The Jaxon Family


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Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
Winnetka, CA, USA
Around the middle of last month, I was just browsing through Target and suddenly found myself smack dab in front of the virtual pets aisle. Even though I'm a high school senior, I couldn't help but relive my childhood and scour the shelves for the prettiest Tamagotchi I could find. I ended up with the ruby tama a couple of moments later (

I've been playing with it for a couple weeks now, but today I decided to reset my tama because... well... I forgot to put it in my bag before I left for school :D

Anyway, instead of seeing it as a completely bad thing, I saw it as an opportunity to start a TamaLog :D

Soooooo... Here we go!

Birthdate: April 10

Birthtime: 6:35 pm

Family Name: Jaxon (as in, the Jackson family ;) )

Mimifuwatchi, son

Omututchi, daughter

Futabatchi, son

I don't really have names for them so far, but they turned into toddlers at about 7:40 pm.

The mimifuwatchi turned into a mousetchi, the omututchi into a belltchi, and the futabatchi into a mattaratchi.

I guess I'll keep you all posted :angry:

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I've gone through about half of binary's amazing special code list, so now my tamafamily has lots of things to eat and play with. Not much other than that has changed. I'll post more if something happens :lol:

They've just evolved into teenagers! The oldest is a mamekatchi, the middle-born is a chamametchi, and the youngest is a bakutchi.

Whenever the tamas call for bonding, I always choose the first option because I think the Mametchi family is so cute.

I've gone through the whole special code list now! I like to feed them all different kinds of food. I know it's boring to eat fried rice and bread all the time :huh:

They've evolved again :p

The oldest is a Hatugatchi, the second is a Lovezukinitchi, and the third is Uhyotchi.

Oh! I've just turned the hatugatchi into a kuromametchi with the sesame cake snack. Maybe if I get lucky I'll find a Makiko on the dating show :angry:
