The Girls Life Quiz


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Looks fun. And I'm pretty bored.

1. How old are you? I do not feel comfortable saying that here~

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope!

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? HAHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHA NO

4. What grade are you in? Once again, don't feel comfortable saying~

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? ...I guess to have all my family's debt paid off :/

6. Do you have any pets? No.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) N/A

8. Have you had your period yet? Yeah...Sucks, though.

9. If so when/how old were you? I was 10 8/

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? None. I'm a lonely weirdo who likes to talk about dumb things! 8D

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Pretty nifty.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? LOLNO

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? N/A

14. Are you allergic to anything? Maybe make-up or face paint :/

15. If so, what? Just said~

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? 8/ neither

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? uhh well my right middle finger's tendon pops when it slides over the bone. I think it's a birth defect.

18. What is your favorite food? I don't even know.

19. What religon are you? Non Regligious.

20. What is your favorite animal? BUGS ARE COOL I don't think they're "animals" but whatever

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? 8/

22. What TV shows do you like? Pokemon, SpongeBob, KND...Yeah. Kid's stuff. I'M COOL

23. Do you wear a bra? ja

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) um...I don't know?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Bookstores.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? herp derp

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? ...uh

28. What are your favorite real celebs? ....UHHH...

29. Singers? o_O

30. Actors/Actresses? idon'tevenknow

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? uh not very long and nope

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

that was fun

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1. How old are you? 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No.

4. Which grade are you in? Going into 7th.

5. If you could have anything in the world what would it be? I don't know.

6. Do you have any pets? A dog and plenty of fish that have died.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? My dog's name is Yoyo Punch

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes.

9. If so, how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Girly/tomboy/gay? Tomboy maybe?

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I did this because I'm bored, and still kinda bored.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? No.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? Number 12.

14. Are you allergic to anything? No.

15. If so, what? Number 14.

16. Which do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Neither.

17. What is the weirdest thing you can do? Taco tongue?

18. What is your favorite food? Fried dumpings.

19. What religion are you? Christian.

20. What is your favorite animal? The axolotl.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None.

22. What TV shows do you like? How It's Made, Pokemon, Ninja Warrior, Myth Busters, Cops, Campus PD.

23. Do you wear a bra? Yeah.

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) I don't know. A real one?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Goodwill.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Still kinda bored.

27. Who are your favorite YouTube celebs? nigahiga, Smosh, KevJumba/ JumbaFund.

28. Who are your favorite real celebs? Billy Mays

29. Singers? No one.

30. Actors/Actresses? Nope.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Some minutes.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Nope. I don't want to.

1. How old are you? 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Nope lol

4. What grade are you in? In Finland, 7th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A wallet that never runs out of money.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? A dog called Mandi

8. Have you had your period yet? Yep

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Idk. Tomboy...ish?

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? It's ok

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? I don't think so

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for a manicure 'cause I suck at it

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Uh my thumbs are pretty flexible lol and I can roll my tongue

18. What is your favorite food? Burritos. Or noodles.

19. What religon are you? None

20. What is your favorite animal? Dolphin or panda

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None I guess

22. What TV shows do you like? Glee, Misfits, Supernatural, Family Guy

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Um a real one

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? A mall.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Idk

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? nigahiga, charlieissocoollike, jennamarbles?

28. What are your favorite real celebs? I don't know

29. Singers? Lady Gaga, Regina Spektor

30. Actors/Actresses? I like Matthew Lewis

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D A few minutes, and not really

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? no

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes.

4. What grade are you in? 8th.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? A macbook pro, right now. Haha.

6. Do you have any pets? 5 cats, 2 dogs, 3 ferrets and a rabbit.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Oh my god, I'm not answering this.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes.

9. If so when/how old were you? 13.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Why the f*** is gay a category?

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Sure.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? Just broke up with one.

14. Are you allergic to anything? Nothing.

15. If so, what? ...

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Manicure

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Apparently, type correctly.

18. What is your favorite food? Shrimp Cocktail

19. What religon are you? Agnostic

20. What is your favorite animal? Llama/Sloth

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Nessy

22. What TV shows do you like? LA Ink

23. Do you wear a bra? Yes...

24. If so, what kind? The normal kinddd?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Zumiez

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Nah, it's cool.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Nigahiga and Kevjumba.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? None.

