The Amazing Adventures of a Tamagotchi


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V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls):

Name: Ash

Gender: F

Character type: Purimatchi

Gen: 22

Job: Talk Show Host

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Echo

Gender: F

Character type: Urazukyutchi

Gen: 3

Job: Fights Fires

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Cassidy

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 20

Band: Blizzard

Instrument: Saxophone

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Echo: Alright sis, give 'em the news!

Ash: I got married today. I have a little boy now.

Cassidy: Congratulations!

FKOD: So are you happy with your family? Do you love them lots?

Ash: Of course!

FKOD: Okay. Just be careful not to love them too much or you'll start spewing lasers from your eyes. Oh yeah, that's the jewel of wisdom I promised yesterday.

Eriines: Ah, so you were just waiting for an appropriate situation. You see, I had this crazy idea that you were going to hold out because you didn't learn anything from your phenomenal waste of a morning!

FKOD: Obviously.

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls):

Name: Ash

Gender: F

Character type: Purimatchi

Gen: 22

Job: Talk Show Host

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Echo

Gender: F

Character type: Urazukyutchi

Gen: 3

Job: Fights Fires

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Cassidy

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 20

Band: Blizzard

Instrument: Saxophone

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Cassidy: *sigh*

FKOD: 'Sup Juliet?

Cassidy: How do you know I was lovestruck?

FKOD: Magic. Or maybe just the fact that your sighing and staring into the distance in a way that indicates that you had the best chocolate bar in your life but now it's gone.

Cassidy: That except the gone part.

Echo: Someone gave you chocolate!?

Eriines: Jeez, chocolate is the last thing YOU need. How much do you weigh now?

Echo: 52 pounds. It's not that bad!

FKOD: That 12 pounds heavier than a bag of potting soil!

Ash: Echo...

Echo: Dang, really?! I... I need to lose some weight! I think it's time for a weight loss montage.

FKOD: But you need 80's style power chords!

Ash: Do you have any on your computer?

FKOD: Well, I don't have Eye of the Tiger, but I do have Theme from Rocky XIII. I think that'll work.

Echo: Okay. Let's do this.

Fat and weak, what a disgrace

Guess the champ got too lazy

Ain't gonna fly, he's just takin' up space

Sold his gloves, threw his eggs down the drain

Echo: Arg, I give up!

Ash: Don't give up!

Echo: This weight to too much to bear!

Cassidy: That's your baby son and your baby nephew! The only weigh five pounds each!

Eriines: You're pathetic!

But he's no bum, he works down the street

He bought the neighborhood deli

Back on his feet, now he's choppin' up meat

Come inside, maybe you'll hear him say

Echo: This treadmill goes too fast!

Ash: Don't give up!

Echo: I'm going to get flung off!

Cassidy: Hey, I only set it at 1 mile per hour.

Eriines: Pfffthhahahhah!

Try the rye or the kaiser

They're on special tonight

If you want, you can have an appetizer

You might like our salami and the liver's all right

And they'd really go well with the rye

Or the kaiser

Echo: ...One....

Ash: Don't give up!

Cassidy: One down, forty-nine more to go!

Echo: Crunches... so hard.

Eriines: Wow really.

Never eats while on the job

He heard it's good to stay hungry

But he makes a pretty mean shish kabob

Have a taste, they were made fresh today

Echo: Gosh darn it!

Ash: Don't give up!

FKOD: You need to get the high score!

Cassidy: How is playing video games going to get Echo in shape anyway?

FKOD: :/

Try the rye or the kaiser or the wheat or the white

Maybe I can suggest an appetizer

Stay away from the tuna, it smells funny tonight

But you just can't go wrong with the rye

Or the kaiser

FKOD: Okay, Donovan, Minerva, chase that tubby girl!

Donovan: Quilava!

Minerva: Noctowl!

Echo: Ahhhhhhhhhh!

Eriines: Man, I think the Benny Hill theme music would work better for this.


Ash: Don't give up!

Cassidy: Let the adrenaline kick in!


So today, his deli comes first

Still he dreams of his past days of glory

Goes in the back and beats up on the liverwurst

All the while you can still hear him say

FKOD: Make that sammich!

Echo: I am! Don't rush me!

Cassidy: But this is extreme sammich making!

Ash: Go go go!

Eriines: Hurry up, I'm hungry!

It's the rye or the kaiser, it's the thrill of one bite

Let me please be your catering adviser

If you want substitutions I won't put up a fight

You can have your roast beef on the rye

Or the kaiser

Echo: Is the song over yet?

FKOD: Almost!

Cassidy: What? You're tired already?

Echo: You try tipping over an Imperial Walker with your bare hands!

Eriines: It'll be more interesting when you have to lift it back up.

Ash: Never surrender!

Echo: *groan*

The rye or the kaiser

The rye or the kaiser

The rye or the kaiser

Echo: *huff huff huff*

FKOD: Okay, let's see your weight now.

Cassidy: Drumroll, please!

Diminutive Droideka: EXECUTING MUSIC FILE DRUMROLL.MP3. *drumroll*

FKOD: 52 pounds.

Echo: WHAT?!

Eriines: Eh?

Ash: But how?

FKOD: I guess the only way tamagotchis can lose weight is to play games. Remarkable.

Echo: So... all that was for nothing?

Cassidy: I guess so. Sorry, Echo.

Ash: Well, maybe you could do a game playing montage?

Echo: To heck with it, I'm bushed. I'm taking a nap.

Okay everyone, I didn't update yesterday because the power went out, and that means no internet. But since I was basically done with the update, I saved it and heeeeeere it is!

V4.5 Status (Green with black swirls):Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Gen: 23

Job: Hmm, what could it possibly be?

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Kuribotchi

Gen: 4

Job: I wonder what sort of job a child would hold?

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Cassidy

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 20

Band: Blizzard

Instrument: Saxophone

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Cassidy: *on the phone* Ooh, that sounds nice, see ya there! Bye! *hangs up*

Ature: Who were you talking to?

Zobi: Was it Santa?

FKOD: Was it your dog?

Eriines: What the heck are you guys talking about?

Cassidy: I was talking to my boyfriend.

FKOD: Well that's hardly exciting.

Cassidy: Well, not for you. But I'll have you know that Ryo is very sweet, and I've known him since I was in music school.

Zobi: It would be cooler if you knew Santa though.

Ature: What is it with you and Santa?

Zobi: He is so cool. I want to work for him one day!

Eriines: Well, you would have to make yourself into an elf to do that. Santa isn't exactly going to help with the nation's unemployment issue.

Zobi: The nation's what?

Cassidy: Ignore her, she's depressing to be around.

Ature: Like a really sad puppy?

Cassidy: Like a really sad puppy that fires lasers at you when you try to cheer it up, yes.

Ature: That's a depressing thought. I'm all the more down in the dumps just by thinking about it.

Eriines: Stop comparing me to a puppy.

Zobi: Then stop metaphorically chewing on the metaphorical furniture.

Eriines: What's that supposed to mean?

FKOD: It means you ruined our metaphorical couch, and we need to metaphorically need to get another one.

Eriines: What?

Ature: You also metaphorically peed on our metaphorical floor.

Cassidy: Now we need to metaphorically clean it up.

Eriines: Stop saying that I'm some metaphorical puppy that does terrible metaphorical things.

FKOD: But you metaphorically stole my watch!

Zobi: And you metaphorically ate my homework!

Eriines: That's quite enough.

Cassidy: Not until you metaphorically redeem yourself.

Eriines: Do you punks want me to smack you around so hard that your skulls get dents in them?

FKOD: Try it. I got a rocket launcher that makes these huge, fiery explosions, another launcher that makes a huge electrical explosion, a shotgun that fires rockets, another shotgun that worlds splendidly in close range-- oh whoops too much Borderlands.

Cassidy: You had me worried there for a sec.

Eriines: So, since you aren't loaded with explosives, I suppose I can just go ahead and beat you silly now?

????: Stop right there, criminal!

Eriines: Who the heck are you?

