That Sounded Wrong.


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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2009
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My computer, Ontario, Canada
You know how sometimes things come out, not meant to be?

Share them here!

I was talking to my friend, about what times we shower, and someone I don't know just happened to walk by right when I said: "I like to do it every night. It's better that way."


xD Ahahaha! That's happens to me all the time. xD

Like once my Grandma was looking at her cell phone and said "Someone sent me a text message!" so I said "Who would send you a text message?" xD I felt so bad. I meant like, she doesn't know how to check them, so I was saying who would send her one. If it was important, she wouldn't be able to read it.

Me and 2 other friends where talking then one of them starts talking about how she hates living with her disabled brother and how he touches her stuff and she goes "I was soo going to kill him" then I said "how would your rep be if you where known for killing disabled people" Just as I said the bolded some guy and another guy in a wheelchair rolled past he looked at me all like >;(


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I once said 'Shall we do it today?' and the person I said it too was like 'You wrongo!'

Mine are wayyyy too inappropriate to be shared on here o,o : D

Mine are wayyyy too inappropriate to be shared on here o,o : D
If you did share, it wouldn't affect me at all.

Trust me. One day with me, and you'll be turned into some crazy weirdo pervert. xD

I have a habit of turning perfectly innocent, normal phrases into something enirely different..

Like, you know the "That's what she said" jokes?

They're ridiculously overused in my circle of friends. XD

Dylan: You know that test we had yesterday?

Me: Yeah.

Dylan: UGH. It was so friggin hard.

Me: That's what she said.

Both: Crack up laughing.

1)Pull in, pull out. (Band Joke.) Endofstory...

2) "Wanna go out?" (Taylor on asking me if I wanted to go outside with her.)

3) B Fat (I TRIED saying B FLAT. xDD)

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If you did share, it wouldn't affect me at all. Trust me. One day with me, and you'll be turned into some crazy weirdo pervert. xD
no no no. i mean, it violates the tamatalk rules x'D too hardcore ..

I have a habit of turning perfectly innocent, normal phrases into something enirely different..Like, you know the "That's what she said" jokes?

They're ridiculously overused in my circle of friends. XD
I love those and the sad part is I understand every single one of them.

I love those and the sad part is I understand every single one of them.
Me too. In fact, sometimes I'll be the only one who understands the true meaning. XD

Oh my goodness. About everything I say comes out as some perverted sex joke. O_O

Not only anything and everything I say, but anything and everything anybody ELSE says, I turn into something perverted. xD

Like, for example, my friend and I were working on our math homework during lunch today. All the questions were word problems. I read this, and I burst out laughing, and pointed it out to my friend, and we were hysterically laughing for over 5 minutes. o.x

"Sylvia just discovered that the valve on her cement truck failed during the night..."


Uhm, this kind of thing happens so often though, that it isn't even significant anymore. I'll try to be a little less ignorant though, so if anything good comes up, I can post is. [ As long as it isn't too obviously vulgar. x__x ]

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