The last tamagotchi on earth saves the day!


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hanzo de pon

Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
People were playing when there was an news flash in all tamagothchis in the world. Warning Warning tamagothchi characters named virusetchis steals gotchi points from innocent tamagotchi owners and locks there tamagotchi away in a prison. Only one owner was replacing his batteries in the world and the virusetchis were not able to trouble him. When he learned about the incident suddenly the king appeared in his tamagotchi and said You are the only one that can save

the world and destroy the virusetchis i will give you the items that will aid you in your quest. Mametchi nick named Jr

received the items legendary sword and the reflecting shield.I have faith in you the king of tamas said. Then suddenly Jr was transported to a place full of trapped tamgotchis and lots and lots of bags of gotchi points. This must be the virusetchis lair said Jr.Virusetchi appeared and then jr slashed it with its legendary sword.Virusetchi defeated.Jr keeps on walking until..............

To be continued in the last part this is only a short to part story hope you like it.
