the guide to getting the tamagotchis you want(v6)


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Nov 22, 2009
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ok the first thing is that this is only for v6 on getting ADULT CHARACTERS ONLY!

And it is pretty simple actually.

all you have to do is watch how many times your tama beeps for hungry or happy hearts not filled.

you know how the music star character charts have the good care characters followed by bad care characters and so on, the main thing is that every time you get an attention beep when your tama is a TEEN it goes down from perfect to great to good etc.(I got two attention beeps as a teen and got kutchipatchi!)

the second thing is if your character has never been paused or had an attention beep for hearts not filled in and is a perfect teen character it will cost to go down the chart if you pause it during the teen stage.

why hasn't any body replied yet? so far only 41 views :angry: Ineed more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anyway I tested my theory and paused my perfect care teen.

I got a shimashimatchi :angry:

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I totally hate it when you have a brilliant post and nobody says anything!!! Happens to me everywhere =(

But it's awesome that you've figured this out!! Thanks! I didn't screw up while raising my teen ( I dunno how I managed but I did) and I got Kuromametchi!! Sometimes you might want one of the lesser tamas so maybe you should let them go hungry? Lol I dunno =)

Once again I tested my theory and this time I got no attention beeps and got a mametchi!!

I was so exited when I got him a while back. I used two theories actually, mine and the naming guide.

Oh and thank you sockmonkey some one understands how frustrated I get when I don't have any replies on the best post you had!

<_< <_< <_< <_< <_< <_< <_<

Just a little fact:

Raising music star characters does not require you to have a MASSIVE amount of skill points.

It is not like the v4 or Entama etc.

The music star is like the v1, v2, v3 etc where the better you take care of your character, the better it will be!

Tried this theory and it does work.......I have tried different charicters 8 generations now and they all follow this:

<1 beep for attention and stress below 20 will get you a great charicter (MIMITCHI MAMETCHI etc)

2 beeps for attention will drop you down to the next level (MEMETCHI etc)

I have tried this and it does work....neglect your tama for 5 consecutive beeps and allow to get ill and you should end up with a a Masktchi or Gozarutchi type tama. I was aiming for a MEMETCHI this time and went ahead and let it call out twice before I checked on her and allowed her stress to go up to 40 and waalaa....I have a MEMETCHI right now. Good luck and thanks so much for this guide it will be very helpful

yep i simply checked every 1 min and did not pause much as teen and stress never above 30 and tah dah mametchi! my brothers really happy and i am too we were longing for a mametchi

it really helped!

Awesome! I can't wait to try this.

I have waited so long for a proper growth explanation and here it is! So just so I fully understand...

Say I had a Chamametchi on generation 5 and she got two care misses. Does that mean she would become a Violetchi?

2 care misses should get you a Memetchi 3 care misses should get you the Violetchi. Im actually hoping for that myself. I haven done a very good job neglecting it today so I am thinking I may end up with another Mimitchi. We shall see.

Oh! I thought it was 0 care misses for a perfect care character and 1 care miss for a great care character. Thanks for telling me this, so if I want a Shimashimatchi I will have to give my teenager 2 care misses, correct?

the easiest way to get a shimashimatchi is if you have aperfect care male teen then just pause it once for a random amount of time without any care misses, OR one care miss should do it!

Are you sure it entirely works? I had a Kikitchi and gave him two care misses and he became a Mametchi. I did pause him alot for like 24 hours so does that effect it?

Once again I go against you're theory...

I think you really need to test it out a bit more. My Chamametchi had two care misses and evolved into Mimitchi, a perfect care adult. I got a Memetchi once from no care misses, just loss of hunger hearts.

To be honest, I believe it has nothing to do with care misses. I believe it is how many hearts it loses and it's stress level.

I can not say, for my tamagotchi's battery has died and it does not work any more I am sorry if my theory has not satisfied most of you but I have not been able to test out my theory myself but I will try my best to fix it and find a new battery which I can't seem to find anywhere!

Wanted to add something. My daughter had wanted to try for a "bad" charicter so she neglected it ALOT!! So much that it tried to die twice we had to do an emergency download both times and after all that trauma she ended up with a Mikiko. She was bummed. Not sure if this blows the theory out the window or if it was because it was involved in emergency downloads to save its life.

Thank you sooo much I really wanted an onputchi and I got it because I kept getting sebiretchi and makkiko before :blink:

My teen tamagotchi:

Hungry:1 heart

Happy:1 heart


And what tamagotchi I

got when It's an adult?


I get always perfect care

characters! :(

(Or Shimashimatchi :p )

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Well I wanted a kuchipatchi so I did the beep thing 2 times but I got a mametchi which is perfect care??? why is this and my teen was a hinotamatchi


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