The adventures of capo the ninaotchi


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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2005
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Once apon a time there was an Ningaotchi who was six years old.He hade a very big family

once an enormas storm hade come over the frosty old Tamaland on CHRISTMAS EVE

and all the tamas had fled to the storm shelter But the todler :hitodetchi:was asleep in his

bedroom and the door was locked.He woke up when the storm banged on the door.

Meanwhile in the old storm shelter the mumu tama :furawatchi:was conting all 34 of

the famliy but there was one missing the hitodetchi Yp Yo Capo the oldest man in the family

ran out into the storm and used his well polished daggers to smash the door down he

entered the lovley house with lots and lots of photos of all the family members BANG

BANG capo was seeing santagotchi puting all the prezies for all the family he said to

santagotchi if he could borow the raindears to break down the doors to the bed room he

jumped into the slay and charged the raindears at the door and brock down the door

SMASH the door fell down and he picked up fdgf
