The Golden Necklace


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Aug 22, 2008
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One morning, a :furawatchi:Named Violet walked into High School. She was wearing a golden necklace, causing hundreds of boys to follow her and try to kiss her. A :) Called Jodie got very angry. She said...

I don't want any killing plz, make it ROMANTIC!!!

Cry.Then :mametchi: gave her a new necklace.They got married.

More boys continued to follow Violet around. One day Violet said "Dont you know I'm married?" the boys said they didn't care and violet couldn't get rid of them so her husband, Bill, said to the boys...

"Leave her alone before I get a restraining order on all of you!"

So all the boys left, except one. "I wasn't just talking to them. Seriously, leave!" Bill yelled. The guy said, "I am Cody," and he was a Mametchi. "I love you, Violet! Marry me!" Cody yelled. Violet hardly knew him but he was handsome. She loved Bill so much, also. So Violet said, "I pick...."

Cody angrily said, "I will get you back for whatever it takes!!!!" and he ran away. (dont forget, shes still in high school) the next day at high school, violet saw cody. "go away" she said but cody refused. "I LOVE YOU!" he yelled so the whole school to hear so people started making rumors that violet was with cody AND bill. violet told cody,

"You jerk!Your ruining my life!"She got a restraining order on him.He still wouldn't leave her alone,so the cops came and Cody got arrested.

so violet and bill were happy together. violet had a baby girl named lilly. violet, bill and lilly lived peacefully together until...

Violet divorced Bill and married Cody. And Lily lived with....

a mean :p that let her starve in a corner.

Cody forced Violet to do things just for his pleasure. He left for Kuro City, a shady place where he thought no one would find them.

Meanwhile, Lilly found a golden necklace hanging on a tree branch. She didn't show it to the Memetchi (Anne) but wore it to school and all the boys followed her around and such.

OOc:Well...this is adventure at all!!

One day,Lilly was walking around with boys following as usual she walked into the forest abecause she wants to play hide and seek with her animal frined,Cippers then she stumbled down into a mysterious place,it looked magical yet it was still on earth she loked around and went to find Cippers she found him and played with him, night,Lilly realised something!HER GOLDEN NECKLACE!!IT WAS GONE!!Who could've done this?

Lily said"Mom!why are you crying?And can i have the piece of pizza youve got?"

Her mom gave the piece of pizza and lilly found her necklace in it.But then cody showed up and fell in love with lilly

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