The Big Topic of BFF World Records!


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jul 29, 2006
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This topic is like a big book of world records, of really funny, scary, crazy, creative, gross, most surprising, etc.. things that you and your friends have done together! Maybe at a sleepover, a dinner, a store, bus, street, hockey game.. arcade.. ANYTHING!

Just post any really weird, funny, scary.. etc stories you and your friends did and have fun listening to other's stories, too! (I'll post mine a bit later) ^_^

Heh, I should get one for the most embarrassing way to do the splits on accident for the first time >.<

I was playing hockey in P.E. one day, and I slipped on someone stick. I did the splits (the Russian ones) and then went into another weird position. It hurt SO much! I could barely walk. Everyone was laughing and going "Oh my gosh, are you okay?!" and I was cracking up. But it was soooo painful! >.<


At a sleepover we told life storys. My friend says her dad sends her black mail e-mails saying I am coming in 5 days then in each e-mail its 1 less a day. Like 4. 3. 2. You know. And then he says lastly "I am coming".

That night, all we herd were scarry knocking noises but no one was there...o.0. We were scared out of our minds.

Cool stories!

Well, my friend and I like to stay in the washroom at recess, because we both HATE the cold weather. And two girls, who like to get us in trouble, once told our teacher, and our friend heard our teacher say "Let's go see if they're in there." So she came running into the washroom to tell us. When she got in, my friend sat on the toilet, lifting up her feet and I stood infront of it, so it looked like there was only one person in the stall. Then our friend came in and said "You guys!" and my friend who was in the washroom with me said "Oh, it's just Mae." Then, our teacher came in and yelled "Busted!" and my friend who was standing on the toilet said "We're BUSTED!" And... we got in trouble. :eek:

P.S., we weren't going to the washroom together, we were just talking in the stall together. :eek:

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