The life and times of 3 Tamagotchi V3's


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Well-known member
Aug 27, 2010
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King's Lynn, United Kingdom
Hey everyone, after a bit of pondering I decided to start up my own tamagotchi log. And what better than to do it with my favourite version of all time - The V3?

So yesterday I was rummaging through my drawers to clean up for a garage sale, and I found 3 of my old tamagotchi V3's. :D I decided I wanted to start them back up!

This log won't just be a one-time lackluster log, no, this will be a fully fledged log!


I clawed my screwdriver and gently unscrewed the backs of my 3 V3's. In popped the shiny battery and the beep of life echoed throughout my bedroom. From there, I selected Download.

Where my tamagotchi's left off:

Melon Soda 'Connexion' Tamagotchi V3 - This was a 1 year old Young Mametchi, Girl named Fiona on the 1st generation.

Red Explosion 'Connection' Tamagotchi V3 - This was a 2 year old Obotchi, Boy named Xenon on the 1st generation.

Green Snakeskin 'Connection' Tamagotchi V3 - This was a 2 year old Kurokotchi (o_O), Boy named Chris on the 1st generation.

The moment that the trio came back to life, I decided to play a game with the red and the Melon Soda ones since they were largely overweight. The only game I'm good at is Bump really, so I decided to play that. Fiona and Xenon both got to the last round (pretty obvious since they were as big as a blimp) and shaved off a couple pounds. I furthermore played a few more games of bump and they reached around 40lbs. Then a game of Get because I felt like it. They are now 37lbs! Acceptable weight in my eyes. Then after that they were starving so I gave Fiona and Xenon a scone. They were filled up after the first one, so no more rumbly tumblies there!

Fiona and Xenon wanted to play with eachother so they insisted I connect them. I did and they played a game of 'Balance on the Ball' and Xenon was the victor. ^^ Their faces look funny when they are about to fall off the ball!

Fiona got a bit upset, so I praised her and gave her an ice cream and she felt better after that. Xenon is quite the arrogant one!

It seems like Xenon has more toilet troubles than Fiona does. Neither of them are really trained that well. I know, slap me.

As for Chris, the Kurokotchi on my Green one, it was pretty uneventful for him. He managed to play a few games with the former two tamagotchi's I was talking about. He lost all his happy hearts when I bought him a chest to play with, as he grew old. So I gave him the typical four icecreams and you know what? He got a toothache. So a paramedic (me) came to the rescue and cured him of his sweet tooth. I left him for a while because he can fend for himself, and about an hour later when I came back to check on him, he was doing a really cute close-up animation on the screen! Bless him. I like his mouth when he's happy, it's like a love heart shape.

For the other two, not much happened either. Fiona did the pee-pee-wiggle dance thing so I had to take her to the toilet, and she got a training bar as a result.

Xenon was crying for no apparent reason so I praised him and he felt better. Later on he beeped but he didn't seem out of the usual so I gave him a timeout. He cried a little, and I played a game of Get with him again after that and he felt better.

Their friendship is currently at the 3-face milestone. Fiona told me that she finds Xenon attractive! Woop woop! :D I'm guessing they want to get married when they're in their adult stage. The pair of them seem like a really good couple already! Fiona and Xenon sittin' in a tree... ahahaaa, I'd better not get into that stuff. That's so junior school. :p

Chris went to Tamatown late at night because he had nothing much else to do. Though he got bored quickly so he decided to come back, albeit without any items. :(

He decided to pop to the shop and get some food, and he also bought a pair of ninja darts while he was at it. I think he's secretly a Gozarutchi in disguise. 8D

The two teens went to bed at 8pm, but Chris wanted to pull off a semi-all nighter so he stayed up until 10.15pm. I guess he's an adult so he can make his own decisions. I turned out the lights for the three. They were all fed and had no poo beside them. :)

And that's what happened on 7/5/11. Check out the next post to see what happened the next day.

~RubyKuchipatchi98/Dolphin or whatever you want to call me 8D~

P.S. Do you think I should include my V1 or one of my V2's in this log? I'm debating whether or not to. Thanks in advance for those who help me!

P.P.S. I want to find out how I can put pictures in my log so you can see them!

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Hey everyone! I made my own Photobucket account so now I can post pictures of my Tamagotchi's on here! Before I write about my Tamas, I'd like you to see my pictures!

It's pretty lacking at present, but more pictures are waiting.

