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Active member
Sep 24, 2010
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hi guys. instead of trying to get one tamagotchi to last 145 years or something like that, i am trying to see how many generations i can have before one of them dies.

My 4.5 uradebatchi, nudge, married my friends tamagotchi v4 (a mametchi called Zuba). Nudge has been with her baby boy for 2 days, but just last night she left! Diego (which i will call the boy) is sleeping by himself.

it wont be another hour until he wakes up :angry: ! i will post when he does :D .

Oh i forgot to say, i think he is going to be in the urakutchi family (but slight chance that he will be in the urameme) what i am trying to to is to get him to turn into urakutchipatchi! but if it is the ura meme, i will get him to turn into uratogetchi. i will post soon :lol: :kusatchi: :D :D :)

oh screw waiting a hour!! haha i set the time to 8:59! so now instead of waiting half an hour, i am patiently waiting for one minute :D . waiting, waiting, yay!!! i named him diego!!! food i need to feed him! yay i just fed him and he is walking around! he has got some of nudge's skill points!

9 funny

9 gorgeous

11 spiritual

he is off to a good start :kusatchi: . anyway i have to eat breakfast, soo i will write back when he turns into a kid!

:) :D

he hasnt turned into a kid yet, but i went to tamatown just now!! diego seemed really happy to go there even though he can't talk yet :) .

we went to the food court and played our favourite game, tamaburger! then we visited nudge and she gave us 500gp!! then we left.

he is playing with his items now :lol: including, the ball and the clone (aka !!). gonna play climb with him now (to stack up on those skill points :p )

bye for now tamatalk! ^_^ :p :mametchi:

aww diego was crying ^_^ . and he turded (thats probably not a word XD) some more. i cant wait for him to transform! anyways here is his point status


gorgeous: 12


way to try and get spiritual. now it is the lowest :p i cant wait for the games to not be randomly chosen points (when he turns into a teen of course)

ta ta for now :mametchi: :lol:

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hey! it should be one or two minutes untill he transforms OMG! at 10 00 he will transform! :p . he just did his last baby turd! waiting waiting waiting.................................. omg he is transforming!!!!!! its a tamatchi! yay diego u r grown up :mametchi:

hi guys! thank god i can talk! oh this is diego by the way, i couldn't talk before when i was a little baby, but now i look gorgeous and i can float!! :lol:

yes and you will go to pre school soon



chill out, it might be the pre school but it might not

oh it IS the pre school!!!!

ok i will open it, but you behave infront of the pre school teacher alright?

yea yea. *goes to pre school and gets present* YAY I CAN GO TO PRE SCHOOL NOW!!!

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I'm bored

well do you wanna have a go writing on the log?


HI EVERYONE! this is diego! i am really glad that i am going to the pre school now! i hope that this time tomorrow i will be a glorious boxertchi or kormetchi. I am soooooo glad that i am living in this egg thing with sophia. She says that i dont have to call her mum because nudge was my real mum. i cant wait untill i am an adult, cause then i can use the cell phone to call mum and talk to her! i am glad that i wont become an oldie either! because being a super awesome adult and then turning into an ugly oldie is just deppressing. bye my mega awesome fans, time for pre school!!!

Diego is still his tamatchi self! he is living, breathing turding... etc.

here is his status so far

funny: 23

gorgeous: 15


yes i am a SUPER SMART tama! i am gonna get a job that is soooo awesome that i will get heaps of money!!

we will see about that!

just bought two food items

a sausage mmmmm yummy!

and a muffin DELISH!

we just played tug-of-war and diego versed a urakutchipatchi

who looks totally AWESOME! i can't wait till i turn into him

well thats good cause when you go back to tamatown, you will look exactly the same

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Diego, pipe down!

sorry, sorry. anyways, my game playing payed off

uhh i played the game with you!

okay fine, OUR game playing payed off. I just bought a ticket to france, and we still have 6500gp left!

yes, but Diego can't use it yet cause he is not an adult yet :p :angry:

yes i am as peeved as you sophia!!! this is more the reason for me to want to become ura kutchipatchi!

we both can't wait for that! anyways, do you wanna play climb?

HELL YEA :D :) :lol:

just finished playing climb. but now that i think about it..... that make me EXHAUSTED! :D *yawns*, *YAWNS* i think that i will lie down now. *lies down*. *actually goes to sleep

Diego is asleep now. this is his first full night of sleep :angry: . quite cool if you think about it! anyways, since he is asleep, i don't have much else to do. So..... NIGHT NIGHT!!!! :) :lol: :p

GOOD MORNING SUNSHINES, THE EARTH SAYS HELLO :lol: :mametchi: :kuribotchi: :ichigotchi: .


Diego is still sleeping (still) :p its weird, how his first night of sleep, he sleeps 13 freaking hours :eek: . haha I couldnt sleep that long if i tried

:puroperatchi: :chohimetchi: :gozarutchi: :pochitchi: :marumimitchi: :nyatchi: :

ATTACK OF THE EMOTES! haha didnt have much to tell you guys then ^_^ . so far diego is still 0 years old but he will age 2day at 10 00 am (or a bit later, like one past ten) so i will tell you guys when he wakes up, and when he transforms :eek:

snoooorreee. *starts sleeptalking* PM SOPHIA, PM SOPHIA *rolls around*

hey guys, Diego just woke up! he is moving around and...... OMG HE IS EVOLVING. waiting.. waiting........ huh? he is urayoungmametchi????

umm i don't think this is right.........

Neither do i. Nudge was a ura kutchi family, so why are you a uramame?

oh well. i will turn into Matsuritchi! Can i turn into him

sure! ok as long as you are in the spiritual school then you can go turn to him


hey humans! i just got my invite to the school! yay!

yes he is saying goodbye to the preschool teacher right now

awwwwwwww i liked her!

its ok, i will get a new teacher now! Mr Canvas seems nice!

here do you want to have your first school lesson


oh no! a robber came!!!!

aww i lost 1000gp >_<

we will earn it back, dont worry! anyway time for school

YES I GOT SKILL POINTS! :puroperatchi:

we just earned HEEEEEEAPS of money on tamatown

yea we did, and we got some food aswell!!!!

and diego has gone to school again. he really wants to turn into a matsruitchi!

anyways good bye MY HUMAN PEEPS!
