The Guide....


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2009
Reaction score
England, Bristol.
Hello and welcome to kawaii~mametchi's Guide to sneaking your tamagotchi!

First of all, the rules!

• Never tell anyone you have your tama unless you completely trust them.

• Never bring an ancestor to school - it could get lost or stolen.

• Always keep the sound off!

• Never check your tama in lessons unless you're absolutely sure the teachers not looking.

So if you obey those golden rules, I guarantee that you will suceed! ;)

OK, so you are in the school bus. You are wearing your tamagotchi on a lanyard. Which is the best thing to do?

1) Talk to your friends about your tamagotchis in a REALLY LOAD voice.

2) Sit down and play with your tama carefully so no one sees.

3) Show everyone on the bus your tama(s) and boast.

Correct answer: 2

You wouldn't want to to choose 1 because if anyone hears you, there all ways is a goody - two - shoes and they could tell about you! :p And 3, well, I think you know why thats wrong! ;)

You get to school, and you go to the toilet. Do you :

1) Quickly play a game on your tama.

2) Spend ages in there connecting with your friends, sharing codes, etc...

3) Walk into a cubicle, lock the door, and quickly feed your tama so all hearts are full, then turn the sound off.

Correct answer: 3

1 is wrong because well.. YOU FORGOT TO TURN THE SOUND OFF!! and breaking one of the golden rules! :eek: And 2 is definitely wrong because all schools toilets are checked every day to make sure you are not skipping lessons! So hiding in the toilets is not a good place to hide from the PE lessons! ;) I have experience...

You go to an assembly/year meeting. You do want to make sure your tamagotchi is ok - yeah? Well turn the sound off, and keep it in your pocket. Every 6 mins or so check your tama to see if it okay. Don't look at your tama for too long because then teachers can see that you are not paying attention and focusing on something else. ( Again, I've had experience! :( )

During Lessons

Caring for your tama during lessons can be quite tricky, but after a few lessons, you will get the hang of it. Most of you should have a pencil case. Keep your tama(s) in there. Every 10 mins or so, check your tama while it is in your pencil case. (Pretend you're fishing out a pencil or pen) Or if you don't have a pecil case, slide your tamas down your boots and check them when the teacher is not looking!! And if you don't have any boots, just put it in a coin purse or in your pocket.

If you get caught

First thing to do is switch it to the clock screen and say it is a watch/clock. If your teacher isn't that dumb to not know wht a tamagotchi looks like, say your little brother/sister slipped it into your shool bag when you were about to leave the house.

If you are Paranoid...

If you are really scared and really dont want to get caught, just turn the sound off, put your tama to sleep, then put your tama in a box in your locker / cloakroom.

A fun make!

I did not make this idea up

Get a large floss box that is big enough to hold a tamagotchi, and cut holes for the screen and buttons. Taah - Dahh! A tamagotchi holder!

Sorry whoever made this idea up - I can't remember

your name! :p

So, you've learned the basics to sneaking the tama in! Good Luck! ;)

Hello and welcome to kawaii~mametchi's Guide to sneaking your tamagotchi!
First of all, the rules!

• Never tell anyone you have your tama unless you completely trust them.

• Never bring an ancestor to school - it could get lost or stolen.

• Always keep the sound off!

• Never check your tama in lessons unless you're absolutely sure the teachers not looking.

So if you obey those golden rules, I guarantee that you will suceed! ;)

OK, so you are in the school bus. You are wearing your tamagotchi on a lanyard. Which is the best thing to do?

1) Talk to your friends about your tamagotchis in a REALLY LOAD voice.

2) Sit down and play with your tama carefully so no one sees.

3) Show everyone on the bus your tama(s) and boast.

Correct answer: 2

You wouldn't want to to choose 1 because if anyone hears you, there all ways is a goody - two - shoes and they could tell about you! :eek: And 3, well, I think you know why thats wrong! ;)

You get to school, and you go to the toilet. Do you :

1) Quickly play a game on your tama.

2) Spend ages in there connecting with your friends, sharing codes, etc...

3) Walk into a cubicle, lock the door, and quickly feed your tama so all hearts are full, then turn the sound off.