Anyways, let's get on with the log.

I woke up very early, around 7am-ish. My tamas were all asleep (including the ones not featured in this log... hint hint, wanna see them?). Nothing happened until they awoke at about 9am.

As soon as Fiona woke up, she did the pee-pee-wiggle-dance, and she had 2 hungry hearts missing. Gulp! I fed her a box of fries and a fish, and she felt better. I played a game of flag after that to lose a bit of weight. She's now sitting comfortably at 35lbs. Fiona hasn't aged yet, she's still 2 years old but I predict by tonight she'll be 3. She also beeped at me for no apparent reason so I gave her a time-out and that gave her a training bar. She has only 3 training bars since I had to set her to sleep some of yesterday, I had to go out shopping with my Mum. Fiona went shopping afterwards and bought a bunch of food. I punched in the 'secret' codes for her so she has a lot of cool items! :D I left her on her own for an hour after her shopping. She had lost 2 happy hearts and 1 hungry heart by the time I was back so I filled those back up.

Xenon's been a pest all morning. As soon as he woke up he beeped at me for no reason. Then I told him off, he cried and got a training point. I played a game with him and he became happy again. About 30 minutes later, he started crying. He has no reason to! So I praised him and he became happy again. Then I caught him doing the pee-pee-wiggle-dance but I didn't send him to the water closet in time, so he did a real stinker. I cleaned it up and fed him an omelete. I played a few games with him to lose weight, then he went on a shopping spree. He found a T-Shirt and a pair of sunglasses so he bought both with his pocket gotchi points. 8D! I also tapped in the secret codes, like I did for Fiona, and he got the same stuff. After that I left him for about an hour after that. He lost 2 hungry hearts and 2 happy hearts so I filled those back up.

Poor old Chris, he doesen't seem to do much. All that happened on his end was a poop and a few games. He played a bit with his Ninja stars, but they went! He was a bit annoyed at how they just magically disappeared but he soon got over it. He bought a boombox from the shop and a trumpet. His boombox hasn't broken yet, thank god! That would be the last straw for Chris' sanity if it did. Aside from that he's just been bobbing around, 'n stuff.

The three of them connected again today. The teen's friendship is now at 4 smilies. :D Chris gets along with them too, he has 4 for each of them. There were several RC Car games, some flag and some Balance on the Ball. Fiona's an ace at the RC Car game, while Xenon seems to be awesome at the other 2. Chris is an all-rounder when it comes to games, he doesen't excel at one or the other. One time when Xenon and Fiona connected, Fiona went off and played a game, while Xenon's screen said 'FAIL'.

I took my tamas up with me into my bedroom and I played on my Wii for a while. While I was on there, Xenon turned 3 years old. Chris remains 2, I don't know how he's 2 and an adult! o_O Oh well, that means he gets to mate at 5/6!

Aside from that, nothing happened really. They lost a few hearts which were replenished.

Later on in the day it was just the usual poo and discipline beeps on them all. They're now all tucked into bed with their lights off (except Chris, who's a rebel.) Speaking of Chris, he's still 2 years old for some reason. o_O. When I downloaded him he was 2 years old and a Kurokotchi, and he's been like that since yesterday. I'm worrying if there's something wrong with him... Fiona's still 2 aswell, expecting her to be 3 by tomorrow morning. :)

Anna was hanging around in tamatown for about half an hour and got a few items and things. Pretty uneventful. I think Anna's going to evolve in the morning though! :D I hope it's a Mimitchi as I spent quite a while getting her pencil points. Xenon should also evolve after school tomorrow. I don't mind what he turns into, as long as it's not Masktchi. I'm sick of those. Fiona will probably evolve in a few days, and Chris will be expecting the Matchmaker in 3-4 days! :)

So, yeah! That's basically what's happened so far today! I'll post more later. I'm trying to get 2 updates a day into my log, sometimes more if necessary.


P.S. Do you think this log should be strictly about my V3's, or should I add some other gotchis?

EDIT: Thanks so much Violetchiluvr3! Thanks for telling me how to add pictures to my posts, and which tama I should add to my log! Starting next post, my V4 will be included in my posts! ^_^

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Sorry for the spam-ish post, but there's now a picture of my whole collection (that I can find) on my Photobucket! Check the last post for the link. One of them also features possible candidates for my log. I don't want to go over 5 tamagotchi's in one log though.


Here are all my tamagotchis!


