The Kingdom


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2006
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Somewhere in the future, the humans have taken over. All of the immortals and supernatural have been driven away, now in hiding. The humans have taken over the kingdom, a place once ruilled by the immortals. The humans are killing all of the immortals, they have an army. Now in hiding, there is nothing to do but try and survive, maybe try and get a rebellion going if enough immortals join up.


Stay somewhat literate.

No Mary Sues

Forms have to be approved by me or Snazzy

Have fun





Species (Anything you want):





Name: Erin Ashcraft

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species Fairy

Appearance: Erin, as all faries are, is extremely beautiful. Her olive skin tans perfectly in the sun and her complexion flawless. Her burgandy colored hair is short and is always styled in her signature faux hawk. Her wide hips and small waist accentuate her toned body. Her faced is heart shaped and sports full lips and a small buttonlike nose centered between two large green eyes. She owns many outfits though they all look the same. (A short dress made out of leaves she collects from the tree she lives in within the forest. Erin is tiny, only about as big as your hand from the wrist to the tip of your middle finger.

Personality: Erin is witty and sarcastic, always cracking jokes and trying to make everyone laugh. She has a good heart but her shap tongue and fiesty attitude can get her into trouble sometimes.

Weapon: Magic

Name: Pyt/Tyn

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Species: Angel.

Appearance: Pyt and Tyn are one being, do get it twisted. Tyn is Pyt's split personality, and it tends to confuse people. Since they're the same person, I'll just refer to him as Tyn since Pyt only comes out in extreme bursts of anger. Tyn is the devil part of Pyt, and Pyt is the angel. He appears to be split right down the middle, having messy black hair, and his wardrobe consisting of t-shirts and sleeveless shirts, trying to keep as comfortable as possible. His right eye is blue, and the other is red, representing the angel and devil in him. He does have a halo, but also has horns. Likewise, his right side has an angel wing, and his left has a devil wing. He is muscular and strong, appearing to look like a body-builder, although it is jut the normal physique of a devil. He also has two tattoos, again one on the left and one on the right, under his eyes. On the right he has a blue line that goes down a few centimeters before the line stops, while on the right he has a parallel red line going down a few centimeters before it ends.

Personality: Pyt is cocky, arrogant, and loves to talk and mess with people. He's a good person because of his angel side, but it can be covered up but his devil side, he's hard to figure out. He tries to do the right things, and is very loyal to his friends, fighting by their side to the end. His loud mouth is known for getting himself into a lot of trouble. When his rage and anger builds up, Tyn comes out. Now, Tyn is sadistic, ruthless, and will not do anything until he gets revenge or kills whoever he wants to kill. Of course, Tyn isn't all that bad, he still is friends and close with all the people he is when he's Pyt, and is still loyal to them.

Weapon: Pyrokinetic and Hydrokinetic.

Other: Terrible form, sorry.

Erin danced as she flew above in the treetops happily. It was as if she could hear the music in her head and moved her body along to the rhythm of the song. She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the breeze upon her face as she raced through the trees. Being so small, she really didn't have to worry about the dangers of humans for it was rare for her to be seen by one, much less caught.

Pyt was sitting in a tree, bored out of his mind. He didn't really need to hide from the humans, fighting them off was easy enough. He yawned and looked around, seeing if there was anything of interest.

Erin continued to enjoy herself laughing and dancing and twirling about. Her wings flittered at a great speed, everything in her sight nothing but a green blur as she whizzed by. She was cut short by an unusually large, firm leaf, smacking face first into it's green surface. The sharpness of the impact dazed Erin and she began to fall downward. Almost on the verge of unconsciousness, Erin plummeted toward the ground only to plop right onto something. Something strange. It was soft and cushioned her fall, but Erin was too dazed to care. She simply lay her head down and shortly blacked out. Little did Erin know she was resting atop the head of none other than Pyt.

Pyt felt something in his hair, and shook his head a little, scratching it. He had no idea it was Erin, he thought it was just a bug or something.

OOC: lol that made me laugh

As Pyt leaned his head forward Erin rolled from where she was resting and landed in his lap. Her bright red hair and tightly fitted green dress streaked with a blur across Pyt's face as she fell and landed with a plop on his leg. She was unconscious though and continued to sleep.

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Noticing Erin, Pyt gently picked her up and held her in the palm of his hand. "Hey, wake up." he said, poking her slightly.