Correct answer: 3

1 is wrong because well.. YOU FORGOT TO TURN THE SOUND OFF!! and breaking one of the golden rules! :eek: And 2 is definitely wrong because all schools toilets are checked every day to make sure you are not skipping lessons! So hiding in the toilets is not a good place to hide from the PE lessons! ;) I have experience...

You go to an assembly/year meeting. You do want to make sure your tamagotchi is ok - yeah? Well turn the sound off, and keep it in your pocket. Every 6 mins or so check your tama to see if it okay. Don't look at your tama for too long because then teachers can see that you are not paying attention and focusing on something else. ( Again, I've had experience! :) )

During Lessons

Caring for your tama during lessons can be quite tricky, but after a few lessons, you will get the hang of it. Most of you should have a pencil case. Keep your tama(s) in there. Every 10 mins or so, check your tama while it is in your pencil case. (Pretend you're fishing out a pencil or pen) Or if you don't have a pecil case, slide your tamas down your boots and check them when the teacher is not looking!! And if you don't have any boots, just put it in a coin purse or in your pocket.

If you get caught

First thing to do is switch it to the clock screen and say it is a watch/clock. If your teacher isn't that dumb to not know wht a tamagotchi looks like, say your little brother/sister slipped it into your shool bag when you were about to leave the house.

If you are Paranoid...

If you are really scared and really dont want to get caught, just turn the sound off, put your tama to sleep, then put your tama in a box in your locker / cloakroom.

A fun make!

I did not make this idea up

Get a large floss box that is big enough to hold a tamagotchi, and cut holes for the screen and buttons. Taah - Dahh! A tamagotchi holder!

Sorry whoever made this idea up - I can't remember

your name! :(

So, you've learned the basics to sneaking the tama in! Good Luck! ;)
Good one


I actually tried a few other methods like hiding it in your school hat but it didn't work as I planned

javascript:emoticon(' :angry: ')

Wow, that's a good. I've tried it and it works! Well, exept for the moment in assembly when the teacher seen me. As I printed out this guide and I've learnt it all I told her that it's a watch. And you know what? She believed me! XD

my school is very strict and i could get a half hour detention but i bring it and evolved today yaaaa i hide but did not check on and now i will

cool thanx i tried it and it works last year i got my tama taken away and no teacher has known i have one. (i am just not good at not telling friends)

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i tried what you said and i have the tips are the best.

but just one tip do not tell any one even if its you BFF some times people can get jealous.

trust me i lost a tama for telling a BFF.

thanks for the tip's :kuribotchi:

I honestly can't see the reasoning behind sneaking your Tamagotchi into school unless you have a version without a pause feature and it'll die otherwise.

After all, why do you think Tamagotchis were banned from schools? Because of kids getting distracted by them.

You could argue and say 'It doesn't distract me from my class work!', but it's the same with Gum. Just because you won't stick it on the underside of your desk doesn't mean someone else won't. A few of the idiots ruin it for everybody else.

I really dont take my tamas.I did the 1st day of 8th grade.I just put sound of and kept it in my backpack.I also dont take the bus :D

I love kuchipatchi :lol: :( :lol: :p

thx for the awsome tips I used my coin purse to hide my tama and my teacher

thought I was looking for my lunch money!! :p

A few of the idiots ruin it for everybody else.
yes they do! i loved having my tama in class at first grade but a few idiots like played them in work...i remember, i used to love connecting with my friends at playtime..but the idiots playsed in lessons which i would NEVER do but yes now i would...but i cannot risk my precious dazzilitchi, and certainly not my tmgc+c...but thanks for that maybe i'll try it soon. my parents are just so "what did you do at school today?" and if my tama gets taken or i get detention then "where is your tamagotchi?" or "what did you get detention for?"might come up. i kinda chase tama-allowing schools. im changing school all the time and banned go away but when change school they ban it then change school they ban it its such a hard chase

i tried 2 schools now and am on my way to the third

but for now, everyone, good luck with these cheats! bye!

I just check it at lunch and break in the corridors where there are no teachers.

simple! :)

Last year for me, I didn't have to worry about hiding my Tamagotchi (I'm a bit of a teacher's pet). I just kept it on my neck, but when it came to other classes, I kept it in my pocket. Though I always have been prepared to cover up the word "Tamagotchi" on my tama and tell my teacher it's a watch. :eek:

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