29. Singers? Lady gaga

30. Actors/Actresses? Zach Galifianakis

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? Like, 5 minutes, and it's cool.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? Yes.

1. How old are you? 16

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yes.

4. What grade are you in? Going Into Gr.11.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? I know it seems selfish, but money.

6. Do you have any pets? Save for tamagotchis, no.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names?

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes.

9. If so when/how old were you? 14.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Normally a socially awkward bookworm, but around the right people, I can be a spazzy fangirl.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? It's ok.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? I have an ex.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? See #12.

14. Are you allergic to anything? Not that I know of.

15. If so, what?

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I really don't do manicures, but I'd rather go for one than DIY.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? I have a long singing range.

18. What is your favorite food? Anything involving cheese, bread and/or potatoes.

19. What religon are you? Agnostic

20. What is your favorite animal? Rats. I like to think of them as humans in terms of survival.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? The greek's take on the gods/goddesses being human by nature.

22. What TV shows do you like? Too many to count, but 80s/90s cartoons as a whole.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D <_< yes?

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) O_O um, why are you asking about my bra?

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Chapters/Indigo (a book store) EB games, any sort of anime or candy store.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Considering that you asked about my bra not long ago, I'm scared

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? TheFineBros, EpicMealTime, Dan Brown (to name a few)

28. What are your favorite real celebs? I really don't care for the current scandals. -__-

29. Singers? Emily Autumns, Britney Spears, Barry White, Tom Jones.

30. Actors/Actresses? Sean Connery. 0///0

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D Didn't you ask this question about 5 questions before? And I've wasted 10 minutes of my life doing this.

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? NO.

Now here's a question for you: are you a spy? >_>

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1. How old are you? 11 years 5 months 16 days

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no i'm too young 0-0

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in? year 7 (6th grade)

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? an iPad

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) a dachshund (weiner dog) called alice, a jack russel terrier called ralphy, a cat names coco and a budgie names muddy =)

8. Have you had your period yet? no O_O

9. If so when/how old were you? ...

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? none :p

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? yeah..

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no, but 2 guys have crushes on me o_O

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? ...

14. Are you allergic to anything? yes

15. If so, what? aloe (gives me eczema) and a preservative the put in beef (gives me bad gas)

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? none. i hate manicures

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? fold my tounge

18. What is your favorite food(s)? pizza, poptarts and cupcakes

19. What religon are you? none. if i was to be a religon though it would be Presbyterian

20. What is your favorite animal? PENGUINS (by far!) pandas, and leopards

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? none really.

22. What TV shows do you like? spongebob

23. Do you wear a bra? =D no

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc)...

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? i dunno actually.... :p probably ula though :p

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? its cool =)

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? none

28. What are your favorite real celebs? none

29. Singers? none

30. Actors/Actresses? none

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D no! and about 20 mins :p

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? why would an 11 year old be making out? o_O

1. How old are you? 23

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Yes, once

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Oh yes.

4. What grade are you in? I'm not. I graduated in '06, went to college and am going back again next fall.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? To be comfortable in life.

6. Do you have any pets? 6

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) A cat - 10 years, white and black, named Loo. I also have my Tamagotchis

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes. Got it when I was 13 in the middle of a science exam, June 12th.

9. If so when/how old were you? ^above

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Tomboy, with girly moments on certain things. Have my own flare/style.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yeah, not bad

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Husband, yes.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? I will never stop loving my husband.

14. Are you allergic to anything? Lots of things.

15. If so, what? Too many. I'm a bit of a medical mishap for allergies.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I don't enjoy manicures, but I am cheap, so I'd rather do it myself.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Uh... I don't know...

18. What is your favorite food? Penne chicken alfredo.

19. What religon are you? I'm a Witch. I follow the old religion of Witchcraft, and adhere to the more original styles of Wicca.

20. What is your favorite animal? Wolf

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Most all

22. What TV shows do you like? SO MANY. All sci-fi and comedic, and almost all on BBC as I used to live in England.

23. Do you wear a bra? God Goddess yes. I have a very large chest. Life without a bra isn't possible.

24. If so, what kind? "real one" - underwire, support cup.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Bath/Body shop places.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Nah, doesn't matter a whole lot to me.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Ray William Johnson.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Sandra Bullock, Patrick Stewart *purr*, and a few others.