Here's chris eating a scone


Xenon and Fiona connecting, bless them. :)

*Credit to Violetchiluvr3 for helping me put pictures on my log! ^_^ *


P.S. Sorry if the images are huge.

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Hello everyone! We have a new tamagotchi joining our log! It's my punk V4! ^_^

I'll tell you about her.

She was born from an egg a few days ago. Her name is Anna and she is 2 years old! She's a Ringotchi right now and she just got into school. I picked the Turtle teacher so she can improve on her pencil points, as I want her to be a Mimitchi. Throughout her life she just connected to my V3's and things. I've forgotten most of her activity aside from getting her skill points and playing at pre-school (when she was a Harutchi.) Now I'll log on her activity aswell. Also, a new thing! I'll let my tama's speak in my log!

Xenon: Hey :)

Fiona: Hello...

Xenon: Wassup?

Fiona: Oh, nothing, it's just I get a bit shy on tamagotchi logs...

Xenon: Oh come on, man (woman) up! The people on Tamatalk are really friendly here!

Chris: I second that! Come on, don't get the creeps!

Fiona: Oh, I don't know... Alright then. :)

Chris: That's the spirit!

Xenon: Yeah, dude!

Chris: What's that... I can hear footsteps...

*door opens*


Anna: Oh, hi.

The V3's: Who are you? o_O

Anna: I'm Ryan's (My real name!) Tamagotchi V4. He let me be in his log, if that's okay with you?

Chris: Oh, uh, sure, I guess.

Fiona: Okay...

Xenon: Whatever...

*Anna starts crying*

Me: *praises Anna* Don't cry... You're a cute Ringotchi! You have nothing to be ashamed of!

Anna: Thanks... :)

Xenon: Drama queen... >_>


And so I think they'll get to come to terms with eachother quickly.



Here's Anna the Ringotchi coming up close to the screen, bless her!


Here's Anna going to school!

She's now just chillin' in tamatown. She watched the movie called 'Fear' and then went to see her parents. She also played the slots games and looked around the mall. She's coming back now.

There aren't any pictures of the V3's at the moment as nothing significant really has happened to them. Oh, and I'm not over-indulging on Anna! The V3's will get their respects too y'all know?!

More updates will be put in here later when they happen!



P.S. This IS my last update for the day. Sorry for all the updates! D:

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Hello everyone! I'm doing a bit of an update before school! I'm still very tired and have only 30 minutes time so I'll do it quick!


I woke up to find a 3 year old Mimitchi (Anna) bouncing around! ^_^ I love Mimitchi, and it was exactly the character I wanted! Hoorah :) The pencil points sure did pay off! I'm not sure when she's going to get interviewed for a job, possibly later on today. I plan her to marry my V4.5 which isn't in this log.

I used the love potion on Anna and now she's in love with the V4.5! Tomorrow or the day after I think they can mate.

I have a sneaky plan for today. I'll bring in Anna to school and take pictures of her on my cell phone to put on PhotoBucket! :D

The V3's:

Fiona is now 3, so she should evolve tomorrow morning. Chris is still 2 years old for some reason. Xenon should be an adult after school today! I want Xenon and Fiona to mate at the appropriate age. (What if it was Shrek and Fiona... ahaaa XD)

I forgot to turn out Chris' lights last night but he doesen't seem to be phased by it.

I hope I can get something other than Goza/Mask this time round for Xenon. I took fairly good care of him.

Side Trivia:

My V4.5 married my V4!

My V1's battery died after a few days :S

My V2's are both 3 years old now, ready to mate when they're in their adult stage. :D I'm not sure whether they should be in this log.

The Music Star is 10 and still not able to marry. o_O

Familitchi is doing ok. They're easygoing teens.

My other V4 is an Ichigotchi, who'm I'm planning to turn into a Memetchi.

Here's a picture of Anna's new look!


Anna up close!


She's trying to use the clone here...


Drummin' 8)


Annna and Celebtchi (Terry) getting married!


The V3's sleeping, and stuff.

I'll post some pictures of them after school! And I'll update if anything happens!


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9/05/11 Continued

Hey everyone! Got a bit of news!


He evolved at 3 years old today. Into a :mametchi: ! ^_^ I love Mametchi's! And this is my first one ever! I must've taken very good care of him! I'm really happy as I haven't had a healthy character in ages. IMO he looks better on V3-TMGO than he does on V1 and V2.

