THE FAVORITE TAMA HATCH LOG~starts july 1st <3


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Unfortunately, it was Flow's time to move on!

She was so polite about her leave, despite her massive intimidating teeth.


I feel as though she did not spend enough time with me here, but I'd like to think that she had fun with me.

Goodbye, Flow!

Aw, Nerdbot. I'm sorry Flow left so soon! I feel like the hatch has only just begun :( Best of luck with your next one! (Oh, and I liked her teeth :) )

My Dinkie still has only 2 feet. ;&gt; Today he's 6 and still cute and lovely. &lt;3

Sorry for not posting yesterday (i have no good reason, i was just lazy lol)

So yesterday i was showing my friend my ugly tamagotchi that i have and i was telling her how much it looks like a poopclown(a word that i made up on the fly) and my teacher heardme and couldnt stop laughing it was weird but funny at the same time. Does anybody have anticdotes off friends responding weirdly to your tamas?

Also i tried to send asley jr to work todaybut she wouldnt go.... does anyone know if v 4.5 adults go to work on the weekend?

And finally here are ashley jrs stats:

Hungry and happy: both full

Training:4 bars




4years old


6060 points

Oooooh I'm so excited right now. Pooky just evolved. Somehow, through a miracle of science or cookies, I got a Pyonkotchi! I really thought that my care was sub-par. Apparently I did better than I thought. Expect pictures after my tablet is done charging. I'll edit this post and throw them in here. *squee*


Gah, Pooky went to sleep before I was able to take any pictures. Those goodies will have to wait until tomorrow.

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hey everyone! so FINALLY my little one has turned again but this time shes fully adult &lt;3 so i amanged to take somelovely pictures of her, i didn't however post them until now cause i was a lil' under the weather yesterday when she had actually changed... so here are some pics of her and all her stats so i don't have to write them haha &lt;3

first pic is the better picture of the new crochet cover i had made for this occasion very bright summery colors &lt;3

and this is my little MAKIKO!

and all her stats &lt;3

still in his cocoon, I'll have a busy ish morning and i didnt want to miss it, so he is paused again through the night, with about an hour left to go, I had my ingenius plan of not fixing his clock so I can keep track of how much longer he is in his cocoon! (I thought It was ingenious) Well next post will be the long awaited post of him emerging!!!!

HE EMERGED!!!!!! WHOOO!!! should have named him Phil!!!

And he is the cutest tenotachi (?) (Webster was totally right props man)

Saka is a cute lady bug like tams, he has spots on his back and I love him!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!! WHOO!!! I did it!!!!

Ashley jr just got paid for the first time! So here are heer stats

Hungry and happy: both full

Training:4 bars





38 lbs

5830 points

Thats all for now! Ashleys loving her piolot job ;)


Pooky playing his drum set, finally!


Pooky trying on his sunglasses (sorry the image is so blurry)


Pooky was singing when I took him out of his pouch. Too cute!

My little Pyonkotchi is 4 years old now. He'll be 5 right before he goes to bed this evening. He's a trim 32lbs with a full training bar. I'm still just tickled that I got this character. He's such an easy-going little Tama. Lately, we've been working on our skills in the Heading game and are becoming quite adept. Maybe today we'll see what's in that magic lamp I bought...

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My cute Dinkie evolved today!!! &lt;3


Isn't he freakin' cute? ^__^ I love how he looks like despite wanting a Triceratops at the beginning. That's actually strange... I gave him only pasta and sometimes ice cream when he needed cooling down or cheering up. He ate NOTHING else. And yet he became a Brontosaurus. I wonder why... :huh:

Anyway, here's Dinkie taking a shower. :D




He'll be fully grown up on Tuesday. ;&gt; I can't wait to see the final evolution stage! :wub:

Carol_Tama, I think that's absolutely adorable! I miss my Dinkie Dino quite a bit now...

If I remember correctly, I thought it was Apples that made him grow into a Triceratops. That said, I could be wrong!

Well I'm out of the hatch just like nerdbot. Kitsune gave in this afternoon and left due to old batteries XP Guess I should of replaced the ones that were in him.

You know, I've read Ra's log about his Dinkie Dino and he fed it only pasta and it turned into a Triceratops... Hm, I guess I'll go next with a T-Rex and after that I will experiment a little and try to get a Triceratops, because it's sooo cute. :D

My Dinkie looks the same today, but tomorrow he will be a full grown Brontosaurus and I just can't wait to see it! &lt;3
He got sick twice today, because I didn't watch as carefully as I should have. ;/ But I had some stuff to do today, so... Sorry, Dinkie! ;*
I surely will get a deamon dinosaur at the end. ;P

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Pooky trying on his "Ash Ketchum" look.


We had a visit from a friendly Genie today! He gave us 3000 points.


After a long day of working out and running around, Pooky took a bath.


Pooky is getting ready for bed! Brush those chompers.

We had a very exciting day today. He's 5 years old right now and will be turning 6 while he's asleep. We went shopping and bought him some fancy running shoes. Pooky liked them so much that he ran for hours and needed a bath afterwards (he was quite stinky). He's such an independent little guy. Never beeps for attention. His hearts don't empty that fast. Pooky is such a good boy!

So yesterday afternoon i saw the matchmaker and mated her with a kuripatchi? Helooks like a dinosor a little bit and is green in drawings.

i was suprised that i didnt see him after that though and ammediatly saw a baby boy. Does this alway happen on the older versions? On my tamago the parets have like a day alone then spend like 2 days with the baby.

So im ending the first full day of the baby with the mommy, so i probably have about 1 or 2 logs left.

Im gonna miss logging on this hatch, this was my first hatch and it was really fun ;)

Heres the current stats as alway :p

Hungry and happy: both full

Training:4 bars







So yesterday afternoon i saw the matchmaker and mated her with a kuripatchi? Helooks like a dinosor a little bit and is green in drawings.

i was suprised that i didnt see him after that though and ammediatly saw a baby boy. Does this alway happen on the older versions? On my tamago the parets have like a day alone then spend like 2 days with the baby.

So im ending the first full day of the baby with the mommy, so i probably have about 1 or 2 logs left.

Im gonna miss logging on this hatch, this was my first hatch and it was really fun ;)

Heres the current stats as alway :p

Hungry and happy: both full

Training:4 bars






I know how you feel! I'm not ready to part with Pooky yet, since the matchmaker will probably be coming tomorrow. I might end up putting her off for a few days. Did you at least manage to get any pictures of your Tama before she left her baby? I have a little photo album of Pooky on my computer now from all of his updates here.

Saka is 8 and going on strong, we had a fabulous day yesterday of meeting people and trying to solve a huge problem. An for the first time I saw a frog attack! He looked so cute.... Maybe the frog was lost

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Hi everyone! &lt;3
Great news! Dinkie evolved today and is a full grown Brontosaurus now! :D This is SO exciting! ^__^


I love the way he looks like, it's just so cute. ;3

He got sick once today, so not THAT bad, but now I am 100% sure he will turn into a daemon dinosaur in a couple of days.He got sick too many times. :(
Oh well, maybe I'll manage to do better next time. ;&gt;

That's all for today! ;)

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile. Anyways Dina is on pause but I soon expect her to get married. Still hasn't passed pro debut. -_-

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