The first tama EVER!


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Do you think he's telling the truth?

  • No! He's a liar!

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  • Yes! I think he is.

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  • I'm not sure...

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he is a BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIARas if I would ever believe him, and duz he usualy lie?
Well I don't know the guy verry well so I don't know if he's is much of a liar but weather he's a liar or not he was probably lying about this.

I asked him about it again a while ago and he just said," I don't want to talk right now, to much not focussed!" Parden me qouting improper speech but that's what he said. This guy is weird!

There is such thing as the first tama ever. I don't mean I know which exact person had the first tama, I mean the Tamagotchi Company. Lots of my friends siblings that are over 16 said that they had played with tamagotchis when they were 10 years old. It was not a Tamagotchi Connections but it was similar.
So I guess over the years the Tamagotchi Company made a bigger and better tamagotchis and used the original tamgotchi to make the Tamagotchi Connection.
I have a nine year old TAMAGOTCHI (not TAMAGOTCHI CONNECTION) ! :marumimitchi:

heres what i make out of the story:if he cant show u proof, hes lying.

if hes talking about someone dead, hes lying. (people dont like to talk about dead realatives that they knew a lot, if he didnt know him, how would he know all that?)

prototypes are not made in ones. they make big batches so that they can test them. (have u ever heard of a toymaker company making ONE of a kind toy?)

prototypes are not "the first tama"

make the kid give proof his uncle was second in bandai. if he was that high on the charts u should be able to ASK bandai and theyll be able to tell u!

tamas only have 3 buttons, except for the big ones, but those arent the first tamas ethier.

if his dad keeps it in a safe and NEVER looks like it, then whats the point and HES LYING. besides, how could the boy see it if his dad never takes it out! (like what is the point of a fancy diamond if nobody sees it?)

and then, if the uncle was so obsessed, the boy ought to know A FEW (everything) things about tamas. show him ur tama and ask him to do something simple, like turn off the lights.

to bug him, ask him if it uses a CR2031 battery, cause "all the normal ones do." (lie)

if he says yes, hes lying [there is no such thing as a CR2031 battery]

if he says no, ask him what it uses. if he says there is no batteries, hes lying. [all tamas use a CR2032 (not 2031) the correct answer is "theres no such thing as a CR2031" but i almost guarentee hes lying. just try it.
I will try your lying expiriment but somthing slitely similar has already happened. When I first got my beloved Angelgotchi I showed it to peole who wanted to see it and he saw it and said"Whoa I did not know that Bandai made an original tamagotchi that's blue." He made 2 mistakes, 1. He called an Angelgotchi an Original Tamagotchi and 2. Bandai made blue original Tamagotchi's, (like you said he would ba an expert.) you think he would have known that. Plus I once had to explain what a Devilgotchi was to him.

In the beginning I did not really believe him but I decided to give him the bennefit of the doubt. Now ater all of these posts I am sure he's a liar. The poor kid really just wanted to make friends with me, I do not really think he has to many friends.

That guy's probably lying. I think he's trying to flirt with you. :puroperatchi:
Lol - flirt!!! :chohimetchi:

Funnee but it's obvious he's lying. "The first tamagotchi ever made" is one of those really old old ones from I-don't-know-when-and-I-don't-think-I-was-alive-then-either isn't it?

Or the First Tama Ever Made is the one Bandai (or whoever invented it) used as a 'crash' test. But I don't think they gonna give it to an EMPLOYEE.

My 'verdict': Lying his head off! Mwahahahahahaha!

It's a Yasashii he's talking about!

And thats not the first tama ever either <_<

I dont think so... LIke alot of people said, if u had a pic. that be great but, o well. I voted no. I think hes trying to make an impression

how do we all know that you are telling the truth show os a pic of it some time k :pochitchi:

I don't think they are telling the truth. Try and get proof.

he is a BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIAR BIG FAT LIARas if I would ever believe him, and duz he usualy lie?
Thats not nice, try and express your feelings in a nice way.

How would you feel if someone was mean to you? :lol:

Not so... I had one of the 1997 release tamagotchis (the original batch) when they first came out and I was in school - it took 2 x AG13 batteries. So if this guy is talking about an original, it'll have 2 x AG13 batteries, not a CR2032.

i wouldent belive him is the guy asian? or Japanese? if he isnt then he doesn't because thats where they make em

I dont know How someone could make something as strange as that story up that quickly! :p :( :( :( :(

How many people has he told?! If he haz made it all up, then he must be (not being ofencive or anything) just a little bit stuiped, if he wants a girlfriend, why doesn't he try and be more truthful, My tama had a baby yesterday! And my sisters both had 2 babys together today! How sweet! :p

What a load of crap!

is this guy japanese? if his uncle really was up there with ban-dai he would most likely be asian...because tamagotchis weren't even near america when they were making prototypes. and thing with the buttons... come on, everyone tamagotchis only have 3 buttons.

and like someone would really want to be buried with tamagotchis!!! i know i sure wouldn't! they are just toys you know. they aren't made of gold! :)

he's definitely lying. the whole story looks like something he made up, especially the part about his uncle dying while buried in tamas and the part about his dad keeping it in 5 safes and the part about his cousin freaking out when she saw it.

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