The Eternal Tamagotchi ... VERY WIERD.


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Active member
Dec 21, 2006
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Well this is quite an interesting story ...

A while ago I decided to hatch my brothers Angelgotchi. He hatched a few minutes later, and I took care of him for around an hour. He was still in his baby stage, so I figured maybe it would take 24 hours for him to change. So, I went to bed ...

Hours passed the next day, and he still had not changed. DAYS went by and he had not changed ... 19 DAYS TOTAL, and NO CHANGE. You gotta read this next part

These are VERY interesting things that happened with this tama.

1. When he would go on walks, if you wanted to bring him back ... you had to press the Call/Obedience button. The door would suddenley warp in shape and change ...

2. If you did manage to bring him back from a walk ... he would return. But, a dark smiling blob would be lingering by his side. Instantly the Angel Tamagotchi would shrink up and gasp ... if you tapped the screen several times, he would cry and lose happiness. But if you tapped the screen just ONCE, the demon blob would go away, and the Angel Tamagotchi would be happy.

3. ALSO ... sometimes (2 times) when he would return from a walk, he would come back as a floating smiley face with fangs! I am not joking everyone, this really happened and it was so strange.

4. He would go on walks almost every 10 minutes, and basically every 5 minutes in his latter years 16+

He was basically starving his entire life ... if you would feed him or play with him, he would lose the hearts almost instantly. We would get him full on happiness/hunger, and 5 minutes later (literally) he would have EMPTY everything! When he would return from walks he would be empty on happiness/hunger as well.

He was quite an interesting tamagotchi! We were very confused as to whether he was going to die or not ... he had been with us in his baby stage for 19 days. We finally decided to release him. My brother aimed a pen at the reset button, and I tapped the top of the pen ... resetting the Angelgotchi.


We have never had this happen to us with a tamagotchi ... please give us some answers/advice/help/opinions.


starbucks ;)

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for the aging thing, THAT isn't normal. BUT the little black blob, thats normal. ME NO EXPERT ON ANGELGOTCHIS, but most of your complaints are either normal or small glitches.

Sounds like a major glitch with the Tamagotchi. Had it come in contact with water or something that could mess it up? I've never had an Angelgotchi so I wouldn't know. I hope it'll work better soon.

No, never touched water or anything. I didn't know about the black blob thing until just recentley ... so that isn't so strange obviously. Thanks :lol:

i never new u cood take them on walks at all? wat version r u talking about?

That's really wierd, but really cool! What a unique Tama to be a baby it's whole life! :) :rolleyes:

i never new u cood take them on walks at all? wat version r u talking about?
It is an anglegotchi. They arn't made anymore so they are rare.

Did you buy it off of Ebay? If so the person probley sold it because of that reason. Same thing for yard sales too. Did you wack it on something? If so tama's can get messed up by doing that. Well that's all I can can think of.


Haha. Yes we bought it off of ebay, and YES it was used. But we've hatched it almost a dozen times ... and this strange occurance just happened once! The new Angel Baby is doing well and HAS evolved. So, sadly I think that that was the last time we'll see the eternal baby angelgotchi!

;) WOW! that is so weird :) I know that baby tamagotchis need more care than adult or teenage tamagotchis, if their hearts go quickly it's normal, but I don't have an Angelgotchi so I probably wouldn't know unless they are similar. Anyway, that is the best presented story I have read about Tamagotchis! well done :D
you are very stupid ill explain

when the first stage of an agelgotchi (or tama angel) stays for 20 days and dose all the stuff that an adult dose it will evolve after many days into an utchi cun that you can feed play with and do anythig a normal adult would(beacause usely

when you get an utchi cun it just sits there and if you press b it gose home)

I just read on another site about Untchikun (sp?), the Lucky Poo.

Supposedly you had the lucky version of the poo... Meaning, it'll be a baby for a while (although it says 4 - 8 days, not 19) and then turn into a Lucky Poo that you can actually play with (while normally when you get that character, you can't play with it at all).

You should've kept it longer to see what happens. :unsure:

Yes, but you called him/her stupid and didn't type the sentences very clearly... So I thought I'd clarify. :p

you are very stupid ill explain
when the first stage of an agelgotchi (or tama angel) stays for 20 days and dose all the stuff that an adult dose it will evolve after many days into an utchi cun that you can feed play with and do anythig a normal adult would(beacause usely

when you get an utchi cun it just sits there and if you press b it gose home)
Please do not Say things like that to other people. It is mean to others. Also, It might start a fight. Keep everything nice and peaceful. The Angel glitch I do not Know ANYTHING about. I am not experienced With Angels. Ask one of the staffs like binary or the admin.

Please do not Say things like that to other people. It is mean to others. Also, It might start a fight. Keep everything nice and peaceful. The Angel glitch I do not Know ANYTHING about. I am not experienced With Angels. Ask one of the staffs like binary or the admin.
Thanks for encouraging peace, but I think it's been settled that this glitch happens and is supposed to...

The baby will eventually turn into a Lucky Poo that you can actually care for instead of it just being there and then going home when you press B.

That is definately a weird situation :lol: but if it's all good now then there's probably nothing to worry about :) <_< :unsure: :ph34r: :wacko: :furawatchi: :)

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