I literally had tears of joy when I watched Xenon turn into Mametchi! I don't have anything against Obotchi, but there are better teens out there. I played a game of Memory with him, and it's quite frankly hard. I only managed to get to Round 4 before I screwed up.


Nothing really happened to her. She's still a jolly Young Mametchi who's 3 years old. She'll be an adult by tomorrow morning. I wonder what she'll be? :D I played some games with her so she can lose weight, ideal for getting good characters!

She had a poo beside her when I got back from school when I set the time to wake her up. I cleaned that up and fed her a scone to fill up that pale looking heart. Since then she's been as happy as ever, just bouncing like usual!


He finally turned 3, thank god. I was getting worried about him! Aside from that not much happened to him either. Though he did lose a few hearts which I filled up.

I caught him watching TV a while earlier so I left him to do just that. He watched it for about 5 minutes. He's quite the needy one, as about every half-hour he drops a heart. So I filled up the 2 hearts missing from each of his meters. Then I played a game of Sprint with him and he managed to win the entire thing! What a star Chris is, despite his unhealthiness. :)


I did take her to school today, and I played with her at lunch. She got her job interview and she's a hairdresser! I like how you can get jobs on the V4, it adds to the tama experience in my opinion. I managed to find one of my old primary school friends today, Alex, who brought in his V3! My Anna and his Teketchi called Jamie connected loads. It was really nostalgic ^_^

I took her to work on the way home and she managed to complete her work game! I wonder when she'll get a cheque from the mailman.


They all connected with eachother this morning. I connected Xenon to everyone else again once he evolved.

Side Trivia:

My V5's became adults; Nemutchi, Furikotchi and Violetchi. I'm aiming for the Violetchi family.

My V1 was making really weird noises so I took the damned thing's battery out.

The V2's are okay. One of them (my White lifesavers one) evolved from Nikatchi to Pochitchi! Pochitchi's are really cute! The other one (blue with lollipops) is a UFOtchi.

I don't know when my MusicStar can marry.

Tomorrow I'll try and see if Anna will marry my V4.5 which isn't featured in this log (the orange one.)



Here's all 4 of them together. Chris got in a mood because his screen didn't come out crystal clear, but it's part of life, mate. I know, pardon my British slang.


Here's a picture of Xenon, the Mametchi!


Xenon got a little upset when the lamp did nothing. Oh well, there's always next time. Get working on those games!


Here he is playing with his RC Car.


Here's Chris sprinting! Watch him go!


And the loot is... 0 gotchi points! What a fortune! xD I'm no good at the heading game to be honest. Fiona understands though, because she rocks.


Chris' epic closeup that I caught him doing! I want to see what Mametchi's is like!


Yikes! Better fill those back up!


Xenon: Wow, look what I turned into!

Fiona: How stunning! Since I'm a Young Mametchi, I wish I could be like you!

Xenon: Ahaahhaa, we'll see.

Chris: Yawn... I stayed up too late last night.

Fiona: Serves you right, you unhealthy sleeping machine...

Chris: Hey, it's not my fault! Ryan turned me into this like years ago so he was obviously unexperienced then...

Xenon: Just settle things, you two! You're both healthy and cool looking in my eyes!

The other 2: Yay!

Anna: Hey guys, I'm a Mimitchi!

Xenon: Sweet!

Chris: Meh.

Fiona: I'm liking it!

Anna: Oh, Chris, you would be like that. Even though I've only been with you for a day I've got to know you already.

Chris: ¬_¬

Anna: Anyways, I got my job today as a hairdresser!

V3's: A job?!?!?!

Anna: Yeah! I am a V4 after all, so I'm much cooler than all 3 of you. Hahahaa, just kidding, I guess V3's are cool too.

Xenon: Of course they are... right, Ryan?

Ryan: Yeah! All the versions are great!

Fiona: I second that!

Xenon: Hooray!

Chris: Everything sucks except V3.

Anna: :eek: ! How could you say that!!!!

Chris: Cause it's the only version I'm on. I rock, right?

Fiona: Oh, don't be so moody, Chris. I know morning's are hard for you but come ON! Cheer up... ¬_¬

Chris: Eh, whatever. I'm going to watch some TV.

Xenon and Fiona: Oh, okay.

*Chris leaves the room*

Xenon: Well, that's him gone now. Anyway, who fancies a trip to the tamagotchi mall?

Anna: ME!

Fiona: Hang on, just let me get ready. My hair's all over the place! D:

Xenon: Alright.

