The Ichigotchi That Didn`t Want to Change


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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2005
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Once there was a :marumimitchi: named Berry. Berry was 4. Time for her to be a adult. Berry`s owner was named Megan, and Megan didn`t want Berry to change. Maybe I can wait untill age 5, thought Berry.

The next day........................

(please continue)

The next day Berry felt shooting pain through her body. She needed to change, but was trying to prevent it. Finally, she could bear it no longer, and she evolved into a Mametchi. She sighed. She was cute, but she didn't want to be an adult. She had absolutley no idea how to become a teenager again, until...

.............but after Berry had been an Ichigotchi for 1 month, Megan took a pencil. Berry knew what was going to happen. Megan was reseting her! Berry yelled...................

Megan was very happy with the new baby,but said that berry had to go.

so megan went to bed.

the next morn, she finds her lil' tama baby all alone in tears,she whipes the tears away and names the baby Ace.

Ace turned into a hotodetchi !!!!!

But then Ace fall very very ill...

..............because of the potion that her mom had taken. Then Ace turned into a ichigotchi. She didn`t want to change because she was so ill from her mom`s potion. Megan decided to.................................

That his family got sick and saw a place called Tamatalk on the internet.So he named himself a tamagotchi.Then he saw a girl named laura b rox my soxs and her avatar had a baby anabel doll with a knife that has the words Baby anabel knows were you live.So he told his mommy and she............

So he cried and cried but it didn't work. After 2 days he got to go onto TamaTalk again.

Then Max turned into an Ichigotchi :blink: because of the potion his mom's mom had taken. Then he realized that the tamas in this growth chain would keep turning into ;) s until one of them died. The next day Max also fell very, very ill and had to stay in bed on medicine and meals. But after a day...

Max was ok again. Then he went onto Tamatalk and met another person called 'I Heart Tamas'.

He Liked him and even chatted with him on MSN. BUT, he got a PM from him and it said...

...that if he didn't get off TamaTalk in two days the Admin would delete him. But he didn't believe it and it didn't happen. But then he kept getting PMs saying the same thing over and over again. Finally, he got so fed up with the PMs he...

So later on, Max grew up and became a :D . Megan connected him with a female tamagotchi, a :wacko: . He fell in love with the furawatchi, but for some reason, the furawatchi, Donna, could not stand him. She absolutley hated him. No matter how many love potions nthey forced down her throat, she simply would not be his partner.

One day, Max got very sick, but the medicine could not cure him. So Megan took him to a special tamagotchi doctor, who gave her the horrible news. Max was incredibly sick, he had an uncurable and fatal tamagotchi diesease. fortunatley, it was not communicable, so it could not spread to other tamas. this horrific diesease was called...

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The Suki disease a rare disease.Like cancer He would die if not put in intensive care eminently.
But then,Max was all better!Donna,that :furawatchi: Took a glass of water that Max gave her,and they Fell in love!They had tamababies and Max got the boy.Max did`nt leave for 1 week.He new something was wrong.Then....

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