The Girls Life Quiz


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1. How old are you? 14.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Nope.

4. What grade are you in? 9th.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Um, I know how cliche this sounds, but for this guy to like me back. Too bad he lives in another state, and we don't even know each others names.

6. Do you have any pets? Yep

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Cats - Loki, Velvet and Two-Tone (Rudi and Pumpkin died. And so did my fish and hamsters...)

8. Have you had your period yet? Yerp. :D

9. If so when/how old were you? 12?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Other..

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yeah sure

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yup

15. If so, what? Shea butter. I break out in a rash. :S

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I like to do it myself because I don't wanna waste money on something I can do myself

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Roll my tongue I guess. xD

18. What is your favorite food? Sushi

19. What religon are you? I don't know.

20. What is your favorite animal? Dolphins edsyuidsyue8s95d

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Nonee.

22. What TV shows do you like? Anything comedy.

23. Do you wear a bra? Yeah, but not to sleep. (INB4: Ewww gross!)

24. If so, what kind? Underwire, I think?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Ross (no, I am not poor, I just don't find a lot of clothes at other places),hot topic (only for earrings) and thrift stores.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Eh.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? JESSI SLAUGHTER. (Y'all are probably saying "Not sure if serious.." right now.)

28. What are your favorite real celebs? CHRISTIAN SIRIANO. ♥

29. Singers? Too many ahha

30. Actors/Actresses? Sean Penn (I thought he did a good job in I Am Sam), Ralph Macchio (In like The Outsiders and The Karate Kid Series)

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? I didn't time this.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nope.

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? I went to the movies with my (now ex) boyfriend...does that count? haha

4. What grade are you in? Going into 9th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? To see my dad again.

6. Do you have any pets? Yup

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Cat-Sugar

8. Have you had your period yet? Yey >.<;

9. If so when/how old were you? About 11

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? No labels, they're for soup :lol:

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? It's pretty cool

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No, I don't like guys

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Not that I know of

15. If so, what? N/A

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? DIY for everything

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can lick my elbow

18. What is your favorite food? Homemade Shpahard's Pie

19. What religon are you? Aethiest

20. What is your favorite animal? Penguin!

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Ghosts, that's about it

22. What TV shows do you like? Tosh. O, MANswers, Chelsea Lately

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Padded

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Charlotte Russe, Topshop, Hot Topic, Vintage

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I don't mind

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? CommunityChannel

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Zooey Deschanel, Kate Moss

29. Singers? Zooey Deschanel, Bill Kaulitz

30. Actors/Actresses? Joseph Gordon-Levitt

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D About 5 munites, but it didn't waste my time :)

1. How old are you? Fourteen.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No.

4. What grade are you in? Ninth.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? For all my problems to be solved.

6. Do you have any pets? No.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? No.

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Nopee

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes.

15. If so, what? Fish(not shellfish, thank goodness), dogs.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for one.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Touch my tongue to my nose.

18. What is your favorite food? Ice Cream.

19. What religon are you? Catholic.

20. What is your favorite animal? Dog/ Dolphin.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None, really.

22. What TV shows do you like? Glee, Drake and Josh, Everybody Loves Raymond, The Big Bang Theory, etc.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yup.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Real One. But the others aren't 'fake'.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Bloomingdale's, American Eagle, Hollister, Delia's.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I don't like how you keep asking if I like the GLQ.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? I don't care about youtube celebs. I just use it for music.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? CAn't chosee

29. Singers? Taylor Swift

30. Actors/Actresses? Can't chosee again.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D STOP ASKING IF I LIKED THE QUIZ.

Ok I'm bored so I decided to make a Girl's Life Quiz (GLQ). If any of the questions are to personal, just write [Classified] It's fun. Enjoy!! =)
1. How old are you? 13, 14 in a week. O:

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No. Because everytime I got asked out I said NO.

4. What grade are you in? 9th O:

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Ummm...I dunno...I need to decide...;P

6. Do you have any pets? No not atm.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? Unfortunately yes.

9. If so when/how old were you? 12.5 years a little older than that D:

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I don't know how I would classify myself...different?? Really odd??

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yeah, I always wanted to do it better never got to. xD

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nooooo. I'm too picky. But I might just get one.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? We haven't started a relationship or something fact im still trying to talk to him

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yuss.

