The Creeper Game!


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I hit his head with a shovel thousands of times while singing to drive it mad!

I pick a bucket put i on his head and take a huge sword starting hitting it with all my power...[dizzy feeling ouch...] Then I throw a huge gong on it and let it get eaten by wild tiger!

I stub creeper then throw it from Olympus and then throw it from a 7.000 metres cliff where it finnally lands stuck in a huge rock thorn!!

then I keep the the creeper in a torture chamber with a force field that keeps creeper loving people out

I give a wonderfull pumkin soup to the creeper. It is all happy and stuff and eats it... The soup is poisonous...Contains gunpowder and redstone!!! he he he!!

I start a nice discussion with creeper...[you think I was kind?]

I say: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blahblah

blahblah blah blahblah.....................

And more blah to make creeper blow his top! I don't stop!!!!

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