????: Have you not heard of me? I am--

???????: Clef, stop being so silly.

Clef: Oh sorry. *ahem* I'm Clef Wholenote, the Unlimited Poet. You've probably heard of me. I hope.

Biritta: I'm Biritta, Clef's sister.

Syhin: I'm Syhin.

Metta: ...Metta.

Daneck: I'm Daneck, and I'm a stallion.

FKOD: A pony! :3

Daneck: I'm no pony! I'm a stallion! Look upon my stallioness!

Syhin: Don't hurt his pride too much.

Eriines: Yeah, that's my job. So what are you weirdos doing here?

Clef: Well, I heard your harassing people.

Eriines: Well yeah. That's not really a crime.

Clef: Also I heard you robbed a jewelry store.

Eriines: Really.

Clef: And you are a notorious jaywalker.

Eriines: Ah.

Biritta: Your awfully cute for a villain, though.

Eriines: Villain? Jeez, just because I ignore crosswalks doesn't mean I want to doom all of humanity.

Syhin: But there's still the whole jewelry store thing.

Eriines: I was ignoring that because it's not true. All my money comes from work.

Clef: What kind of job would get you millions of points though?

Eriines: Music.

Clef: Really? I play an instrument too and all I get is a little money and a bunch of shoes.

Cassidy: This is more professional stuff. We have bands, managers, that sort of thing.

Clef: Oh okay then.

FKOD: Okay Clef, how exactly did you get here? Your my character in my roguelike.

Clef: Idunno. I'm pretty confused about this whole Earth thing. So.... what's all this character business?

FKOD: Well, I selected your race, gender, class, title, and name and used you as an avatar to explore a world known as Irva.

Clef: So... when I lost my piano, that was YOUR fault?

FKOD: No, of course not! That was the kobold's fault. It killed you for your piano.

Biritta: Sure, that makes sense. Unless you take into account that kobolds can't even lift pianos and are aggressive by nature.

FKOD: It wasn't a perfect theory.

Ature: Wait. Clef is still alive.

FKOD: It's a roguelike that doesn't have permadeath.

Syhin: Which is a good thing.

Zobi: Hey guys, Eriines is gone.

Cassidy: Uh oh.

FKOD: Oh poo. She's a rebel, I'll tell ya.

Clef: Well. Hm. What should we do?

Ature: Cry?

Zobi: Assume the fetal position?

Cassidy: Guys! We can't mope around! My cousin or relative or whatever is crazy and we need to keep an eye on her!

Eriines: What are you guys talking about?

Ature: Oh. There she is.

Zobi: Where were you?

Eriines: I was getting a soda. Jeez.
Now for your regularly scheduled update.

Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Kujakutchi

Gen: 23

Job: Still in preschool

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Kujakutchi

Gen: 4

Job: Waiting for a notice in the mail

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Cassidy

Gender: F

Character type: Chantotchi

Gen: 20

Band: Blizzard

Instrument: Saxophone

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

FKOD: Bluh bluh power outages bluh.

Ature: Well at least it's back on.

Zobi: It was sssooooo boring though.

FKOD: Yup. Anyways, Cassidy is out on a date, and Daneck went out to look for Xoco, who apparently got left behind by accident (not like I forgot to include her in the log or anything, nope).

Clef: Speaking of Xoco and Daneck, there they are.

Daneck: Ah lemme tell you there are things out there, man, things.

FKOD: Yeah?

Daneck: I think I saw some eldritch horrors.

Clef: So, is Shorty alright?

Xoco: Call me that again and I'll stab you. In fact, I might as well stab you now, since you left me too--

Biritta: Xoco, calm down.

Syhin: *punches Clef*

Clef: Owww, what was that for?

Syhin: Isn't it obvious? Jeez, your five years older than your sister and three years less mature.

Clef: Hey, that's harsh.

Xoco: Not as harsh as leaving me out there with the gnats and dogs. And calling me short.

Eriines: Well, compared to the other members of your team or group or whatever... just saying.

Ature: If it makes you feel any better, your taller than me and Zobi combined?

Zobi: What about you, me, and Eriines combined.

Ature: I think so, but I'd have to test it. Eriines, can we stand on your head for a minute?

Eriines: What do I look like, some kind of stool?

Daneck: Well, if you convince them that your like the other kind of stool, they might not want to stand on your head. If you catch my meaning.

Eriines: I caught your meaning and I wish I could throw it back at your face, you freak.

Biritta: Seriously, Daneck, that was not cool.

Daneck: Sorry.

Ature: Anyways, the point is that Xoco isn't super short.

Xoco: I appreciate your effort of not being a jerk, but that doesn't change the fact that I'm 19 years old and a little over four feet tall.

Eriines: Well, you bring a little balance to the group. Everyone else is freakishly tall.

Clef: Being 6.2 feet tall isn't freakish.

FKOD: But you tower over me in a brazen display of your height attribute.

Clef: Well... okay, anyways, we should discuss getting back to Irva.

Eriines: Try tapping your heels together a few times and say, "There's no place like home."

Clef: That's silly.

Ature: You don't if it'll work if you don't try.

Zobi: You gotta believe in yourself.

Clef: Yeah no.

FKOD: What do you remember around the time you got here?

Clef: Hm... well, I had been doing a few deliveries and escorts, and I figured I stop by my house to get some shut-eye. I had this really weird dream about a guy making a taco, and then when I woke up I was in this weird place. Like some kind of bridge.

FKOD: The dam?

Clef: Sure. Anyways, this little.... thing with tentacles comes up to me and starts telling me about some person being irresponsible about raising some tama-something and says we're all doomed and the thing robbed a grocery store--

Eriines: Dr. Blobagus. He's stupid and you shouldn't pay any attention to him.

Clef: Okay. So anyways, he asks us to go and do something about it, so we go onto this dusty road and Xoco got lost while trying to scout ahead, and we almost got run over by some big metal thing, and it was terrible.

Ature: Hm. Sounds like teleportitis.

Clef: But how could I get teleportitis? I'm not wearing anything that's cursed, nor do I have the ether disease.

Zobi: Maybe if you make the taco from your dream and eat it you'll go back.

Clef: Yeah... but the taco had things like pizza and a giant pancake and this weird cream stuff and eww.

Dr. Blobagus: I believe the only person who could build a trans-dimensional machine... would be Dorle.

FKOD: But we blew up him and everything he owned.

Dorle: Or did you?


Syhin: Dang it, I hate cliffhangers.

Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Kujakutchi

Gen: 23

Job: Still in preschool

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Kujakutchi

Gen: 4

Job: Waiting for a notice in the mail

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Cassidy

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 20

Band: Blizzard

Instrument: Saxophone

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Zobi: Is the cliffhanger over yet?

Ature: Well, since we're updating, I'd say yes.

Cassidy: Dang, I feel like it's been forever. I feel so old...

Eriines: Hm, I wonder why.

Cassidy: Oh shush you.

Dorle: All right, are we done sitting around? I'm getting rather bored with waiting to get my revenge.

FKOD: Yeah we're updating the log now.

Cassidy: Well can he wait longer? I have to rant about my boyfriend not proposing to me--

Dorle: No. I am a mad scientist and I wait for no one. Anyways...

Clef: What's the deal with me being here? What do you want me for?

Dorle: Oh.... I'm sure your familiar with a material called "Ether."

Clef: Well yeah. It causes terrible disease.

Dorle: Which could be used to my advantage! Mwahahaahah!

Eriines: Yeah okay. What if you get the disease?

Dorle: Do you think I'm stupid or something? I chose to bring Clef into this world because he has an ally with an ether object and an ally who is an elf. Elves resist the disease, you know.

Daneck: You know NPCs can't get ether disease, right?

Dorle: There are no such things and player characters and non-playable characters in this world.

Daneck: ...I'm just going to take these ether shoes off, now.

Cassidy: Um. I didn't know horses could wear normal shoes.

Ature: Or terrible deadly shoes.

Zobi: Hey, if elves don't get the disease thingy, then that means.... Santa's elves can save us all!