15. If so, what? Mushrooms, I think. If they don't suit me I puke all night. :S

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for it, because I have no idea how to do it PROPERLY. I mess it up everytime. xD

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Ummm...trying to act normal? xD

18. What is your favorite food? Hmmm...Mexican food I guess.

19. What religon are you? I guess I was born as a Hindu...but Agnostic?

20. What is your favorite animal? I have more than one.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Can't remember any atm.

22. What TV shows do you like? Hmmm...Spongebob, Friends, loads of other stuff too.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D xDD Yupp.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)Crop top/sport. Becuase they're waay comfier.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? I dunno...the mall? =D

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? No I like it. :)

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? I don't really have any...coz' I don't really watch Youtube celebs...but....MichellePhan? And FueledByRamen and all the VEVO's of my favorite bands. And fearlessrecordsmusic or whatever it is. xD

28. What are your favorite real celebs? My celebrity crushess<3

29. Singers? HAYLEY WILLIAMS <3, Lisa and Jess from the Veronicas <3, Brendon Urie <3, Katy Perry <3 , Lacey from Flyleaf, Tom higgenson<33 (haha...PWT's stuff), Billie Joe Armstrong (as always xD) , Josh Farro (so he's the backing vocalist....XD), and basically all the lead singers from my favorite bands, I guess.

30. Actors/Actresses?Hmmm...Tom? xD umm...i dunnoes.

Actresses...I long as shes pretty and she acts well...

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D

I dunno, I didn't see the time xD

Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Eww no. I prefer the BED 8D (lol...just kidding...but making out and kissing is kinda lame and gross in my to...**WINK** xD)
I hope my answers are bolded correctly.

1. How old are you? I'm sixteen, gonna be seventeen in January.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Lots =]

4. What grade are you in? Gonna be in 11th grade, junior in high school.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A higher sense of self.

6. Do you have any pets? Yup =]

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? They're both cats. One of them is a calico, named Lacey, the other is an orange American tabby named Dylan.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes.

9. If so when/how old were you? I was twelve.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Girly-girl, and gay. Edit: Very, very gay.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yes.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? See #10. Hahahah, but I do have a girlfriend.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Not that I know of.

15. If so, what? N/A

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for a manicure. I could never do it myself

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can't think of anything hahah

18. What is your favorite food? Chicken parmigiana with linguini and sauce underneath. YUMMMMMM =D

19. What religon are you? Catholic

20. What is your favorite animal? I love all animals =D

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None, thankyouverymuch.

22. What TV shows do you like? Family Guy

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes'm

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Real one

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Eh, it doesn't matter to me where I get my clothes. If I see them and like them and they don't cost too much, I buy them! =D

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Eh, I'm fine with it.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? FRED <3

28. What are your favorite real celebs? To make fun of? The Kardashians.

29. Singers? For reals, Lady Gaga. To make fun of, Justin Bieber.

30. Actors/Actresses? For reals, none come to my mind. To make fun of, Kristen Stewart.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? I dunno, about ten minutes?

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Yes.

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1. How old are you?

Over 1 but under 100.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?


3. Have you ever been on a date at all?


4. What grade are you in?


5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?

Something to bribe Nintendo to bring MOTHER to North America.

6. Do you have any pets?


7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names?

Muffin and Jane. They're guinea pigs.

8. Have you had your period yet?


9. If so when/how old were you?


10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?

I dunno. I'm tomboyish I guess.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?


12. Do you have a boyfriend?

I have friends that are boys, but not a boyfriend.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?


14. Are you allergic to anything?


15. If so, what?

I get heat rashes. Also mammoth amounts of dust.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

...What's a manicure?

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?

Umm... I can... hmm... play by ear?

18. What is your favorite food?


19. What religon are you?

Don't have one.

20. What is your favorite animal?

...That's hard, actually! Do Pokemon count?

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?

...UFOs and ghosts. Yeah...

22. What TV shows do you like?

I don't watch TV that much, but if I do, I'm usually watching Rocko's Modern Life, Mr Bean: The Animated Series or The Simpsons.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D

>_> Straight out NO.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)


25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?

Chapters, Value Village ( :D "), Daiso, and.. uh..EB Games! =D

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?

This is fun...?

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?

I don't have any.

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

None. Today's celebs suck! D:<

29. Singers?

...Uh... The Beatles? I dunno...

30. Actors/Actresses?

I dunno any that like...

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D

Not really! And I took 'bout 5 minutes.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy?