29. Singers? I don't really have just a few. I enjoy so many types of music by so many people.

30. Actors/Actresses? Pretty much along the same lines as the celebs.

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 13 minutes because I was watching a show during the process.

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1. How old are you? 37593 12

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? liektotalleeeeno

4. What grade are you in? grade? o.o I'm going with year level, year 8

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? it depends.. I could easily change my mind..

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Jen and Tiger/Tigger (spellings often get mixed up), Jen's a dog, Tiger/Tigger's a kitten.

8. Have you had your period yet? ..yeah

9. If so when/how old were you?..10

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm Ella.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? I guess

12. Do you have a boyfriend? nah

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Yes

15. If so, what? Seafood

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? I hardly paint my nails anyway :\

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? idc

18. What is your favorite food? Ice cream

19. What religon are you? idk

20. What is your favorite animal? Bear

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? none

22. What TV shows do you like? Anime/cartoons

23. Do you wear a bra?..Yeah

24. If so, what kind? idk

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Supermarket (cookies!), jayjays, farmers, Kmart, the warehouse

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? I don't care

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Smosh, glowpinkstah, MichellePhan, Nigahiga, VintageorTacky

28. What are your favorite real celebs? any

29. Singers? um.. dave grohl, Gaga, REBBECCA BLACK YO (loljksheonlyhas2songs), any other randoms

30. Actors/Actresses? none :X

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D idc

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? nahbroI'mallgoods

1. 12

2. no

3. no

4. im english so year 8

5. an old gothic mansion ands lots of dosh

6. 22 snakes 2 bearded dragons 2 chinse water dragons 8 tranculas 4 scorpions 1 basilisk 1 cat 1 dog 1 hamster 3 fish 3 rabbits and i think thats it

7. do i really ahve to write them all down

8. no


10. goth

11. its okay

12. no


14. yes

15. fish

16. hate them both

17. feel what animals are feeling kinda i dont know how

18. bananas

19. satanism

20. bats

21. dragons,vampires,nessy,werewolfs all of them

22. i dont like tv it melts ur brain

23. yes

24. i really dont care

25. rockin goth and attitude clothing (google em)

26. its okay

27. nicepeter

28. i dont have one

29. in flames,trivum,black veil brides,korn,disturbed and slipnot

30. none

31. about 5 mins and no

32. no

1. How old are you? 17

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Yessss, they both sucked.

4. What grade are you in? Senior.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? An amazing reputation.

6. Do you have any pets? Yes.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Dog - Teddy.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes =/

9. If so when/how old were you? 12

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? Bisexual. I try not to act like it though, haha.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yesss

12. Do you have a boyfriend? NO LOL

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? Something in the air around this time of the year.

15. If so, what? Unsure

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Going for one

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Stick my whole fist in my mouth

18. What is your favorite food? Anything Italian.

19. What religion are you? Christian

20. What is your favorite animal? Llamas.

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? None on the tip of my tongue.

22. What TV shows do you like? Glee, Pretty Little Liars, The Vampire Diaries, Modern Family, The Middle.

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Of course

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Legit one.

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Urban Outfitters, American Apparel, American Eagle.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Me gusta

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Ryan Higa, Anthony Padilla, Ian Hecox, Shane Dawson.

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Dianna Agron, Naya Rivera, and Chord Overstreet.

29. Singers? OneRepublic. <3

30. Actors/Actresses? Refer to #28

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D Didn't take too long

re-do time

1. How old are you? 12 years, 9 months, and 8 days. soon to be 13 in 3 months.

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? nope.

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? nope. not for a while too. no-one likes me. /forever alone

4. What grade are you in? seven. everyone's now using high school as a warning to misbehaviour, and it annoys the crap out of me.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? that god-forsaken pumpkin that keeps following me everywhere! actually, i would love to be better at maths.

6. Do you have any pets? yerr.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? Muffin and Jane.

8. Have you had your period yet? perhaps.

9. If so when/how old were you? maybe younger. maybe it hasn't come yet. maybe it just started right now.

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? tomboy and nerd [a bit of hipster too]. not mainstream nerd. SERIOUS NERD.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? i guess so. lifting my boredom for sure.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? he's fictional and i love him.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? i will never break up with that swanky fellow.