Dorle: Pfft. There is no such thing as Santa.

Zobi: Yeah, there is.

Dorle: Nuh-uh.

Zobi: Yeah-huh.

Dorle: Prove it.

Zobi: I will. I will go to the North Pole, snap some photos and come back.

Dorle: Really.

Zobi: Yup.

Dorle: Well while you do that, I will take my gene engineering subject and be off.

Syhin: Oh no you won't. Not without a fight anyway.

Zobi: Wait, your an elf! You can call Santa, right? Right?

Syhin: Er, I don't know this Santa guy.

Ature: Zobi, she's an elf from another world.

Zobi: Darn it.

Dorle: Anyways, I'd like to show you... the Kidnappetron!

Clef: Okay, that's the worst name for a robot that I've ever heard. Also, don't kidnap my friend. That's not cool, man.

Dorle: Well, why don't you just try to stop me?

Clef: Maybe I will.

Dorle: Oh really?

Clef: Yeah. I'll stop you.

Biritta: Me too.

Dorle: Oh, so you'll both stop me?

Biritta: Yeah.

Kidnappetron: Bzzt. I will not be stopped by fleshy creatures. Bzzt.


Kidnappetron: Bzzt. My shields are superior. Bzzt. And so are my lasers. *peeeeeew*


Cassidy: Oh no, Diminutive Droideka! Grr, that's it, I've had it with you, jerk robot!

Kidnappertron: Bzzt. Hahahaha. What do you expect to do against me? Bzzt.

Cassidy: I love you. *fires lasers from eyes*

FKOD: Hey, I honestly didn't think that would work!

Kidnappertron: Noooooo--Bzzt--Bzzt--this is--bzzt--terribugggghhhhhhhhjdsgjodhfgo.

Dorle: Um. I didn't see that coming.

Metta: What...?

Syhin: How does that even...

Eriines: Well I'll be...

Ature: Holy cow!

Zobi: Oh my gosh!

Daneck: Cool! I need to love people more.

Dorle: I-I'll be back! With a love-proof robot! *takes off in rocket*

Ature: Oh jeez, he's going to turn out to be this log's Eggman, isn't he?

Zobi: Then it's up to us to be the walrus.

Biritta: Huh?

Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Gen: 23

Job: The school of fisticuffs

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Kujakutchi

Gen: 4

Job: The school of smiling

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Cassidy

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 20

Band: Blizzard

Instrument: Saxophone

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Clef: Okay, so--

Cassidy: I got married~<3

Clef: That's nice. Anyways--

Cassidy: Shhh, tamagotchis get to talk first. This is a tamagotchi log, after all.

Biritta: But--

Zobi: Me and Ature evolved today!

Ature: Woo!

Eriines: I evolved too, last night. Not that anyone cares. Anyways, get your drama out of the way, Cassidy.

Cassidy: It's not drama! Yeesh. Anyways, Ryo and I kinda broke up. We're still friends, but...

Eriines: Yaaawn.

Cassidy: Hey, don't yawn at me!

Daneck: Yaaawn.

Cassidy: >:[

Daneck: Don't look at me like that, yawns are contagious.

Xoco: Enough drama. I want to go home already.

FKOD: Hey Blobagus.

Dr. Blobagus: Hm?

FKOD: I thought you nuked Dorle's moon base. How'd he survive?

Dr. Blobagus: That was only one of his many bases. Apparently he wasn't there at the time.

Clef: Which base do you think his weird dimensional machine thing is at?

Dr. Blobagus: :/ Idunno.

Syhin: That's helpful. Anyone know any way of locating it?

Ature: Google Earth?

Zobi: Google is the solution to everything.

FKOD: I googled it. It didn't help.

Meanwhile, in a lab in an undisclosed area...

Bear woman: I'm tellin' ya, that tube is not going to hold that mutant for long.

Dorle: Relax, Tomi. I have this all worked out.

Tomi: Pfft, sure. Once she wakes up, she'll just burst out like the Kool-Aid man. But instead of yelling, "Oh yeah!", she's gonna be yelling, "I'm going to murder you all!"

Dorle: Do you really have so little faith in me? You know I plan out almost everything in advance.

Tomi: So. How is this going to help us with this ether project?

Dorle: Oh, that's not a part of the project. That's part of a side project. Just some genetic experimentation, that's all.

Tomi: Okay then. So... what's your big plan for obtaining the ether material and the elf?

Dorle: I'm attempting to build a machine that's both love-proof and hate-proof. It's rather difficult.

Tomi: Why don't you let me handle this?

Dorle: Do you know what it's like to be hit with love lasers?

Tomi: No.

Dorle: Me neither, and I don't want to find out.

Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Gen: 23

Job: The school of fisticuffs

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Celebtchi (whoops forgot to change this last update)

Gen: 4

Job: The school of smiling

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Theresa

Gender: F

Character type: Hitodetchi

Gen: 21

Band: N/A

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones


Ature: What?

FKOD: If you use the search feature in the pokedex in HeartGold, this dancing Slowpoke pops up.

Zobi: Really? Lemme see!

Clef: Hey, what about getting me back home?

Theresa: Oh my gosh, he is dancing! That's too cute!

Biritta: Guys...

Theresa: Do it again!

Ature: Um, okay, shouldn't we be, you know, helping Clef now?

Eriines: Yeah, seriously, Slowpoke isn't that interesting anyway.

Zobi: But he's doing the monkey!

Xoco: We don't care!

Daneck: Heh, he is dancing. Look at him go.

Biritta: Daneck!

Daneck: Oh come on, Biritta, you have to see this.

Biritta: ...Oh my gosh that is so cute!

Syhin: Dang it, Daneck.

Clef: Shouldn't we be finding Dorle's secret base or lab or whatever?

Metta: ...Spain.

Clef: Pardon?

Metta: *holds up a piece of paper* According to this.

Clef: "The base your looking for is in Spain. Just ask the locals about a bunch of strange-looking people that don't know any Spanish." Huh, I wonder who wrote this?

FKOD: Idunno. But that's our only clue, gang, so let's split up.

Eriines: This isn't Scooby Doo and your not Freddy.

FKOD: Oh no, everything I know is wrong!

Ature: Er... anyways, how do we get to Spain?

Zobi: And how do we ask the locals about stuff when we don't know any Spanish?

FKOD: I know a tiny bit of Spanish. I could be all like, "Hey muchachos, you mirar any personas that don't hablo Espanol?" Which would probably just offend them and get us nowhere.

Zobi: Maybe we should communicate via interpretive dance. That's a universal language, right?

Theresa: Or charades!

Ature: Pictionary?

Eriines: How about we cut the middleman and just look around. Or better yet, find whoever wrote that stupid ambiguous note and ask him.

FKOD: I will sniff him or her out. *sniff sniff* This way.

Syhin: I don't think a human sense of smell will be adequate for this sort of thing.

FKOD: My nose knows, mkay? Uh, this way. Where Metta is standing. In fact, the scent matches.

Ature: That's probably because she held the note.

FKOD: Oh. Well. We might need a dog. Or... a dog-like pokemon. Lemme go check my PC boxes. BRB.

Clef: BRB? What the heck does that mean?

Theresa: Be right back.

FKOD: Okay, I have this Growlithe named Dog. Go Dog!

Dog: Growl.

FKOD: We need you to track down the writer of this note, okay?

Dog: *sniff sniff* *approaches Metta* Growl!

FKOD: Gosh darn it.

Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Gen: 23

Job: Industrial Bakery Operator

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Celebtchi

Gen: 4

Job: Driver of the Desert Bus of Hope

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Theresa

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 21

Band: Praise

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

FKOD: Hey, we didn't update yesterday. But, since we have some sort of plot going on, here is what would've happened in that update!


FKOD: I know what'll lure the mystery note writer out! Where are you?!

Batman: Behind you.

FKOD: No, I wasn't looking for you Batman.

Batman: :[


Mutant: *bursts out of tube* Oh yeah!

Dorle: See Tomi? You were wrong.