1. How old are you? Eleven

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? Year seven

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? The ability to bend an element

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? A dog called Jen

8. Have you had your period yet? Classified

9. If so when/how old were you? Classified

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I don't label myself. I'm normal

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yep :)

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nah, but I've ben asked out

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? No

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? DIY :D

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Speak like a chipmunk

18. What is your favorite food? Doritos

19. What religon are you? Don't know

20. What is your favorite animal? A platypus

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Don't know

22. What TV shows do you like? Yo Gabba Gabba, Avatar The Last Airbender, Total Drama Island and The Simpsons

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes

24. If so, what kind? Sport

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Jay Jays, Supre, Anywhere else.I don't go shopping much

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like questions.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Fred and The Annoying Orange

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Don't have time for actors/other

29. Singers?Bands? Muse, Them Crooked Vultures, Paramore, Foo Fighters

30. Actors/Actresses? No

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? IDK how long, and I like questions

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No

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1. How old are you? Private

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Nope

4. What grade are you in? 6th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? All of my favorite things. ;)

6. Do you have any pets? Yep, a parakeet.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Rice Krispies

8. Have you had your period yet? NO

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Tomboy

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? It's okay....

12. Do you have a boyfriend? N-O

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nope ;)

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Do-it yourself

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Make those armpit sounds. XD

18. What is your favorite food? Spaghetti! XP

19. What religon are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Birdies

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?

22. What TV shows do you like? Tamagotchi the TV Show

23. Do you wear a bra? -------

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Toys R Us

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like it. :(

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? None

28. What are your favorite real celebs? None

29. Singers? ------

30. Actors/Actresses? None

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 5 minutes, and no I'm not annoyed.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No no no no no NO

1. How old are you? :D

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all?no

4. What grade are you in?don't know what u mean

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A horse

6. Do you have any pets? yes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? :angry:

9. If so when/how old were you? :angry: :angry:

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? tomboy

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? yes

12. Do you have a boyfriend? :angry:

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? :angry:

14. Are you allergic to anything?no

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?do tricks with my tongue

18. What is your favorite food?i have lots

19. What religon are you? private! :angry:

20. What is your favorite animal?dolphin

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?none

22. What TV shows do you like?none

23. Do you wear a bra? =Dno

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?i dont shop

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?no

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?i dont go on youtube

28. What are your favorite real celebs?i donrt know any

29. Singers?dont know any

30. Actors/Actresses? dont know any

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time?

it was a total waste of time cos I dont watch tv or go on youtube or any other computer stuff! but i just wasnt the ideal sort if girl for this.

im not angry althought i put the angry faces cos that stuffs private except the boyfriend business where i can tell u that i dont have a boyfriend. and my age is private but i can tell u that im younger than ten but older than seven.

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? once

4. What grade are you in? 9th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?

a bunny

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? gray cat and his nameis fritz

8. Have you had your period yet? no

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?

i have trouble classifying myself, not emo but have the hair, not goth, but i like the color black

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? yes

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? a lot of things

15. If so, what?

basically all animals except rabbits,,corn,salmon,dust,etc.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

going for a manicure

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? idk

18. What is your favorite food?

i can't decide,,chocolate i guess

19. What religon are you?

haven't decided maybe i'll be catholic

20. What is your favorite animal? pandas and cows

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? ghosts

22. What TV shows do you like?

anime:naruto deathnote,etc

23. Do you wear a bra? =D yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)

whatever i feel

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? mall

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? it's nice

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?

SHANE DAWSON!!!!!!!!!!!!

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

morgan freeman johnny depp, ashton

29. Singers?ton

30. Actors/Actresses?ton

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 10 min and no i thought it was a nice quiz

3/11/10 - 5:43pm

1. How old are you?

11yrs 10months 3 days 23 hrs and 1 minute

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?


3. Have you ever been on a date at all?


4. What grade are you in?


5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?

hmmmmm... this one is hard, maybe no global warming or 3 days of a weekend at least

6. Do you have any pets?

yes 2

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

I have a tortoishell she cat called Kitty (Now I want to call her Leafpool, or leaf for short) and a Shetland Pony

8. Have you had your period yet?

errrr....not yet

9. If so when/how old were you?


10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?

errr... I am 40% tomboy, 10% goth, 40% Weird, aaand 10% Geek .I think. :huh:

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?


12. Do you have a boyfriend?


13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?


