The Japanese Colour Tamagotchi's


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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
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King's Lynn, United Kingdom
I really want one of the Japanese colour tamagotchis (The TMGC+C to be specific.) But £50-£70? No way. It's not as if colour's never been used before so I don't see why they're so expensive...

The cheapest one I can find is £40. And that's still a ton of money. I would understand if it was something like a Devilgotchi or a Morino, but not for a TMGC+C!

And your average ID/IDL is about £70-£100!

It's in colour, so what? It can connect to phones, so what? It should be cheaper.

They should be around £15-£20 if they're used or £25-£30 if they're new in their box, in my opinion.

I bet there's hundreds of gutted tamagotchi fans who wanted a TMGC+C but couldn't buy it due to the price.

Anybody who feels the same/opposes?

Just adding my two cents. (no pun intended...)

Generally, colour-screen Tamagotchis cost about 5000 yen in toy shops in Japan. At the current exchange rate, that's just over £38. Most sellers on ebay purchase them new, then resell them. They're not doing this for fun; they're out to make a profit. It's rare to see used colour-screen Tamagotchis on ebay - buyers prefer new, rather than used goods. Probably the best price you're going to find is from an online retailer in Japan who ships international. Check out Rakuten. Right now I can see a Tamagotchi-iD L available for £30.25 plus about £11 shipping. Here's a link to that listing:

It's too bad these never made it outside Japan. They look amazing! I'd happily pay more than the price of an average Tama for one. At least twice the price if not more.

There's an english seller selling a load of her brand new colours on ebay at the moment. I picked up a black one for £33 :) you might be able to get one for cheaper if you're lucky.

Honestly, I personally don't believe that the color Tamagotchis (including the +C, iD and iD L) are too expensive in the current listings on E-bay. Given the international currency exchange rate and shipping charges, not to mention the caliber of the technology involved in the production of these toys, I feel that any price between $50-75 is completely resonable for a mint-in-box toy. If this is beyond your means, consider that used color versions do occasionaly become avaliable, and can go for as little as $35.

I personally am willing to pay a great deal for these tamas, because I feel that they are well worth it, as would most anyone else who has played with them for any length of time.

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I bought my Moroni for £7 and I know people who have got colour Tamagotchi for £33! Try searching eBay!

I think 30$-60$ is MORE than resonable for a colored tamagotchi these days seeing as THEY DONT MAKE THE TMGC+C ANYMORE!!!! they are worth upto $100-$200 now because they are getting harder to find.

Honestly, I personally don't believe that the color Tamagotchis (including the +C, iD and iD L) are too expensive in the current listings on E-bay. Given the international currency exchange rate and shipping charges, not to mention the caliber of the technology involved in the production of these toys, I feel that any price between $50-75 is completely resonable for a mint-in-box toy. If this is beyond your means, consider that used color versions do occasionaly become avaliable, and can go for as little as $35.

I personally am willing to pay a great deal for these tamas, because I feel that they are well worth it, as would most anyone else who has played with them for any length of time.
I understand what you're saying, but still... that's a lot of money, especially when my mom made me buy the $10 Tamago. I don't really want to spend my own money on it, just in case I need it one day...

I understand what you're saying, but still... that's a lot of money, especially when my mom made me buy the $10 Tamago. I don't really want to spend my own money on it, just in case I need it one day...
This is exactly what I mean. I'm only 12 so I don't have a whole stack of cash at my disposal. And my parents would never pay £30-£50 pounds on a tamagotchi. :/

I've been searching on eBay and they're all really a joke (in my opinion...) some of them are even £70... I just want a good colour tamagotchi at a modest price. Anything over £25 pounds my parents wouldn't likely let me buy.

My only chance at getting the TMGC+C is if the prices drop, or if I can somehow beg my parents to get one for my birthday or christmas.

It's also precisely the reason my Mum doesen't let me buy rares, and she only lets me buy outside of the UK if it's certain that it will be a safe transanction/fair price including shipping.

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