14. Are you allergic to anything? heat. and extensive sunlight [ie. out in the sun for more than three hours].

15. If so, what? i just told you, stupid head.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? i hate anything that has to do with nails. such a useless process for just a spot of keratin!!

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? curl my tongue into a u, wiggle my ears freely [no jaw movement], whistle by inhaling. i believe i'm double jointed.

18. What is your favorite food? anything chinese. yum.

19. What religon are you? i am non-religious.

20. What is your favorite animal? skyhorses and gargoyles. fine, you want something REAL? seahorses!!!!

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? every single little one!!!

22. What TV shows do you like? i don't watch too much telly, but i suppose mystery hunters. canadian show about scary things. i LOVE it.

23. Do you wear a bra? uh-huh

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) sport

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? eb games, value village, daiso, anywhere in chinatown, err.. oh yeah NOTHING WITH CLOTHES PERIOD.

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? this is slightly entertaining in a way.

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? i have way too many. prob'ly smosh, randyswanston133, and eddsworld top my favourites

28. What are your favorite real celebs? i don't have any

29. Singers? no-one of today. if you want a list expect a list 10 feet long.

30. Actors/Actresses? this sounds exactly like question 28!!

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? about 18 minutes with editing and stuff?

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? this answer was pretty obvious by question 2 and 3, and for dumb-faces, no.

1. How old are you? 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? sadly no but want to with my <3

4. What grade are you in? 8th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? go out with my <3

6. Do you have any pets? 2 guinea pigs

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Mocha and Snickers

8. Have you had your period yet? starting to

9. If so when/how old were you?...

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?none of the above I am just me

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?kinda cause I am bored

12. Do you have a boyfriend?no :[

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?..

14. Are you allergic to anything?no

15. If so, what?no

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?going to get one

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?make noises like a guinea pig

18. What is your favorite food? pasta

19. What religon are you? none

20. What is your favorite animal? zebra or penguin or Owl

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? umm.....IDK

22. What TV shows do you like? Middle ,and Modern Family

23. Do you wear a bra? :p hey umm personal but yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) umm..

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Idk everywhere

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? kinda

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?IDK

28. What are your favorite real celebs?IDK

29. Singers?me :3

30. Actors/Actresses? me again

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 15min

Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.

Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? no

Well, I can't do the quiz, but overall I am a ten year old girl with no boyfriends, one pet and no big allergies. Who isn't allowed on YouTube and doesn't know about any singers, actors, actresses etc. I am quite tomboyish, so I'd put that, but not as tomboyish as I used to be. But I don't bother with manicures and hairstyling and makeup because it's really boring and I'm not allowed. I hate having long nails, my mom always complains I cut them too short. Take a guess at the questions about bras and periods. That's right: the answer to both of them is NO.

~ Dazzmina ~

1. How old are you? Old enough to know better :D (22 and 3 quarters :D )

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Noooo, but sometimes I wish they were blind. Then they might like me better XD

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Of Course!

4. What grade are you in? Just graduated from University last year.

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Blissful ignorance and perpetual contentment. And perfect hair.

6. Do you have any pets? Just my beloved Tamagotchis. And my bugs.

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank)

8. Have you had your period yet? Beg pardon?

9. If so when/how old were you? Who on Earth would want to know? o_O What a creepy question!

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'll always be a girly girl. Even when I'm 90.

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Needs salt.

12. Do you have a boyfriend? I have a fiance named Jonathan. He has kooties.

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? I plan to be married forever. No-one else will put up with me XD

14. Are you allergic to anything? No! I have innards of STEEL!

15. If so, what? Actually I think I might be allergic to Drum and Bass, reality TV and Lady Gaga.

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? If I do it myself my left hand looks immaculate, but my right hand looks like it ought to be cut off, doused in holy water and burned. I'm shockingly right-handed.

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Watch Yes Minister without falling asleep.