*1 hour later*

Xenon: Are you nearly done?

Fiona: Just got to add mascara!

Anna: *facepalm* Even I'm not obsessed over my appearance.

Fiona: *opens door* Here I am!

Chris: ......You look like a cake! xD

Fiona: Leave me alone you meanie! And it's not as if you look any better.

Xenon: Aren't you meant to be sitting on your fat, flabby bottom watching TV?

Chris: And aren't you supposed to be staring at your maths papers like a hawk?

Xenon: Grrr! Leave me the (censored) alone!

Ryan: Woah woah woah woah woah... what's going on here? And Xenon, what foul language on your part! You weren't brought up to swear! I expect better from highly trained Mametchi.

*times out Xenon*

Anna: Serves him right!

Xenon: Sorry... :'( It's just Chris is being nasty.

Ryan: So Chris, what do you have to say? What's all this about?

Chris: Fiona looks like a wedding cake! xD

Fiona: :'(

Xenon: I have to disagree. I think she looks nice!

Ryan: Now now, Chris. Don't be nasty to people just because of how they look!

*gives Chris a timeout and Fiona a praise*

Chris: Hmph. Okay, sorry.

Fiona: That's alright I guess.

Chris: Friends?

Fiona: Friends. :)

Xenon: Yay!

Anna: Woo! I don't like arguments. I tend to stay out of them.

Chris: So what time do you fancy going?

Xenon: Now!

Chris: Oh come on, really? I only just woke up...

Xenon: Oh well, get those legs going! If you're that good at Sprint I'm sure you can come with us!

Chris: *in a tired voice* Alright. *rubs eyes*

Fiona: Let's go now!

Anna: Yay! Let's go!

Ryan: Okay, tamagotchi's! I'll open the door for you! Have a nice time and don't be back late!

All: We promise!

Ryan: Good! :)

And so the tamagotchi's got all their things and went out to the tamagotchi mall. They had a fabulous time looking at clothes and food. I gave them 20,000 gotchi points each to use. Chris bought a lot of food, because he's a greedy thing. Anna and Fiona both bought clothes and jewellery, and Xenon bought some books, a pair of glasses and what he's always wanted - a guitar!

Will post again/edit this if anything happens!

In the next post (tomorrow), I'll write about another tamagotchi story.


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Hey everyone! This morning, Fiona evolved into what I least expected... another Mametchi! I was really shocked to see two (three if you want the unfeatured V2) of them on the side. I'm not angry, I'm quite happy actually. It was just a surprise to see they're all the same character. I have to rush because I must get to school soon.


She turned 4 this morning. So I woke her up and within seconds she turned into a Mametchi! I thought: o_O I've got two of the same character! But it doesen't matter much, I still love Mametchis. Maybe on the blue one I'll try and neglect it a little to get something else. Normally, I'd get really angry if I had 2 of the same characters, but it doesen't matter here.

She's really low maintenance as a Mametchi, just like Xenon. You only need to check on her every 3 hours or so.

A boy and a girl Mametchi seem strangely like a good couple! I'll let Xenon use the potion.

It's also pretty cool how Fiona as a Young Mametchi turned into a Mametchi! :)




He was doing a really cute closeup just a minute ago.

He's doing good, he's 4 years old now. I'm planning to let him marry Fiona.

Like Fiona he's really low maintenance so he doesen't do much besides do those animations and an occasional poop.

He's also connected to Fiona. When they did visit, their faces went :eek: to see they were the same!

Sorry for the lack of an update on Xenon's part. He just hasn't done much.

I'd like to take the two Mametchi's together to Tamatown later when school's finished.







I accidentally didn't set the time to when he went to sleep so he's lost a few hearts. But it'll be okay, I'll fill them after school.

Chris is now 4 years old. Predicting as he was an adult at age 2, he should get the matchmaker visit at 5.

I caught him watching TV last night again. God he loves watching TV.

Then connected him to the other folk.

He's got a poo beside his bed so he doesen't really like it. I wonder what it would feel like to sleep in a room of poo? :p








She's 4 now, so she should be able to mate with my V4.5. I've connected them a few times but no mating yet.

She got her job salary of 1000gp earlier today.

Other than that I did see her brushing her teeth last night. She's so cute :3



Well, I was about to give up and try it again later, but I selected the Present option and they started doing the mating dance! Then Celebtchi came over and gave her a kiss! Aww!

