The Deadly Dolls of Tamatown


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the tamas were like NOOOOOO!and said: kill us, we were on our "eternal" rest!

and the three tamas shot the dead tamas.

then at the midnight the tarakotchi went to skate at midnight because of a school dare, he saw a doll walking up to him, he had to record his midnite.skateboarding on a camera to receive his reward, but the doll was still there walking to tarakotchi...
not as zombies( :mellow: )

"here we go again" moaned the tamas. the end

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Kuchipatchi's cousins eyes started to go red and his skin turned Pitch Black and a steam of fire glowing around him and then said "You dolls have done enough damage to the world NOW FACE MY WRATH!!!"

I forgot all about this team story :| I guess we will continue from here?


<insert story>

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