Tomi: Shut up.


FKOD: Okay, here are the finest detectives I could find. I'd like to introduce you to Guy Fox, Terry, and Mr. Blobagurus, who is not Dr. Blobagus wearing a fake nose and glasses.

Eriines: Wow, really? Couldn't you have tried the phone book?

Mr. Blobagurus (who isn't Dr. Blobagus, nope): I assure you we will crack the case and prove Theresa's innocence!

Theresa: What?


Syhin: You don't know what you're doing! None of us know what we're doing!

Ature: We know what we're doing!

Xoco: Then why are we in Candy Mountain!

Zobi: Uh hello? Candy.


Dorle: You can give the elf and shoes to me, and I send them back when I'm done, and while I'm at it, I'll send you home. Doesn't that sound nice? It would be better than say, having to face this terrible robot of destruction I built?


Ature: Am I the only one who had the Dr. Who theme going through my head during that recap for the update that never happened?

Theresa: You too? What a crazy random happenstance!

Eriines: There is a horrible killer robot not ten feet away from us and you guys are thinking of Doctor Who?

Zobi: Well, if he showed up in his Tardis, that'd be pretty cool.

Eriines: Yeah, if wishes were fishes, eh?

Clef: ...

Dorle: Well? It's either go home or get torn apart.

Tiny Optimus Prime: Not today, villian! Go, Tiny Vigilante Squad!

Tomi: We're being challenged by a tiny robot, a miniature eldritch horror, and a chibi soul reaper. Should I be frightened or amused?

Mini Cthulhu: *eldritch Well I think you should be frightened but that's just me*

Guy Fox: Those are not guys you want to tangle with, right Terry and Mr. Blobagurus?

Terry: Gardevoir.

Mr. Blobagurus: We will solve the case and prove that it's not a ghost, but a man in a ghost suit!

Terry: [Dude, we're fighting a giant robot. Get with the program.]

Mr. Blobagurus: I assure you ma'am, everything will be alright. Just let me look for clues.

Terry: [i'm a guy!]

Mr. Blobagurus: Shh. I'm onto something. There was a strawberry like creature here yesterday, named Theresa. Today, she's not here, but this bunny is. Bunnies eat fruit, so the bunny must've eaten Theresa. How unfortunate.

Theresa: I didn't eat myself! I evolved!

Mr. Blobagurus: What an interesting development. I'm sure this has something to do with Terry looking so effeminate for his gender.

Terry: [i'm going to kill you.]

Mr. Blobagurus: Yes, Terry, I'm sure the library is our next destination.

Guy Fox: Uh, Blobagus-- I mean, Blobagurus, giant robot.

FKOD: So, Dorle, where is the glaring weak-point on this thing?

Dorle: Ha! Do you think I would have such design flaws on my machines! Ha!

FKOD: But this is a boss battle! He has to have a weakpoint.

Dorle: Well, I'm sorry to dissappoint you. *cellphone rings* Oh sorry, that's probably my assisstant. Hello? Dorle here... Really? Are you serious... Wonderful... The fight has yet to start. I've only just forced the bard into making a difficult choice just now... Well, I didn't know they were in Candy Mountain... Okay, see you later. *hangs up*

Zobi: Let's just go ahead and fire love lasers at the robot.

Dorle: Ha! That robot is both love-proof and hate-proof! No emotion-based attacks can harm it.

Ature: That is assuming that all emotions are somehow related to those two emotions, that is.

FKOD: Apathy.

Dorle: Pfft, what are you going to do? Ignore the robot while it crushes you and hope that works?

Eriines: What exactly is the point of dooming the world, anyway?

Dorle: So that I can control it.

Eriines: Yeah. But I'll bet that some unlikely rebel group will knock you right off your throne at some point. Or if they don't, well, you can't live forever.

Dorle: Or perhaps I can.

Eriines: Sure. What if the world gets blown up by aliens building a bypass? Then what?

Dorle: Er...

Eriines: And you know, the sun will probably blow to bits at some point. It'll be a black hole then, and it will eventually consume Earth along with everyone else.

Dorle: I can find another planet.

Eriines: Then why take over this one in the first place, if there's so many planets out there for you?

Dorle: Well... I expect to use humans as a resource.

Eriines: Slavery then? Yeah, that means rebels.

Dorle: Oh just shut up already.

Eriines: You know, what about when reality ends? It has to, at some point. Everything we've done now and everything we'll do is absolutely pointless.

Giant Robot: ...All is pointless. Goal: unacheivable. Innitiating shut-down.

Dorle: WHAT?

Clef: Did you... did you make that robot convert to nihilism?

Eriines: He did it himself. I was trying to make Dorle a nihilist.

FKOD: So it's weaknesses were apathy and nihilism. Who would have known?

Guy Fox: Us.

FKOD: Well yeah. But anyways, Dorle has no robot.

Dorle: But I have a gun.

Zobi: Wait, I have one last request before you shoot me.

Dorle: Well I was just going to threaten you as long as you don't try to fight me, but I'm feeling oddly generous today. So, this last request?

Zobi: Could you tell me what nihilism is?

Dorle: Oh, it's a belief that everything is pointless.

Zobi: Okay, thanks.

Mr. Blobagurus: I too have a last request.

Dorle: What?

Mr. Blobagurus: Can you tell me how your hair has greyed so early? It was like that when you were in highschool. I've always wondered if you dyed it, or...

Dorle: ...

FKOD: Hang on, it was Dr. Blobagus who was in high school with Dorle, not you!

Mr. Blobagurus: Oh... I was reading Dr. Blobagus's year book one day.

Terry: [show us this yearbook.]

Mr. Blobagurus: Oh. I um... he took it on his vacation to Peru. It's in Peru. Thus we can't look at it.

Theresa: Dr. Blobagus went to Ireland, though, didn't he?

Mr. Blobagurus: That's what I meant. For some reason, I get Peru and Ireland mixed up a lot.

FKOD: Objection! I would like to bring it to the court's attention... that the Imperial Walker doesn't have its plastic glasses.

Mr. Blobagurus: Oh, what does that have to do with anything?

FKOD: I keep those glasses on the walker for humorous reasons, but they're gone. And only one person in this room is wearing them.

Mr. Blobagurus: Oh, but you don't have that with you! How can you prove this?

FKOD We got here by driving the AT-AT, dummy.

Mr. Blobagurus: Oh. Um. Maybe someone took them off so they wouldn't inhibit driving.

FKOD: Your wearing the exact same glasses.

Mr. Blobagurus: Well, okay, I took them. But why is it signifigant that I'm wearing them?

Ature: Because without them, you'd look exactly like Blobagus!

Dorle: Blobagus!

Clef: Blobagus?

Guy Fox: Blobagus!?

Zobi: It looks like the glasses ruse... was a distraction.

Dr. Blobagus: Well. Um. Anyways, I was asking Dorle a question.

Dorle: Oh, why my hair is grey? It's because I'm about to shoot you with my laser gun.

Dr. Blobagus: That makes so much sen--

Dorle: *shoots Blobagus*

Dr. Blobagus: ...! Argh... no... How can this be?

Ature: Oh no! Blobagus! Are you okay? We need a doctor!

Dr. Blobagus: ...I'm a... doctor... where's the... patient...?

Eriines: The patient is you stupid.

Dr. Blobagus: ...Oh yeah...

Zobi: Oh gosh, first Diminutive Droideka and now Dr. Blobagus? Dorle, you monster! I'm gonna beat you so hard that your grandparents feel it!

Dorle: My grandparents? How are you going to-- ow, that was my shin!

Theresa: Dorle, this is for our world! It's time for you to surrender!

Dorle: No! I won't lose to a bunch of cute little... things! Prepare to--

Clef: *shoots the gun out of Dorle's hand* Oops, did I just disarm you? Hm, now it looks like your at the mercy of everyone here, unless you had some great escape plan.