And then fireworks banged loudly into the tamaskies, and Anna gave birth to 2 happy and healthy baby boys.

And so I'm going to call the boy Harry! Gen 3 here I come!

On the V4.5 I'm calling the baby James.


Side Trivia:

I'm going to put a fresh battery in my V1 and I'm trying to make it as old as I can. My previous record for this on there was 53, so I'll see if I can beat it this time round!

My blue V2 is also a Mametchi. :eek: What's up with all the Mametchi's? The White V2 is still a Pochitchi.

My other V4 is still an Ichigotchi though it might evolve after school.

My V5 can't use the dating channel yet.

My V6 still isn't married at the ripe old age of 11. Strangely, it hasn't evolved either. It's a sebiretchi by the way.


And so quite a lot has happened!


Here's the pictures of Xenon and Fiona:



Here they are together. Notice Xenon coming close to the screen!


That's the only picture of them I have right now, sorry.


BUT! I've got loads of mating pictures! (albeit without fireworks :( )



Here they are kissing. (The Nazotchi is meant to be a Celebtchi.)


Anna gives birth to her boys!


But one goes to the Daddy.


All happy!


That's all for now! I'll post more later after school!

I'm going to take one of my V2's to school today.


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10/05/11 Continued

So far, absolutely nothing has happened to those featured in this log.

BUT! I have got batteries for loads more of my tamagotchi's! So I'm happy there! (including my debugged V1). So I'm mainly playing with them at the moment.

Later on in the day;




Nothing really has happened to her since the wedding. She's just fulfilling her needy babies' needs. :)




She used the love potion and flirted with Xenon! Oooh! XD They look so cute together when they're kissing, even more so as they're the same species.

Other than her love interest, absolutely Nothing happened. Though I did see her brushing her teeth.




Pretty much the same as Fiona only on Xenon's perspective. He's 5 now so that's cool.





He's 4 years old now. I expect him to get visited by the Matchmaker tomorrow!




Side Trivia:

I installed batteries in my V1, one of my V2's, one of my V3's, 1 of my v4's, 1 of my v4.5's, 1 of my v5's, 1 of my MusicStars and both of my tama-go's.

They all evolved from babies to children. Too many to list though.

I'm planning on making my V2 be the oldest tama ever instead of the V1!

I've been playing mostly with my debugged V1. I managed to pick a bunch of weird characters.



Sorry for the depressingly short post... today's been pretty fruitless for my tamas.


P.S. I think I finally figured out how to post in colour!

P.P.S The colour screwed up for Anna. She was meant to write in this colour.

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I'm angry as my computer has frozen THREE TIMES while trying to write this...

Anyway, I have little time left.

So here's the news.


She's now getting ready to depart to tamatown. :( She's leaving her baby Harry to fend for himself.

I will miss her, but I guess it leaves room for new life.

Atleast I can call her on the phone when Harry gets older.

Edit: I got a picture of her leaving, and the crying baby. Though I don't want to start the baby until after school.

Xenon and Fiona

They're both doing good, just sleeping and things. I'll try and connect them later to see if they mate!


A lot has happened to this guy. And it's not good stuff.

I thought that the time I had entered into Chris' clock was right.

It wasn't.

It was 10am instead of 10pm.

So I freaked out the following morning when I saw him sick, with 4 poops and no hearts. I knew I had to help him quick.

I immediately fed him and cured him of his illness.

Now he's sitting in bed as if nothing even happened.

Bless the poor guy. It's making me feel like I'm a bad tamagotchi owner. :'(

Side Trivia

My V4.5 also left it's baby.

I'm planning on mating my V2's. EDIT: They mated and produced 2 baby boys! ^_^

My MusicStar still isn't married. And it's 12.

I took the batteries out of my other V4 and put them in my Glow in the Dark V4. I'm just sick of getting Pyonkotchi all the time.

The V5 got married and now they're a Violet Family!

My V2 (AKA the oldest-to-be tamagotchi) is still only 0 but she should grow soon.

My V1's an Oniontchi.

I put batteries in my red MusicStar and started it up! It's a happy Kikitchi.

My Tama-Go's are both Mattaritchi's.



Here's Anna leaving Harry.


Here's Noname (to be called Harry later) crying his little eyes out.

More updates later! And a tama-story!


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Hey everyone! Fiona and Xenon just had 2 baby boys! :)

I connected them and selected visit and it was a straight away mate!