18. What is your favorite food? Gyozas from Wagamama. And shrimp.

19. What religon are you? I found Jesus- he was behind the sofa.

20. What is your favorite animal? Anything with more than four legs. Bugs need more love <3

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? The one about men being sensitive and caring. Oh wait. *trollface*

22. What TV shows do you like? Cartoons!

23. Do you wear a bra? =D ...Of course...

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) Look! Did a man write this quiz?! Yikes!

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? EBAY! It's like drugs. Only more expensive...

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? To be honest, when I decided to do a quiz, I expected there to be questions ;P

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Lewis Brindley and Simon Lane (the YogsCast) <3

28. What are your favorite real celebs? MARRY ME SEAN BEAN!!!!

29. Singers? Kate Bush, David Bowie, Alice Cooper

30. Actors/Actresses? Geoffrey Rush, Steve Buscemi, Alan Rickman

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D I'm fuming! ;)


Yes, I know I made some spelling mistakes and if any guys comment saying "I'm not a girl so I wouldn't know" will be marked as SPAM. Guys can still comment though on people's answers or the GLQ.


Oh, I almost forgot the most important question of them all!!!!


32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? What really? You could have asked anything in the world, and this is the most important question of all? ;P I love whoever wrote this!

1. How old are you? Twelve

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in? Year 8, we dun have grades here

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? for mum to get well

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? cannot be bothered

8. Have you had your period yet? ..yeah

9. If so when/how old were you? ten..

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I'm a pink fluffy unicorn

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Yesss

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? yeahh

15. If so, what? seafood

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? either

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? uh, listen to this;

18. What is your favorite food? pizza

19. What religon are you? none.

20. What is your favorite animal? bear

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? maori gods

22. What TV shows do you like? idgaf

23. Do you wear a bra? =D yes

24. If so, what kind? sports, sometimes padded

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? jayjays, spotlight

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? idc

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? nigahiga

28. What are your favorite real celebs? none

29. Singers? alot

30. Actors/Actresses? who even likes them?

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? i.d.g.a.f

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? no

1. How old are you? sixteen

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no wtf

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? i suppose so

4. What grade are you in? year 11

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? i just want to see the academy is... live

6. Do you have any pets? i'm getting a puppy soon

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) i'm gonna call him santi

8. Have you had your period yet? yeah but it stopped lol

9. If so when/how old were you? 14

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? gay isn't a stereotype excuse you

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? not really but i've got nothing else to do

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no but i like someone lmao pwned

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? n/a

14. Are you allergic to anything? yeah

15. If so, what? tomatoes and dust haha

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? neither i just leave my nails alone

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? i don't know haha

18. What is your favorite food? peach iced tea

19. What religon are you? atheist

20. What is your favorite animal? turtle!

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? no go away

22. What TV shows do you like? doctor who

23. Do you wear a bra? unfortunately yes i have to

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) um i suppose i wear a normal one but ya depends

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? uhhh hmv or anywhere with CD's lol

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? stop asking this omfg

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? no one lol

28. What are your favorite real celebs? idk just the people in the bands i like

29. Singers? william beckett

30. Actors/Actresses? idk maybe matt smith

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? jfc stop asking me if im annoyed its annoying me enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? yeah and some girls as well sigh i dont know why that's not part of the question hmm

1. How old are you? 14

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? no

4. What grade are you in? 9

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? my dream job

6. Do you have any pets? yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) My dog sammy

8. Have you had your period yet? yes

9. If so when/how old were you? 11

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? girly and tomboyish

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? yeah

12. Do you have a boyfriend? no

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? yes

15. If so, what? chocolate (I eat it anyways xD)

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? manicure

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? roll up my tongue like how you would a rug

18. What is your favorite food? pizza

19. What religon are you? christian

20. What is your favorite animal? every type

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? ghosts angels

22. What TV shows do you like? too many to put on here

23. Do you wear a bra? =D yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) real no padding

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? too many to put on here

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? yes i like it so far

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? too many to put on here

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Jenifer Anderson, Emma Stone, Betty White, Ryan Renolds, Ashton Kutcher, and a lot more

29. Singers? too manyyy

30. Actors/Actresses? too many

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D two minutes and no

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? yes

1. How old are you? 15

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? eh, no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? yes

4. What grade are you in? 11

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Happiness for the unhappy ppl in the world :/

6. Do you have any pets? Yes

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) A dog

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes

9. If so when/how old were you? 10

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? emo i guess?