14. Are you allergic to anything?

No, but about a week ago I got an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the new carpet

15. If so, what?

[see answer above]

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

Doing it myself, but I dont like painting my fingernails anyway

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?

errr... maybe......I don't know :rolleyes:

18. What is your favorite food?

I like chicken. (Butter Chicken, KFC,Chicken soup, roast chicken)

19. What religon are you?


20. What is your favorite animal?

Felines of all sorts

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?


22. What TV shows do you like?

[see answer above]

23. Do you wear a bra? =D least not yet

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)


25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?

If I have to answer I like the Warehouse or SMIGGLE

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?

I like lotts of questions :D

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?


28. What are your favorite real celebs?

Emma Watson

29. Singers?

Sorry I don't listen to music much

30. Actors/Actresses?

The woman who played Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter movies (I forgot her name)

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D

this quiz took about 21 minutes of my time so far

And for the last question : NO NEVER!

1. How old are you? Fourteen.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No.

4. What grade are you in? Ninth.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? To not particpate in this stupid diet I have to go on

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Three cats; Two-Tone, Velvet and Loki

8. Have you had your period yet? Yup

9. If so when/how old were you? 12?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Hipster

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? No

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Doing it myself

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? idk

18. What is your favorite food? Sushi

19. What religon are you? I am a Scientologist

20. What is your favorite animal? Dolphin.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Norse Mythology

22. What TV shows do you like? Glee,Everybody Loves Raymond, The Office, KotH, Family Guy, The Simpsons and Logo TV Network.

23. Do you wear a bra? Yep....

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Real One. But the others aren't 'fake'.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Target, Ross, thrift stores... Delias, Hot topic (I would shop at Urban Outfitters if it wasn't so ecpensive!!)

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? idk

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? idk

28. What are your favorite real celebs? EMILIO ESTEVEZ

29. Singers? Sufjan Stevens

30. Actors/Actresses? See Q# 28

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? I don't know, do you think I timed it? Really?

1. How old are you?11

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all?No

4. What grade are you in?IDK

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?IDK

6. Do you have any pets?Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names?Jen, and she's a border collie. And soon, our house will be filled with puppies :)

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes

9. If so when/how old were you? Ten

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I am spartacus xD

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Okay.

12. Do you have a boyfriend?No

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything?IDK

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? DIY

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?IDK

18. What is your favorite food? Ice Cream <3

19. What religon are you? GROHLISM IDK

20. What is your favorite animal? Fish

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Heaps. jk,IDK

22. What TV shows do you like? South Park, Spongebob and Avatar

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? Padded

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Jay jays, Glassons

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I like most questions

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Fred and annoying orange. Oh yeah, and outbackzack

28. What are your favorite real celebs? none

29. Singers? Foo Fighters, muse and Them Crooked Vultures

30. Actors/Actresses? None

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? IDK

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nopee

1. How old are you? 14.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No. :(

4. What grade are you in? 9th.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Um... not to sound super cheesy, but love?

6. Do you have any pets? Indeed I do!

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) I have two dogs, a cat and two fish. I'm getting a hamster soon.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yessir. It's been two years since I got it.

9. If so when/how old were you? 12.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? None of those.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure? Haha.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? No.

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Doing it myself.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can't do anything interesting. I'm left handed. That's about it.

18. What is your favorite food? Pizza. <3

19. What religion are you? Christian, but not a strict one.

20. What is your favorite animal? Dolphins or penguins I guess.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? I don't know... I do believe in ghosts.

22. What TV shows do you like? The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, The Office, The Middle, Modern Family... yeah.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Just regular bras, I guess.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Wherever they have cute clothes!

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? It's fine.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Shane Dawson.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? I don't really have a favorite.

29. Singers? Eminem, Black Eyed Peas, 3OH!3, etc.

30. Actors/Actresses? I don't have any.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D About five minutes and I don't really care, haha. :)

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1. How old are you? : 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?: No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all?: Yes :)

4. What grade are you in?: Freshman (9th)

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?: A laptop, pretty please?

6. Do you have any pets?: Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank): Well, i never named the fish. I have billions of them and they mate like rabbits. My bird is Andy.

8. Have you had your period yet?: Since the 6th grade.

9. If so, when/how old were you?: I'd say 11.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?: I guess a punk nerd? Hehe :)

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?: Well, I suppose. :)

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Yes :)

13. If so, then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? Break up? NEVER!

14. Are you allergic to anything?: Yes

15. If so, what?: Amoxicillin.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?: I never really get my nails done. If so, I usually do it myself. Depends on the occasion.