They look so cute together with their babies.

Here's some quickie pictures.






I'm calling Fiona's boy Sam, and Xenon's boy Kevin.

Update more later as I need to get dressed.


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11/05/11 Continued

Hey everyone! A lot has happened! (Well, for Chris, anyway.)


I decided I was going to take him to school with me today. I took him with me and I switched his sound off before I went into my lessons. After period 1 I just played a quick game of get with him on the way to Spanish up the steep stairs.

It was in second period that everything happened!

In the middle of class I got really bored, so I decided to check up on Chris.

And you know what?

The matchmaker was there! So 'Matchy' revealed a quite pretty looking Violetchi! I obviously had to say yes to that. The sky darkened and fireworks crackled as the two shared their first kiss. And on the screen revealed a baby girl! ^_^ I'm going to call her Tulip.

I was really happy to see Chris and his newly born girl bouncing around. Unfortunately since it was at school I didn't get pictures of the wedding.

He also managed to turn 5 years old during lunch. Tomorrow (at school) I'm going to watch Chris leave in the middle of maths. My maths teacher is really nice, he even plays with them himself after I showed him one! :D


He's doing good. I didn't get to look after him much in his baby stage (call me a bad onwner...) as when he evolved, he was asleep with no hearts in either stats. So I woke him up and took care of him. And that when I found out he was a Mohitamatchi! He hasn't been offered Preschool yet. I think he will by tonight. He's connected to my Glow V4 (Young Memetchi) and my Blue and Yellow V4 (Pyonkotchi). He's also met the V3's! I've got him bunch of skill points in his third stat, in hopes of getting a character from the Kuchi family. Though it will most likely be a Meme family character. :/

Xenon and Fiona

They're both doing okay. Both of them are happy and healthy. I want to keep them for 2 days instead of setting the clock to make them go tomorrow.

That's pretty much it for the tamas in this log!

Side Trivia:

Loads of them evolved into teenagers of various kinds.

MusicStar FINALLY got the band manager at age 13. I don't know what took so long.

My other MusicStar is a Chamametchi.

Harry's brother, James (Anna's husband's child), evolved into a Hitodetchi.

My oldest-tama-to-be V2 is now 1yr old, and is a UFOtchi.

My glow V4 is a Young Memetchi and my V4.5 is an Ura Young Memetchi. coincidence o_O

My Black V3 is a Patapatatchi (flying bird)

V1 is an Ichigotchi



Here's Chris with his baby.

That's the only Chris picture I have, as I don't take my camera to school. I don't think they allow cameras anyway.

Tama Story!

Anna and the departation:

It's 11.59pm, lights off, and Anna's getting ready to say her final words.

*1 minute later*

Anna: My dear Harry, although it may be hard, I do have to let you go.

Harry: Gu gu gu?

Anna: I'm really sorry. But it's part of the tama life. I have to go back to Tama Planet!

Harry: Gu hu guhu! HUUU GUUU! :(

Anna: Don't worry sweetheart. Everything will be just fine. Ryan was really nice to me so I'm sure you'll be okay.

Harry: Oohoo...

Anna: So I'm going to leave you behind a few things. First, I won this Action Figure off tamatown, and I thought you might like it! Also, I have this cell phone that you can use when you're older, so you can call me at free will!

Harry: Hoohooo gu gu :3

Anna: And I've also left you 50,000GP from my life that you can use whenever you want to. I'll stay with you for a few more minutes so that we can have a bit of a talk.

Harry: Uhhu!

Anna: Bless your beautiful face. :')

Anna then wrote a note to her three friends telling them about where she was going.

12.03PM. It was time to go.

Anna: Well darling, I've got to go to my home planet now. Remember, Harry, that I will always love you and you can talk to me whenever you want. I hope you have a very happy life and may the tamagotchi force be with you! (XD I'm pretty lame at dramatic things.)

Harry: Guu... guu.... GUHUHUHUUU :'(

Anna: I'm really sorry. *kisses Harry on the cheek*

And so she leaped up into the air, and vanished from the screen. Harry had a comfortable and peaceful sleep.

The next morning, he woke up, wondering where his Mummy was. And there I saw him crying his youthful eyes out.

I pressed B and named him Harry. I fed him his first ever meals - 1 of every 4 meals, and played Jump Rope with him to make him feel happy. He's great at it already!

The next morning, the tamagotchis woke up and heard the news. They had to look after Harry since I was at school.