Erin stirred and jumped with a start as Pyt's face came into focus. She squealed and scrambled to her feet breathing heavily. She tried to fly away but still being so dizzy from the impact, she groaned and held her head in her hands, collapsing back into the palm of Pyt's hand. Little tears streamed down her face as her head throbbed, genuinely concerned for her life. A human was holding her. And she couldn't get away.

Pyt's fluttered his wings, using them to softly land on the ground. "It's okay, you're safe with me. Don't cry... what's your name?" He rambled, gently stroking her hair with the tip of his finger to try and calm her.

Erin sniffled and looked up at Pyt with wide eyes. He wasn't a human. He just flew. She wiped her face and leaned her head against his thumb. "I'm Erin. Sorry. I thought you were a human."

Pyt just nodded. "Don't worry, I'm not human." He looked down at her. "You're pretty tiny..." he commented, before realizing how rude he had been. "Oh, I'm Pyt." he added.

Name: Cinder Marie Torelli

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Species: Shape Shifter

Appearance: Cinder has a very fair, pale skin tone, and yet she has dark brown eyes to knock everything off. She's very small, standing at about four-nine, not even five foot. She has dirty blonde hair, with dark tones. Her genetics puzzle people, blonde hair, brown eyes, pale skin - but she is never bothered. She's very slim and small, and at first glance - almost has a doll-like appearance to her. Fragile. She has long legs, so she excels in running and is faster than most. She can run a good distance, but she wears out after a while. Her hands are small, like the rest of her features, and her nails are trimmed evenly. Cinder's hair tends to stay soft, however, after a bit of days without bathing, it'll become oily, and her head will get itchy. She also has some freckles, delicately dancing across the bridge of her nose and fading upon reaching her cheeks and they're a shade darker than her skintone, so they're only faintly visible - but become more apparent when she's been in sunlight for a while.

Personality: You'll find out later! ;) Cinder believes in what others don't. She's that little girl who believed all those fantasy spun stories about fairies and magic, stories told to the young children to lift their spirits. She's very optimistic, and always finds something good in something or someone - even when there's not a speck of good seen to anyone else. Even though Cinder is optimistic and believes in fantasies, she's not one to trust easily. She's a closed book, and she doesn't enjoy opening up. While children would go outside and play or work with their families, Cinder preferred to be up in her room, reading books written by her ancestors about the magics of the world. Cinder is also very keen; inquisitive, you might say. She's able to observe something once and remember all the details later. She takes notice on her surroundings at all times, which is why she prefers to be up high. In the trees, surveying people and watching what's happening. On the ground Cinder feels vulnerable, open to being hurt or attacked. So she's stay high up, running along roofs and bouncing across the trees.

Weapon: Her shifting abilities

Other: n/a

Erin laughed. "Well DUH I'm a fairy silly!" She smiled up at him and flittered her wings a bit. The warmth of Pyt's hand was comforting and Erin felt tempted to fall asleep again. "It's nice to meet you Pyt. Thanks for breaking my fall," she said with a wink.

Haley accepted ^.^

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Pyt laughed a little. "It's fine, glad you're okay." he said softly, looking at her wink. "Can you make yourself bigger?" he asked, curious.

Her head beginning to cease it's awful throbbing, Erin attempted to stand. She stumbled at first, almost losing her balance for a moment but with a swift flitter of her wings she rose into the air. With her arms raised above her head Erin tilted her head back and began to grow. Her limbs extended outward and her body expanded until she stood nearly five feet tall. Pyt still towered above her of course but she enjoyed feeling small, even in such a large state as this.

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Pyt laughed a little. "That's pretty cool. Why don't you stay big like this? That way I won't mistake you for a bug again..."

Cinder fluttered about, she had turned herself into a butterfly and was flying among the trees. It was only when she noticed two odd looking people did she flutter closer to the ground. She flew closer to the ground, her blue and black wings bringing her closer to the duo. She rested upon a branch of a tree and sat silently, her wings moving about every now and then. She watched them intently, what were they talking about? She watched in surprise as the girl grew bigger. A fairy. She was like her, and so was the boy, with his wings. They were both immortals, outcasts. She didn't want to approach them just yet, so instead, she fluttered down to a lower branch and continued to silently watch.

Erin laughed. "I like being small. Makes it easier to hide from those bastard humans," she stated bluntly and smiled at Pyt. She observed him closely. He was good looking, but there was something wild about him. Whatever it was Erin found it alluring. She pulled her dress down in the front, suddenly feeling self conscious.

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