17. What's the weirdest thing you can do?: I can purr like a cat.

18. What is your favorite food?: Buttered pasta with a bit of garlic powder.

19. What religon are you?: Catholic, I believe.

20. What is your favorite animal?: I like kitties and red foxes. <3

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?: I believe you can sneeze with your eyes open if you tried really hard. :)

22. What TV shows do you like?: Glee, The Addams Family, Invader Zim, King of The Hill, Naruto (the older episodes),Degrassi, etc.

23. Do you wear a bra?: Yes.

24. If so, what kind?: Underwire.

25. What are your favorite places to shop?: Zumiez, Hot Topic, Spencer's

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?: It's fine :)

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?: Shane Dawson, Fred, KyleMonkey, and Edd's World.

28. What are your favorite real celebs?: Johnny Depp, Michael Cera, Munro Chambers, etc.

29. Singers?: System of a Down, 3 Days Grace, All Time Low, Never Shout Never, The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Disturbed, etc.

30. Actors/Actresses?: Check 28.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time?: I didn't really tack time I'd say ten minutes, because it required thinking, but nah, it's no big deal. I'd do it again.



2. No

3. Yes

4. Grade 9

5. Sky Diving

6. Yes 9 pets

7. Snow,Chocolate,Cream,Strawberry,Rachel,Rebecca,Casper,Bandit,Bonnie

8. Yep

9. 13

10. I would say little tiny bit girly girl and fair bit tomboy

11. Actually yeah

12. Did

13. i did enjoy having him around we only broke up cause he had to move towns.

14. Yes

15. Green Ants and certain pollen (asthma)

16. I don't manicure :p

17. The Splitz or twist my arms around

18. Not sure xD

19. Don't Have One

20. I like to many animals to have a fav.

21. Vampires, Ghost, faeries/fey, mythicals creatures you name it

22. Family Guy, American Dad, How I Met Your Mother, Scrubs, Wipeout USA and Australia

23. Yep

24. Real one

25. Target,Big W, and normal shopping

26. Nah this is cool

27. Hmmm....Too hard to pic

28. Nina Dobrev

29. All of them

30. Nina Dobrev

31. Didn't take to long and theres no way I am annoyed at this cause it's pretty cool XD

32. Yes difenitly actually several.

1. How old are you? 11 :D

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No..

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No

4. What grade are you in? We don't use this system in England so if you do use this you could work it by my age but in UK I'm in Year 7 (Secondary school)

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Hmmm..... I don't know.. Proberly a really nice room that I designed.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? I have one cat called Finlay

8. Have you had your period yet? No

9. If so when/how old were you?

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I don't have a stereotype but lots of people consider me as a goth/emo or a neek but my friends just think I'm weird (in a good way)

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Meh, I'm just bored

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No :[

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yeah

15. If so, what? Sweet Potato

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Manicure

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I can raise a corner of my lip like Riannah, I guess thats weird??

18. What is your favorite food? Rice, noodles or lychee

19. What religon are you? I'm buddist

20. What is your favorite animal? Dog, Octopus or Zebra

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None really..

22. What TV shows do you like? Friends :] I'm a celebrity get me out of here, Britons got talent, Wizards of Waverly Place..ect

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Kind of, yeah.. ;]

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Training

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? I don't have one..

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Dunno, just bored (not of this though)

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Oh god I have alot.. Shane Dawson, Danisnotfire, Charlieissocoollike, Alex Day, BrittaniLousieTaylor, AmazingPhil, Bubzbeauty, Kandee Johnson and Michelle Phan.. OOOO and Nigahiga

28. What are your favorite real celebs? David Tennant, Rusell Brand, Ant and Dec and ermm Cathrine Tate

29. Singers? My Chemical Romance, Green Day, Muse, P!nk ect

30. Actors/Actresses? They're the same as celebs aren't they? Well my favs are anwsered in question 28

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D I didn't time it :p I guess 5-10 minutes and yes I am annoyed kind of..

b]32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? No

Well, I'm not a girl, but this is how I roll B) . (I was dared :( )

1. How old are you?

How old are YOU?

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?


3. Have you ever been on a date at all?


4. What grade are you in?


5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?

All of the tarantula species.