Dorle: Oh, but I do have an escape plan. You see, when that robot deactivated, it sent a signal to a satelite, which also happens to be a laser. I had it set to fire five minutes after the signal was sent. Also, the robot was neither love-proof nor hate-proof. I simply said that so that you would attempt to fight it. But the whole nihilism thing worked out in the end. It's a good thing I gave that robot sentience.

FKOD: A Xanatos gambit!

Dorle: Exactly.

Eriines: You're going down with us, though.

Dorle: Ha! The joke's on you suckers! I've cloned myself! Hahahahahahah! And with all the time we've wasted, you'll all be dead in... 3... 2... 1....

*the laser comes down and hits an energy shield*

Dorle: What was that?

Aparus: A little think I like to call "magic".

Cliffhanger time!

Syhin: GAH!

Name: Ature

Gender: M

Character type: Uratogetchi

Gen: 23

Job: Industrial Bakery Operator

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Zobi

Gender: M

Character type: Celebtchi

Gen: 4

Job: Driver of the Desert Bus of Hope

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Theresa

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 21

Band: Praise

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

FKOD: Okay, so I stayed the night at my grandparents house yesterday, so no update then. Sorry 'bout that.

Zobi: We're not in Candy Mountain anymore. But I have candy!

Ature: Seriously? I'm going to get sick if I look at another piece of candy.

Theresa: Gosh Zobi, you don't need anymore candy. You're gonna get fat.

Eriines: And you know what happens to flabby tamas, riiiiight? >:]

Zobi: Uh, what?

Giant Armored Naga: [SIZE=21pt]I DEVOUR THEM.[/SIZE]

FKOD: Dude, indoor voice, please.


Ature: Anyways, we should explain to the readers what happened yesterday.

Theresa: Well, Dorle got his but kicked... well, one of him, anyways.

FKOD: And, as it turns out, Dorle ticked off Aparus's boss (Esthis, remember her?) and she is now tracking down all his clones.


Theresa: Clef and his buddies finally got home.

Zobi: As it turns out, Dorle's machine was in Candy Mountain.

Ature: Ugh, Candy Mountain.

FKOD: Well, at least out kidneys weren't stolen there.

Ature: What?

FKOD: Anyways, I met a mutant! It was a cucumber that became an owl.


Theresa: And then we went to this little town where FKOD's grandparents live.

FKOD: Well, that's when I met the cucumber owl. We discussed politics.

Eriines: Yeah, sure. Can we not talk about that thing, it creeped me out.

FKOD: It stared into my soul.

Eriines: Arrrrrgggggggghhhhhhh.

FKOD: Anyways, I've decided to play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon again. I forgot how fun it was! I also tried Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. I'm kind of not good at that game, you know? It makes me feel like a miserable pile of secrets.

Eriines: I still never get why Dracula compares man to a miserable pile of secrets in Symphony of the Night. I mean, I'd compare human kind to a disaster waiting to happen or something.


FKOD: I make sure we only watch good TV shows, like Doctor Who and the Colbert Report.

Zobi: Anyways, me and Ature have families now!

Ature: We both have daughters. I'm trying to think of a name...

Zobi: I think I'm naming my daughter Shiri.

Ature: That's a nice name. I've decided on Malia.


FKOD: But Gan can stand for Giant Armored Naga, which is very fitting for you.


FKOD: Oh, well, it works right now, so chill out.

Oh hey I was going to update last night but my internet went kablooie on me so here's yesterday's update.

Name: MaliaGender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Fisticuffs student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Smiley student

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Theresa

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 21

Band: Praise

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

FKOD: Okay, no update yesterday because of laziness.

Eriines: Is it just me or have you been basically updating every other day?

Malia: Your efficiency has gone down by 50%. Tsk tsk.

Shiri: And you missed our childhoods! ;-;



Theresa: You're a terrible person!


Eriines: I never liked your fanfiction!


Monroe: The light must be taken. The fae are coming.

FKOD: Wait, what? Oh yeah, I need to introduce Monroe's new friends!

Radioactive duck: Hey, just because we're ducks doesn't mean we're friends with that guy.

Mallard duck: Seriously.

FKOD: But... Geiger! Susan! I told you not to judge him by his condition!

Geiger: Er.... what? You never said that.

Susan: You just said, "Hey you guys this is Monroe be friends forever now, 'kay?"

Malia: But Monroe isn't in control of his incoherent ramblings.

Shiri: He needs friends. There's no one there for him!

FKOD: Met a man on the roadside crying,

Without a friend there's no denying.

You're incomplete there'll be no finding,

Looking for what you knew.
Now for today's update.

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungvioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Fisticuffs student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Urayoungmarotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Smiley student

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Theresa

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 21

Band: Praise

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Theresa: Hey guys, I got married today!

Eriines: Good for you.

Malia: Okay.

Shiri: Uh-huh.

Theresa: Guuuuuuuuys! This is an important event in my life!

Eriines: Well, I don't think you should really think that I care about anything you do anyway.

Theresa: I've come to expect that sort of thing from you, Eri, but what's with the other two?

Malia: I'm busy.

Shiri: Me too.

Theresa: No you aren't. You just sit there. You don't actually do anything.

Malia: Of course we do.

Shiri: We poop!

Theresa: O_O

Shiri: :]

FKOD: :lol: Resorting to potty humor? Tsk tsk! I will not have that in my log.

Shiri: Sorry!

FKOD: If your really sorry... then never speak of excrement again.

Shiri: 'Kay.

FKOD: Seriously, if you do, if you don't obey my order, if you think it is absolutely necessary to speak of that subject when it is totally not, I will glue your feet to a board so you have to hop everywhere. 'Kay?

Malia: That sounds excessive.

FKOD: Excessive punishments are pretty effective.


FKOD: Hey, I didn't say I'd use super glue. I'd use some kind of school glue.


FKOD: Well, I won't do it if she doesn't misbehave.


FKOD: Stop judging me!

Theresa: He can't help it, it's his job to protect us!

FKOD: Yeah.

Eriines: "Us" being the tamagotchis. You don't fit under that description.

FKOD: What? What's that supposed to mean?


FKOD: Oh. Okay. Wait, does this mean that Esthis cares more about the tamas than me?


FKOD: Yeah, I probably would tear a hole in the space-time continuum out of frustration if I lost one of my little guys.

Theresa: How would you manage that?

FKOD: My hair.

Eriines: Your hair?

FKOD: Yeah.

Shiri: But... but how would that....

Malia: That's impossible.

FKOD: Nothing is impossible!

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Fisticuffs student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Smiley student

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Theresa

Gender: F

Character type: Mimitchi

Gen: 21

Band: Praise

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Theresa: Hm, what's a good name for my son?

FKOD: Gorblesnatch von Humperdink!

Theresa: Uh... what? No. I'm not giving him a ridiculous name.

Malia: How about Farren?

Theresa: Hmm...

Shiri: Oooh, how about Teis?

Theresa: Ooh, I like that one.

Eriines: Don't we Music Stars usually shoot for a longer name? 'Cause we can, y'know.

Theresa: Oh, Farren it is then.

Shiri: Sweet, I get to keep that name for my kid! I'm pretty sure it works for both genders too.

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Fisticuffs student

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Smiley student

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuchitamatchi

Gen: 22

Band: N/A

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Farren: Hey, FKOD, can I take over the world?

FKOD: What?

Farren: Is it possible?

Eriines: Well, if you believe in yourself...

Farren: Yeah?

Eriines: And you try your hardest...

Farren: Yeah?

Eriines: Nope. It's impossible. No one has succeeded, and no one ever will.

Shiri: Eriines, that's mean!

Malia: Shame on you.

Farren: Yeah, that was harsh, Aunt Eriines.

Eriines: You had it coming.

Farren: Why?

Eriines: You called me "Aunt."

Farren: Yeeeeeah, but I called you aunt after you insulted me.

Eriines: I can see the future.

Farren: Really?

Eriines: Pft, no.

Shiri: Aw, you don't have to be so mean, Eri! He's your... er... you're related to him!

Eriines: What difference does it make? I treat him like I treat everyone else.

Malia: Can't you make exceptions?

Eriines: Why? He's not all that exciting if I'm not insulting him or messing with his head.

FKOD: You could put a silly hat on him. That would make him more interesting.

Farren: I think I'm interesting! In fact, I'm very interesting.

Eriines: Really.

Farren: I will show you how interesting I am.

Eriines: Really.

Farren: Yup.

FKOD: Well, being interesting isn't something you just do.

Farren: Oh yeah? Well, I think the first interesting thing I'll do is prove you wrong!

FKOD: I'd like to see you try!

Farren: Okay!

FKOD: Well?

Farren: I'm thinking of something interesting.

Malia: Perhaps if you--

Shiri: Shh, this is something he has to do by himself.

Farren: Um...

FKOD: Tomorrow. Think of something to impress us with by then. Then we will accept you into our society.

Eriines: What the heck are you talking about FKOD?

FKOD: :/

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Doctor

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Singer

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Farren: Hey, FKOD, I can see into forever. Is there something wrong with me?

FKOD: Well, as a general rule, people don't usually see into forever.

Shiri: What's it like?

Farren: Terrible. I can see the end of the universe.

Eriines: Well... that's... um...

Malia: Do you think that's interesting?

Eriines: How do we know he's telling the truth? He's probably just trying to be interesting.

Farren: I can see your future Eriines...

Eriines: Really.

Farren: There's a lot of destruction...

Eriines: Is this some kind of vague crap your spitting out in a feeble attempt to trick me into thinking that--

Farren: You're an Arkrinth, or at least you will be an Arkrinth, because I told you that you would become one.

Eriines: What?

Shiri: But how?

FKOD: What is this I don't even.

Farren: She'll come into contact with the source of the Arkrinth's power... she'll become one of them.

Eriines: What then?

Farren: War.

FKOD: Hey now, time doesn't work like that. You see.... every decision we make creates this path, and the decisions we don't make become other paths... these sort of co-exist as separate universes, or something like that.

Shiri: Really?

Malia: How do you know that?

FKOD: By watching Stargate SG-1.

Eriines: Really.

FKOD: Yup!

Shiri: I don't think that--

FKOD: That's my story and I'm sticking to it. So shut up.

Farren: ...

FKOD: Though seeing the future, that's pretty interesting.

Farren: ...

Malia: Is something wrong?

Farren: ...Someone's coming for me.

Eriines: What is it?

Farren: Her.

????: Wow, I haven't seen a seer in a long time!

FKOD: I thought I left you to die in the Sahara!

????: Ah, you must be FKOD. I don't believe we met. Your claim is rather... odd.

FKOD: I've always wanted to greet someone like that! Anyways, who are you?

Pria: My name is Pria.

Eriines: Are you an Arkrinth?

Pria: Why, yes. How could a little mortal like you tell?

Eriines: I don't know. It might have something to do with the fact that you knew FKOD's name and you figured out that Farren got all weird all of a sudden.

Pria: Ah. Well, anyways, I have a little question for the seer!

Farren: Why should I tell you?

Pria: Oh, don't be so rude! I could strip you of your gift and take it for myself if I wanted to. But I'm being so nice and just getting one little bit of information that I require!

Shiri: You just don't want to take it from him because it'd drive you crazy.

Pria: Haha, I'm already insane! Me and the rest of my sisters! The only sane ones are Esthis and Ebris, you know.

Malia: Why?

Pria: Well, Esthis simply suppresses her emotions. As for Ebris... she was stripped of most of her power, and she asked that I suppress her memories so that she could live amongst humans instead of living as the weakest of the Arkrinths.

Ulata (Who has been called Ebris on several occasions, for those of you who don't remember): ...So that's what's going on.

FKOD: Oh hi Ulata.

Ulata: Who took my powers?

Pria: Oh, it was some guy. What was his name? Ah, yes, it was Dorle.

FKOD: What?

Eriines: Eh?

Shiri: Really?

Malia: Him?

Farren: ...

Pria: Hm. I suspect you heard of him... wait, I don't suspect it, I know it! Haha!

FKOD: Hey, you read the log? You should read my fan fi--

Pria: No. And no. I simply read your feeble, weak minds.


Pria: Anyways, I suppose you are more familiar with his clones then with the original. Only the real Dorle is an Arkrinth.

Shiri: That's crazy. Also... you always say sisters...

Pria: Yes, we're all girls!~ Except for Dorle. But we're not sure whether to consider him a real Arkrinth or not.

Ulata: Um... can I get my crazy Arkrinth power thingy back from him?

Pria: Not unless you have access to his technology and you catch him off guard. But you could always return to the Ark. Of course, you would need someone with you. The Ark only grants power to pairs. Dorle didn't want to go through with this, so he found a way to steal the powers of an Arkrinth. And you were stupid enough to fall into whatever trap he set.

Ulata: Hey!

Farren: Eriines, that means you. You have to go.

FKOD: What happens if she doesn't?

Farren: I don't know.

Eriines: So, uh... what exactly happens when I become an Arkrinth?

Pria: Oh, you just form a bond with us, along with a stronger bond with your partner... Hm, I do believe that Ebris here is still technically an Arkrinth... with a bond with Esthis... Oooooh, this will be interesting! I wonder what will happen?~

Eriines: I'm suddenly not so sure about this.

Farren: Eriines.... I actually think you're going to become an Arkrinth at a later time...

Eriines: Oh, changed your mind, did you?

Farren: I don't know... things seem different...

FKOD: I toooooold you! Different routes of.... time... stuff.... yeah.

Pria: Anyways, my question.

Farren: What is it?

Pria: What if... I side with Esthis? Do I win this little war that's coming up?

Farren: ...Um... I... I can't tell you. If I do, it changes too much.

Pria: Even though I can read your mind?

Farren: No, don't! I'm serious!

Pria: Oh, fine. Be that way. Coming here was a waste of time.

Ulata: What about me?

Pria: Oh, right, you. Come along, I'll take you to the Ark. Maybe I'll even give you your memories, if you want them.

FKOD: Bye, Ulata! Ooh, take pictures! I wanna see what it's like! And buy me stuff too.

Ulata: Uh, I don't think... never mind. Let's go.

Pria: Alright! Toodles, new friends!~

Eriines: Since when were we friends?

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Doctor

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Singer

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kikitchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Eriines: Uh, guys?

Shiri: What?

Eriines: You know how Pria said she was taking Ulata to the Ark?

Malia: Yes.

Eriines: If if were that easy in the first place... then why didn't Ebris just go there in the first place instead of getting her memories suppressed?

FKOD: Oh crap.

Eriines: Exactly my point.


Eriines: Idunno what she's planning...

Farren: She and Dorle have a deal... He wanted Ebris so that she could be partnered with someone Dorle knows...

Malia: Then we should go to the Ark to stop them.

Shiri: How?


Eriines: That makes things easier, but we should probably prepare for this.

Farren: Um yeah, before we do that, I have a confession to make... um, I was lying about seeing into forever. I just kind of see bits of the future and stuff. I thought that seeing into forever would look cooler.

Shiri: It's alright Farren. But I'm still wondering why Pria asked you about siding with Esthis.

Malia: Can you see the answer Farren?

Farren: Nope.

Eriines: Really? Can't you make yourself useful once in a while.

Farren: I have been making myself useful!

FKOD: Okay you two can shut up now. Anyways, we need to get to the bottom of this... well, you guys need to get to the bottom of this, I have a physics assignment to do.


FKOD: You don't know how serious Mr. Owens is when it comes to teaching.

Shiri: Gan, you'll come with us, right?


Malia: So what else do we need?

Eriines: Weapons, probably.

Shiri: And a training montage!

Farren: And the ducks.

Geiger: What?

Farren: Trust me.

Susan: I don't know who you are or what you want us to do.

Eriines: You'll figure it out. Let's get to training.

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Doctor

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Singer

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Farren: I hope you guys are ready, because Pria and the others are going to the Ark.

Eriines: Yeah, I think so.

