that ghost


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ha it is probably a prank, the first night i lived in our new house my friends came over and my bro and his friend were running and screaming WE SAW A GHOST!!!!!!! but a few weird hings have happened in my house when i've been alone..... 'cept for that 1 time i thought sumthing was in our house but it was just our old cat chasing his toy mouse lol..... any ways just try not to be scared because its point is it wants to scare u so idk ....what i do is i pray.... then im not scared

ha it is probably a prank, the first night i lived in our new house my friends came over and my bro and his friend were running and screaming WE SAW A GHOST!!!!!!! but a few weird hings have happened in my house when i've been alone..... 'cept for that 1 time i thought sumthing was in our house but it was just our old cat chasing his toy mouse lol..... any ways just try not to be scared because its point is it wants to scare u so idk ....what i do is i pray.... then im not scared
this has been april 22 i will tell a guide to close this.

That was a real ghost. :ichigotchi: Ghosts are real, do not be scared. If you hear anything spooky again, anything bad, boldy and firmly say with your arms by your side.

"Please leave. We do not seek help."

All I have to say is don't worry about it -_- . It seems like you're just imagining things. It seems like you've probably seen something scary.. Not worry, you will be ok.

For me I don't believe in Ghosts, and all those scary things..

Hope it doesn't happen again to you.

Good luck!

dont worry! gosts aren't real! if your scared ask god/jesus to help u by praying. (if ur a cristan) think of other things! -_- :( :( i used to be scared because of seeing an alian movie. then i got over it because i knew that the alians could be killed by water/saliva. so i could spit if they came near. :D :p :) it'll work!

I kinda belive you. My DARE officer been in a haunted jail and turned and saw the staue of liberty on the wall and turned back and it was gone. So I kinda belive you. -_-

lol, Trust me almost everyone believes in ghosts, I dont! I used to, now I know better, but I wont go to lectures, I'll just give you some tips that helped me when I believed in them...

What you shoud do:

• Tell your parents, if you did, ask yourself "Did their advice work? Are they right" and try to reason with what they tell you

• Have a sleepover, invite more then 1 kid, get together, sleep together in a large bed (in there is none sleep with sleeping bags on the floor) Sleep near your parents, and talk about school, boys (lol), and what you all want to do tomorrow

• If alone, try to watch tv, simply enjoy your show, and before you know it it'll be morning, and you fell asleep without even knowing!

•Talk to councillers, parents, tell them about your fears and get them to help

If you think you might die -_- from this 'ghost':

•Ask yourself "Why do you think there is a ghost near you?"

•Why do you think there is one?

•Do you hear it, or is it your imagination calling?

•Scream hard if you hear noise, maybe your ghost will go away, tell your parents A.S.A.P. if you hear something!

Please try to reason with what I have said.

No offence or hard feelings, but your beginning story is a bit hard to believe.

Look up "Paranormal". You'll probably find out that ghosts rarely talk. Yes, they may move things around, may make footstep noises, etc., but how often do you hear a story of a ghost speaking to a mortal very clearly, and then leaving? Not very often, if at all..


Either you are very attention seeking and making this up completely with an odd imagination, or you may be imagining this. At night, things seem scarier. I know. But you could simply say "Go away", "You're not needed here. Thanks.", or "Please, kindly leave", or something along the lines of that.


... Best of wishes, then...

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