6. Do you have any pets?


7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

Tarantula- Damien, Tarantula- Skully, Tarantula- Chelly, Tarantula- Hetfield, Tarantula- Sugar, Dog- Snowball, Cat- Faith, Cat- Napoleon, Peacock- Kirby the Second, Chicken- Ken, Button Quail- Chickapee, Button Quail- Tac, Rabbit- Butterscotch, Gecko- Scally, 5 Fish (unnamed)

8. Have you had your period yet?

Period? Wait, this kind of period?- .

9. If so when/how old were you?

Still don't know what that means.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?

Well, I'm a boy, but my name's not tom.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?

I'd rather read the Tax Laws, but I was dared to do this.

12. Do you have a boyfriend?

I have a boy, and he's my friend, but no boyfriend. I do have a girlfriend, though.

13. If so then do you enjoy having h[er] as your [girl]friend or are you planning to break up?

I hope we aren't planning to break up, the relationship's been about a week.

14. Are you allergic to anything?


15. If so, what?

The color pink. It gives me hives.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?

Man-i-cure? I need to learn more vocabulary >_> .

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?

My whole life has been pretty much weird.

18. What is your favorite food?

Matbucha (Moroccan dip, look it up) with bread

19. What religon are you?


20. What is your favorite animal?

I really don't know. Maybe dog? Dolphin?

21. What myths/legends do you believe in?

I'm Jewish. So, yeah.

22. What TV shows do you like?

How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement, Two and a Half Men, The Big C, Parenthood, Conan, The Big Bang Theory, Spongebob Squarepants, Suite Life of Zack and Cody, Suite Life on Deck

23. Do you wear a bra? =D

I'm going to go jump off a cliff. Tell my parents I love them.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)

A new type of bra. It's called MUSCLE! POW!!!

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop?

Gamestop, Apple, Brookstone, Petco

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions?

It's not that I'm annoyed of you asking so many questions, it's just that I can't answer all of them

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?

Charlie. The. Unicorn.

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

(question 29/30)

29. Singers?

Taylor Swift, (bands->) Rise Against, The Misfits, Hiromi

30. Actors/Actresses?

Meghan Fox, Kristen Steward, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Steve Carell

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D

It didn't take me longer than how long it took for you to write it, and yes. I'm very annoyed. You probably just ruined my day.

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1. How old are you? 17. 18 in February.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yeah

4. What grade are you in? I've graduated High School

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A book published :)

6. Do you have any pets? Yeah, I have cats and kittens :)

8. Have you had your period yet? Yep

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm more of a tomboy but it depends on my mood and whether I feel like dressing up or not

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yeah man

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Yepo

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? He's the best :)

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yeah

15. If so, what? Dust/dustmites

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Doing it myself. I don't see the point in paying like 40$ for someone to paint your nails

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Put my legs behind my head.

18. What is your favorite food? Mcdonalds

19. What religon are you? I don't have one.

20. What is your favorite animal? Cats :D

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Karma

22. What TV shows do you like? Gossip girl, family guy, the simpsons.

23. Do you wear a bra? It would be a bit worrying if i didn't.

24. If so, what kind? Just a normal cup bra

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? I don't like shopping that much. When I do go shopping though, i go to JayJays :D

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Yeah man

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Chris crocker, ryan higa, ray william johnson

28. What are your favorite real celebs? TOM FELTON, daniel radcliffe, emma watson, taylor momsen, blake lively, connor paolo

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? I don't know i didnt check the time lol

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Yepo

1. How old are you? Eleventy Billion.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nah. I don't like blindfolds.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Nah. Mortals are below me.

4. What grade are you in? I do not go to school.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Another Owl.

6. Do you have any pets? Twelve Owls all named Virtue.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? >>>>>.<<<<<

9. If so when/how old were you? Two seconds ago.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I am a vampire

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? No.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No. I have a lifelong ambition to kill all Blond/Brown/White haired people though.

14. Are you allergic to anything? Tyranny. And Onions.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I can't be bothered doing this.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Bolding everything. Which IMMA TIRED OF.

18. What is your favorite food? You.

19. What religon are you? MyReligonIsYou.

20. What is your favorite animal? You.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? You.

22. What TV shows do you like? ROSA.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D BEN.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)DROWNED.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? YOUDIDN'TSAVEHER

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? You shouldn't have done that...

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?

28. What are your favorite real celebs?

29. Singers?

30. Actors/Actresses?

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D now i am everywhere

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