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Slightly weird but im bored so meh...

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Nope

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up? Dont have one

14. Are you allergic to anything? No

15. If so, what? Nothing

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? DIY

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Nothing really

18. What is your favorite food? Probably salad or something?

19. What religon are you? I'm Atheist

20. What is your favorite animal? Wolf

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? Nothing

22. What TV shows do you like? Criminal Minds, CSI, Anime shows

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes?

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) *Ignores creepy question*

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Blue Banana

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? Lil' bit

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Davedays

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Jared Leto, Tomo Miličević, Shannon Leto, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, Matt Bellamy, Chris Wolstenholme, Dom Howard, Brendon Urie, Ryan Ross, John Walker, Spencer Smith, Dave Grohl

29. Singers? Muse, 30 Seconds To Mars, My Chemical Romance, Panic At The Disco, Foo Fighters, Bring Me The Horizon, Green Day, Paramore.

30. Actors/Actresses? Jared Leto

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? =D 10 minutes and no cause my friend made me take this for a laugh lol

lol, sorry but I relized that some of these answers have changed

1. How old are you? 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date?no

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? yes

4. What grade are you in? 8th

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? go out with my <3

6. Do you have any pets? 2 guinea pigs

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Mocha and Snickers

8. Have you had your period yet? yes

9. If so when/how old were you?...

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other?none of the above I am just me

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far?kinda cause I am bored

12. Do you have a boyfriend?I did

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?..

14. Are you allergic to anything?no

15. If so, what?no

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself?going to get one

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do?make noises like a guinea pig

18. What is your favorite food? pasta

19. What religon are you? none

20. What is your favorite animal? zebra or penguin or Owl

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? umm.....IDK

22. What TV shows do you like? Middle ,and Modern Family

23. Do you wear a bra? :p hey umm personal but yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) umm..

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Idk everywhere

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? kinda

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs?IDK

28. What are your favorite real celebs?IDK

29. Singers?me :3

30. Actors/Actresses? me again

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? 15min

32. Have you ever kissed/made out with a boy? no

1. How old are you? 12, turning 13

2. Have you ever been on a blind date? lolnope

3. Have you ever been on a date at all? ^

4. What grade are you in? No grades, year 9

5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Mum’s health to improve. It’s very very bad at the moment.

6. Do you have any pets? Yah

7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes' then what are they and what are their names? (On questions like these and the answer is 'No' then just leave it blank) Not gonna bother anymore.

8. Have you had your period yet? Yes

9. If so when/how old were you? 10

10. Are you a girly girl, a tomboy, emo, goth, gay, or none of those/ other? I am the highway

11. Are you enjoying this GLQ so far? Fa-bu-lous

12. Do you have a boyfriend? Lol, too awkward

13. If so then do you enjoy having him as your boyfriend or are you planning to break up?

14. Are you allergic to anything? yeah

15. If so, what? Seafood~

16. What do you like better, going for a manicure or doing it yourself? Lol nope >D

17. Whats the weirdest thing you can do? Be awkward

18. What is your favorite food? Ice Cream~ Or roast chicken, that works too.

19. What religon are you? Undecided ;P

20. What is your favorite animal? Bear<3 (Russian Rugby union supporter here?)

21. What myths/legends do you believe in? YOU'LL SEE. YOU’LL ALL SEE

22. What TV shows do you like? Avatar: The Last Airbender

23. Do you wear a bra? =D Yes

24. If so, what kind? (Training, padded, real one, sport, etc) idek

25. What is your favorite place(s) to shop? Um.. The Body Shop, JayJays, Whitcoulls, Smiggle

26. Are you liking this GLQ so far or are you just getting annoyed that I am asking so many questions? It’s pre’ cool

27. What are your favorite YouTube celebs? Mychonny, Nigahiga, Onision, Smosh

28. What are your favorite real celebs? Dave Grohl, um, Rugby union players :) (Dan Carter’s a sexy beast. Really guys)

29. Singers? Your mother.

30. Actors/Actresses? lolnope

31. How long did it take you to do this quiz and are you annoyed that I wasted your time? I DO NOT KNOW *French accent right here*

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