Shiri: Okay, but Malia and I have kids. Someone needs to babysit them.

Dr. Blobagus: I will babysit them.

Malia: Blobagus, I thought you were shot.

Dr. Blobagus: I got better.

FKOD: Okay, you guys have fun.

Eriines: Wait, I thought you had a physics project. Why are you reading Axe Cop?

FKOD: Because... uh... he'll chop my head off if I don't.

Farren: Okay, Gan, open the portal!

Gan: OKAY. *opens portal*


Eriines: Oh, wow, this is the Ark? I was expecting something more...

Malia: Exciting?

Eriines: I guess.

Shiri: Where is everybody?

Farren: Hm, they should have come right about now... maybe my clock is wrong?

Dorle: *ahem*


Shiri: Oh, there they are.

Pria: So, you've come to stop us, hm?

Malia: Yes.

Eriines: We brought a ton of crap just to stop you from doing this.

Pria: Ha! No matter how well prepared you are, there's no way you could defeat two Arkrinths.

Farren: What if we believe in ourselves?

Dorle: Still not good enough.

Eriines: Pft, we have enough weapons to destroy a city.

Pria: Oh sure, you can have as many weapons as you want, but how do you expect to wield all of them?

Shiri: Well, we were thinking of taping the extra weapons to ourselves.

Dorle: Really.

Malia: It wasn't the best plan we had.

Pria: Yeah... okay, maybe we might just spare you or something if you step aside.

Gan: NOPE.

Dorle: Then we'll kill you.

Farren: But wait. We still have our ace-in-the-hole.

Pria: Oh?

Farren: Yeah.

Dorle: Let's see it then.

Farren: Behold!

Pria: ...?

Dorle: Is that...?

Farren: Yeah.

Pria: Are you serious?

Dorle: Really?

Farren: What's so weird about it?

Pria: It's a cat.

Qetesh: Mrow.

Dorle: Erm... this is your secret weapon?

Farren: Look at her! Isn't she cute!

Pria: ...Those eyes...

Dorle: ...I can't stop looking...

Shiri: Attaaaaaack!

*let's just say there's a lot of bullets and fighting and stuff, I'm too lazy to go into detail*

Pria: Ugh... you win this time... but I won't forget this...

Eriines: That's right. I win, you lose.

??????: I came here to become an Arkrinth! In fact, I was literally born for this! I'm not letting you get in my way!

Shiri: Hey look, that Ark thingy is doing something.

Qetesh: Mrow.


To be continued....

Qetesh: Mrow.

Name: Malia

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 24

Job: Doctor

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Shiri

Gender: F

Character type: Horoyotchi

Gen: 5

Job: Singer

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Shiri: So uh, what exactly is the Ark doing?

Qetesh: Mrow. *fires lasers from eyes at the Ark, thus destroying it*

Pria: What have you done, fiend?

Qetesh: Mrow.

Pria: If I weren't confined within this duck circle, I would--

Dorle: There's no use in yelling. It's a cat. It has no idea what you're saying.

Geiger: Oh no, it's just that you have no idea what she is saying.

Susan: Wait, Pria or Qetesh.

Geiger: The cat.

Susan: Oh okay.

??????: D:

Eriines: Well, I guess we'll be going then?

Ulata: Mrmph!

Malia: What wrong?

Ulata: Hrmph hrm hrmph mrmph mrph mrph hrmph!

Shiri: I can't understand a word your saying. Could you speak up a bit?

Ulata: >:||

Farren: Hey, Ulata, I'm pretty bummed about my prophecy being wrong too.

Eriines: You know, I think she's more disgruntled by the fact that she's been tied up for a couple of days.

Monroe: Mewmew.

Qetesh: Mrow.

Pria: Oh you two can shut up.

Dorle: Did that duck just meow?

Geiger: Yeah, there's something wrong with that guy.

Dorle: Hm... I thought he smelt of spatial distortions...

??????: Dang it, Dorle, what am I going to do? You promised me that I'd leave as a goddess.

Dorle: Sephel... I'm sorry. You're just going to have to figure something out.

Sephel: Well you better help me.

Dorle: ...


Geiger: Speaking of duck circles... we are allowed to leave at some point, right?

Susan: I need to use the restroom.

Monroe: Burn my dread.

Eriines: Okay, whatever.

Geiger: To Taco Bell!

Susan: Yeah!

Monroe: Burn my dread.

Susan: Monroe, stop singing.

Monroe: Never. I will sing until the heavens bend towards my will.

Geiger: Monroe, is it okay if we leave you in a ditch?

Monroe: The gods will fear me.

Dorle: Anyways, Sephel, come with me to the lab.

Farren: Wait, did you just put a piece of the Ark in your pocket?

Dorle: *opens a portal* It doesn't matter. *goes in portal with Sephel*

Pria: Oh, well, toodles, stupid jerks!~ *opens another portal and goes in*

Ulata: Mrmph!

Name: Iza

Gender: F

Character type: Kuribotchi

Gen: 25

Job: :/

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Teis

Gender: M

Character type: Tamatchi

Gen: 6

Job: :|

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Farren: Man, the last couple of days were so crazy.

Teis: Well, everything is back to normal now, right?


Iza: So you're going?

Gan: YEAH.

Eriines: Okay, good. We have more important crap to do.

FKOD: We do?

Eriines: Yeah.

FKOD: Well, I'm in the mood for less important stuff. Like video games and stuff.

Farren: And physics assignments, right?

FKOD: I am working on it, 'kay?

Name: Iza

Gender: F

Character type: Uravioletchi

Gen: 25

Job: School.

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Teis

Gender: M

Character type: Urayoungmametchi

Gen: 6

Job: School

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Iza: We didn't update yesterday.

Eriines: I wonder why.

FKOD: Uh, I blame society. And my brother. And the wretched day star. And possibly cabbage.

Teis: A scapegoat won't help you. You have to learn to take responsibility for your actions.

FKOD: Well you need to take responsibility for your face.

Farren: What are you talking about FKOD?

FKOD: Idunno. I'm trying to think of a good idea for the new contest.

Teis: TamaTalk has a contest?

Iza: Yeah.

Eriines: What, you didn't notice the big flashing NEW thing over on the left side of the screen?

Teis: Well. Uh....

Farren: It's in all caps, too.

Teis: Uh...

FKOD: It was there the day before yesterday when we were last on.

Teis: Uh... I.... but....

FKOD: Anyways, I'm entering. Of course. Free stuff, after all.

Farren: Good luck!

Eriines: You'll need it!

FKOD: D'aw, thanks you guys.

Dr. Blobagus: Hey, guys, I just realized something!

Iza: What?

Dr. Blobagus: I have the natural abilities of a lemming!

Eriines: Oh, you can fall off of cliffs? Me too! We're both freaking lemmings! By golly, we could be super-heroes or some crap like that.

Dr. Blobagus: Super-heroes? Pft. Lemmings can't save people.

Teis: Well, spiders aren't known for being particularly helpful, but when you look at Spiderman...

FKOD: And what do cops do?

Iza: Well actually--

FKOD: That's right. Nothing. But look at Axe Cop! He's chopped off many heads in the name of justice.

Dr. Blobagus: You... you're right... I'm gifted! I'M GIFTED! HAHAHAHAHAH! *floats off*

Eriines: What have you people done.

Farren: You know, with his strange eldritch powers, I'm surprised he's only been truly satisfied with himself only now.

Iza: It's a happy day for him.

FKOD: It won't be for anyone who meets him from here on, though.

Teis: What do you mean by that, FKOD?

FKOD: I mean that Dr. Blobagus is a terrible person. Oh, and someone PM'd me that he looks like Tenpatchi from the V4.5, and by golly... you'd just have to color him blue, shrink his eyes, and give him a mouth!

Farren: FKOD, I know your head is filled with confused and conflicting thoughts on a regular basis, but we'd appreciate if you explained Blob's dealie a bit more.

