The Evil Masktchi


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
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This is my first ever tamagotchi story. I hope you like it!

One warm, summer morning, Mia the Mimtchi got out of bed and headed to the kitchen to have breakfast. When she got the the door, she heard someone moving around inside. She wondered who could be in there. She thought, "should I go in there or not? Whoever is in there could be dangerous." She decided that it would be best if she went in there. Slowly, she opened the door and looked in there. She saw a Masktchi in there. He didn't seem to notice her. He was making a sandwich. "Exuse me, who are you?" said Mia. The Masktchi turned around and looked at her. "I'm Gabbo. How about you? What's your name?" the Masktchi said. Mia replied, "My name's Mia." Gabbo said, "Well, pleased to meet you, Mia!" Mia asked him, "So, umm, what are you doing in my house?" The Masktchi thought for a few seconds, and then said, "Well, I'd tell you, but.....I don't feel like it!" He then dissapeared. Mia was confused. Very confused. She decided to go out and look for him. After all, it certainly wasn't normal for a Masktchi appear in her kitchen one morning and then just dissapear! She walked outside and saw a Kinakomotchi outside. She recognised him as the tamagotchi who lived next-door to her and his name was Tommy. "Why, hello Tommy! What do you want?" she said. Tommy replied, "Well, early this morning I saw a Masktchi just appear near your house. Then he walked inside. Did you notice him?" Mia said, "Yeah, I saw him. He said that his name was Gabbo, and when I asked him why he was there, he just dissapeared. Strange, isn't it?" Suddenly, they saw Cube the Hanatchi running up to them. "Hey you two! I have some news for you! A Masktchi is running around this area. He is trting to kidnap every tamagotchi around here to make them work in his factory!" Mia said, "I saw him. He was in my house! I asked him what he was doing, and he just dissapeared." Suddenly, it got very dark. They heard an evil laughter, and then a voice which said, "Soon I will come and kidnap all of you!" Then it stopped and the sunlight came back. The three tamagotchis stood there, frightened, wondering what was going to happen next.

Well, that was chapter 1. I will post chapter 2 later on.
