The Diary of Kehona


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Sep 15, 2006
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A couple inches away from the computer screen
**~~Critic's note-Please PM me for suggestions. You can also PM me and tell me what you think.Oh yeah and this story takes place back when slavery was happening.~~**

Chapter One

One day a little girl named Kehona(pronounced key-on-uh) was born. She was a beautiful baby and her parents were very, very poor.Her family was black and were not slaves but could be at any time. Her parents already had five kids and it was hard to support that many children already. They put her and some other kid's other their's up for adoption. They put four of them up for adoption,countiing Kehona. Kehona,Kasey,Kevin,and Rihanna were the ones put up for adoption. Their parents had hoped to raise alot of money and be able to support all of their children again and take them back from the adoption home.This did not work out as planned.After the four kids were put up for adoption their mother,father,and two sisters that were with their parents all perished in a fire. Kehona was only five months old when this happened,yet she saw that her siblings were sad. She was a smart child through every year.She had grown to be a beautiful three year old when she was able to understand the situation. "Rihanna, somebody is thinking about adopting you." her care taker had told her one morning. Rihanna was the eldest of the group. She was 12 years old and a very beautiful young girl."Are they taking my brothers and sisters also?" Rihanna was asking while playing with Kehona. Her care taker shook her head "No dear, I don't bealive so. They can not support all four of you. They are very nice people though Rihanna,and you know you can't stay with your siblings forever." Rihanna felt like crying and Kehona saw it and gave Rihanna a hug."Rihanna sad sad?" Kehona had asked while she hugged Rihanna and looked up at her with her big blue eyes. Rihanna smiled and picked up Kehona. "I'm taking Kehona on a walk around the orphanage." Rihanna told her care taker. Her care taker approved and went about her own buisness. "Ya know Kehona your lucky to be here with Miss.Josephine,their care taker, and our siblings." Rihanna told Kehona soothingly. Kehona sighed and layed her head down on Rihanna's shoulder. They turned a corner and walked outside to the orphanage grounds where most kids had played. There was a huge mansion across the street. The people who lived there owned slaves and were rude to all orphans. Rihanna heard the man that lived in the mansion yelling at one of his slaves. He was beating him and the slave was bleeding. "Oh!" Rihanna gasped at put a hand over Kehona's ear's. Kehona was asleep so she didn't see anything. Rihanna did not want Kehona to hear or see these things,for they were very mean and it could happen to them anytime."I've got to do something about this.I have to end slavery."Rihanna whispered to herself. She saw Kevin on the orphanage grounds for he was an orphan. He was playing with a ball that rolled across the road to the mansion across the street.He started to cross the street and Rihanna yelled out to him. "Kevin No! Let me get it!" Kevin looked over and signaled her to come to him. "Rihanna what will you do with Kehona though?" he had asked her. "Here you hold her,your nine you can hold your baby sister." she had told him. She handed Kehona to him and went across the street to get it. When she stepped into their yard the man that had been beating the slave started yelling at her. "Hey you little orphane what are you doing on my grounds!?" he called out im a horribly rude voice. "I'm sorry sir. My brother's ball rolled across the road so I came to get it." she called back to him. "Get off my yard! I will beat you! I will tell your care taker and you won't be allowed outside!" Rihanna looked around while he said that. "I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to agrivate you sir."she called back."I'm going to hurt you now little orphan! Since you came over here I'm going to beat you!" he called in a mean voice. "KEVIN GET MISS.Josephine! NOW PLEASE!" she yelled over to Kevin,but she was already there. Miss.Josephine walked over and got Rihanna. "Sir you can not do this to a young orphan. She is not owned by you. I'll take her back now,and if you ever try to do this to another one of my orphans again I'm calling the police." she told him. Rihanna ran back to the orphanage and got all the other orphans back inside with her. She help Kehona and help Kevin's hand. "Rihanna, Im sorry." Kevin told her. "Kevin please don't be silly. Your only nine you didn't know. Plus it's not your fault he is mean. He was only that way because were a diffrent color. All I want is to keep you,Kehona, and Kasey safe." Rehanna told him. He sighed, "I guess so, It's not right that this happens to us because of our color. It's not right, Im going to do something about it when im older." her told her. SHe smiled and patted his back,"That's the little brother I know." They walked inside and the bell had rung for lunch they washed their hands and face and went to lunch.


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