The Fact Game


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Oct 12, 2008
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A simple game.

Person 1: did you know....ok the person below me must give a fact about the sun

and so on. Also, let's keep it real facts, so you can learn something *chuckles*

If you don't know a fact about the thing requested, look it up online

I'll Start, The leopard preys on more than 30 species of animal; it will even eat dung beetles when hungry.

The person below me has to give a fact about: Any Animal (when I say any animal I mean one of your choice)


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A panda eats bambo and a going extinct.

The person below me must give a fact about money.

if the bill is real it hold it up to a window and you will see another picture of the president on the dollar bill in the southwest corner of it.

The person below tells something about....the moon.

the moon is called "Luna" by the Romans, and "Selene" and "Artemis" by the greek.

the person below me give a fact about tigers :3

The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztecs of Mexico, and is derived from the Nahuatl word xocolatl which is a combination of the words, xocolli, meaning "bitter", and atl, which is "water".

someone gimme a fact about horses :D

The Arabian horse was originally found in a desert-like environment.

give me a fact about........................................................................PIE!!!

Ok, this fact is about Pork pies; The Pork Pie Appreciation Society has named the jelly-filled gap in between the meat and the pastry the 'rat run'. Heh heh. X3

Em... The person below me must give me a fact about... Cookies!! XD

Cookies were originally only for royalty, and sometimes people would even have to pay a fine if they ate cookies and were not royalty.

The person below me must give me a fact about potato chips

One starred in Meet the robinsons!

Give me a fact about.....panda bears!

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Male orangutans become fully mature at about 15 years of age


YouTube has grown from roughly 58,000 monthly visitors in August of last year to more than 20 million today.

Next Person: iCarly

Adolf Hitler tried to take over the world! AHHHH!
Next person: ME!!
umm, i would suggest not making anything like that because then no one can give an answer. i dont think this game is supposed to be about silly things it also says in the topic Let's keep it REAL facts

someone give a fact about....Dogs xP

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