"Katie, shut your hole."


"Wtf ew."

^^ One of the many mentally ill moments my friends and I have.

And while putting things in lockers; "I can't put it in. It's too hard."


I dunno... They're usually not intended the wong way xP

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