FKOD: Oh, yeah, uh.... that's a long story. And I need to go to bed so I don't wake up late and make you all be all like, "Jeez, FKOD, did you forget about us? We're all, like, starving now. And we all pooped in our corners and it smells bad and we feel terrible for not using the toilet like a sensible person."

Iza: Well, in our defense, the toilets are really tall compared to us.

Farren: And my toilet is sentient. It judges me.

Teis: I can't say I'm too comfortable with the way this is going... let's just end the log here and now, and spare everyone a lot of discomfort and agony.

Eriines: I second that notion.

Name: Iza

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Gen: 25

Job: School.

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Teis

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Gen: 6

Job: School

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

FKOD: Okay, let me tell you the story of Blobagus. So, once upon a time, he got broke off his parent and did all his copying and crap like that. But before that, and before his parent, and his grandparent, the original dude was all like this huge dude with a buttload of power.

Iza: Yeah?

FKOD: Let me put this into perspective. You know the Arkrinths? Think of one with, like, even more superpowers. Or something like that.

Teis: So where do they come from?

FKOD: I haven't the slightest clue! But anyways, since they have so much power, the little guys that get snapped off of them are pretty strong too. Sure, they have less and less power in later generations, but they could still whoop us all if they wanted too.

Farren: So how strong is Blob, then?

FKOD: Strong enough to annihilate a planet or too, if he's well rested. Which, considering how lazy he is...

Eriines: Really? Him?

FKOD: Yeah, totally.

Teis: Uh, where is he now?

FKOD: He's working on something. It's a secret.

Iza: I get this feeling that your in cahoots with him about something...

FKOD: Pfffffft. Cahoots. ...That's a funny word, cahoots. But you know what word is funnier? Lot. And then there's a lot, which can be misspelled as Alot and thus mean a little monster. You know what I mean?

Eriines: FKOD, you don't have to explain to us how insane you are. We already know.

FKOD: But you guys are so forgetful.

Iza: We are?

Name: Iza

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Gen: 25

Job: Hair Stylist

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Teis

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Gen: 6

Job: Tour Bus Driver

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

FKOD: Well, Blobagus has driven himself insane.

Eriines: Is th--

FKOD: Yeah, I know what you're going to say, because you're a jerk.

Eriines: You're a jerk too.

FKOD: Well at least I admit it. You jerk. Sitting on your jerk throne all day. Eatin' jerky.

Dr. Blobagus: Caaaaannnniiiiibbbbbaaaalllllllll....

FKOD: Blobagus, into the box with ye, foul monstrosity. You are ill suited for the light of day.

Farren: It's nighttime.

FKOD: It's shut up time is what it is.

Iza: FKOD, you're really surly. Is something wrong?

FKOD: Dr. Blobagus and I were trying to help someone, but Blobagus was all like "herp derp I'mma go insane herp derp" and we've made little progress.

Teis: Who are you trying to help?

FKOD: *shifty eyes* You won't tell anyone?

Iza: Uh, the log is public.

FKOD: Uh, okay readers, stop reading until I say you can. So, anyways, I was contacted a few days ago by some dude who goes by the name Professor Intelligence. He requested that I ask Dr. Blobagus to make a growth potion for someone named Tiny Zac Efron, whoever that is. But apparently Blobagus screwed something up and now he's spouting at least 80% more nonsense.

Eriines: Well... I don't think Professor Intelligence lived up to his name.

Teis: So, what will you do?

FKOD: Hire interns.

Iza: How will that help?

FKOD: Oh, it's a long story (well not really, I'm just a lazy jerk), but we need interns. Interns are vital to... uh... doing stuff.

Farren: Uh, okay. Where are you going to find these interns?

FKOD: You'll see! Anyways, let's talk about you guys, since I know you're all going to be like "bluh bluh too much plot let us tamagotchis talk bluh."

Farren: Okay well, bluh bluh I have a stupid glitch.

Eriines: Ha ha, I don't.

Farren: Well, anyways, I really wish I'd stop getting that low battery screen when I perform on stage.

FKOD: Well I'm sorry that I'm out of batteries, dude.

Farren: Also, I want to get married but the manager doesn't ever bring anyone. I've been 6 years old for several days now.

Teis: It'll work out eventually.

Iza: I think you should talk to the manager, and convince him that you value love over money.

Farren: Yeah...

Teis: Or you could date the girl in your band.

Eriines: Man, all this relationship crap is boring. Let's get back to fighting powerful entities and making freaking potions.

??????: In that case, you'll hand over the Arkling... or die.

Eriines: So, Farren, what do you think of that girl or whatever?

Farren: Uh...

??????: Okay, seriously, I'm right here you jerks.

Iza: Maybe if we close our eyes, he'll go away.

Farren: Yeah, we have enough antagonists.

??????: Fine, I'll take it by force.

FKOD: What the heck is an Arkling?

??????: You should know. You've had several come here and stay with you.

FKOD: Oh, are you talking about those tiny little bugs that always fly around my face?

??????: No, I meant the creatures you were discussing yesterday.

FKOD: Oh, you mean Alots? Well, alot of people just call them alots.

??????: You are really testing my patience here.

FKOD: But am I really testing your patience?

??????: Do you want me to kill you?

FKOD: Not especially, no.

??????: Then give the so-called "doctor" to me.

FKOD: Doctor Who isn't even here.

??????: Look, I don't care if your with the Sanctuary or not, but I will--

Eriines: Sanctuary?

??????: Yes, the Arkling Sanctuary. Created by some foolish young woman named Amayum.

Farren: What is it?

??????: Well what do you think it is?! It's a freaking sanctuary! Why is that so hard to figure out?

Farren: But why protect Arklings? They're strong, right?

??????: They're not immortal. And they all have a common weakness...

Iza: What is it?

??????: I'm not telling you.

Teis: But why are you trying to hurt Dr. Blobagus?

??????: I am from the Society of the Slayers.

Eriines: What an original name.

??????: Okay I am sick of your stupid derailing comments. I'm just going to kill you all in your sleep.

FKOD: Okay.

Name: Iza

Gender: F

Character type: Uramemetchi

Gen: 25

Job: Hair Stylist

V4.5 Status (Autumn leaves):

Name: Teis

Gender: M

Character type: Uramametchi

Gen: 6

Job: Tour Bus Driver

V6 Status (Blue bars):

Name: Farren

Gender: M

Character type: Kuromametchi

Gen: 22

Band: 7 Clones

Instrument: Mic

V6 Status (Glam Rock)

Name: Eriines

Gender: F

Character type: Dangoobatchi

Gen: 9

Band: Change

Instrument: Headphones

Eriines: Well, that slayer guy said he was going to kill us in our sleep, but I feel pretty alive.

Farren: I feel very alive.

Iza: I'm living so much!

Teis: It'd good to be alive.

??????: Okay, would you guys stop it.

Eriines: Hey, you look like you've seen better days.

??????: And you are heavy sleepers. Did you not hear the screaming?

Teis: I suppose not. What happened to you?

??????: Ugh, that duck, the one with the strange pattern on it's wing.

Iza: Monroe?

??????: Sure. I don't want to go into more detail than that. Ugh.

Farren: So you got beat up by a duck. Wow, that's awkward.

??????: You can shut up. Once I recover, I'm killing you all. *leaves*

Iza: How rude! What did we do to him?

Farren: It's okay. It's not like this is the first time that we've had to deal with dangerous psychopaths.

??????: *pokes head in* I'm not a psychopath! You people are rude. I'm going to really murder you dead when I get better, just you wait. *leaves again*

Eriines: *clap clap clap* Good job Farren! You just ruined everything forever! Now we're all going to die! *clap clap clap*

Teis: Maybe we should get help.

Eriines: *clap clap clap* I bet he's going to make our deaths painful! *clap clap clap* Great job, Farren, great job. *clap clap clap*

Iza: S-stop it, Eriines!

Eriines: *clap clap clap*

Iza: D:

Farren: Okay, Eriines, I didn't know he was out of earshot. But we can fix this.

Eriines: *clap clap clap*

Farren: Stop clapping!

Eriines: No. *clap clap clap*

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