Xenon: Woah... that's terrible! I liked her and all. Though I guess we have to move on in life.

Fiona: I have to agree too, my lovely...

Chris: I feel the same, actually. It's definitely different around here...

Xenon: *sigh*-Oh, hello!

Harry: Uhhuhugugu...

Xenon: Ahh, bless you. I read your Mummy's note and she's gone of to the tamaplanet. But don't worry! You can count on us to look after you!

Fiona: We can be your auntie and uncle! Hehehe! That sounds really sweet!

Chris: Hey, what about me? I wanna help this cutie too y'know...

Xenon: Of course you can! You can be his grandpa!

Chris: It's not as if I'm that old. >_> But alright!

Fiona: Yay! We're all one happy family! And make sure you do your job right, Chris!

Chris: You can count on me. :)

Xenon: I hope so.

Harry: Huhuhu! Gahuhuaga ^_^

All: Aww :)

And so Harry was a happy baby for that hour!

1 hour later

Harry: Hugugu? Hahu?! AAAHHH!

Chris: OMG! He's evolving! Quick, Fiona and Xenon, over here!

Fiona and Xenon: RIGHT!

*evolving finishes*

Harry: Hey, what am I? And I can talk now! Yay!

Xenon: Hang on a second! I'll look you up. Hmm.... it seems you're a Mohitamatchi!

Harry: Aha, cool! I like my mohawk.

Chris: Mohitamatchi, hey? I've heard of those before! I used to have many Mohitamatchi friends back when I was a Mizutamatchi. You look awesome!

Fiona: I agree with Chris, for once. You look so adorable!

Harry: Thanks!

And that's what happened when Harry was born!


Chris' love story]

Later on in the day...

A knock on Chris' door

Chris: turns off TV Who is it?

Opens the door

Matchmaker: Hello! Would you be interested in a date?

Chris: Uhm... freaky. But hey, anything to get me out of the house.

Matchmaker: Righty-ho, then! Here's 3 other tamagotchi's! Pick one who you like the best!

Violetchi: ME!

Androtchi: ME!

Paparazitchi: ME!

Chris: Hmm.... certainly not that horrendously ugly one with the glasses... hm... I like the one with the flowers in her hair!

Paparazitchi: How insulting! Meanie!

Androtchi: Hey, what about me?

Violetchi: So that means me?

Chris: Yeah!

Violetchi: ...YAY! <3

Chris: blushes Yay! <3

Matchmaker: Good! You have chosen your partner! Would you like to celebrate a kiss?

Chris: Sure! Anything for a cutie <3

Violetchi: HEHEHEE <3

The two of them stand behind a wedding table and kiss on the lips slowly, carefully and forcefully

Matchmaker: I now pronounce you man and wife!

Fireworks go off

[Out of Role-Play - Well, this is where it gets odd. Fireworks go off and then you have a baby with you. How does that work? Kids shouldn't be knowing about all this??? :S]

The babies are born! Two cute girls!

Violetchi: So you get one, and I get the other!

Chris: Okay, fair do's!

The two kiss again

Chris goes home with his newly born baby

Chris: I think I already know what I want to call you, my sweetheart. How about Tulip? :)

Tulip: Guhuhgu! [Yes!]

And that's all I have to say for today! I'll add a picture of Harry the Mohitamatchi in my next post.

EDIT: Here's a picture I took!


He's really cute when he's happy!

I'll post more when anything happens!

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Hey everyone!

So far there's nothing to update about on my tamas.


BUT I might be getting a new tamagotchi if I win it off eBay!


It's a pink with ribbons V3! ^_^

That's all I have to say here. In the next post it'll be about my tamas.

Sorry if it's kinda spam-ish.


Since I set my tamas to sleep while at school, the parents (Xenon and Fiona) have now left me. I will name their babies later on today, with a post to go with it. :)


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12/05/11 Continued

Hello everyone! I'm back from school now. The parents on my Red and Melon Soda V3's have left now. I'm kinda sad but I guess that's the reason tamas were made.

Also, I've placed a bid on the pink V3 so I hope I win it. Though it won't be featured in this log. 8]

Onto the updates!


He's doing great. He's 1 year old and still a Mohitamatchi so I'm not sure when he'll evolve. I took bad care of him mostly, but I hope he doesen't evolve into a universal teen. (I'm sick and tired of them teeth guys.)

He's got into preschool and I took him there a few times earlier. I played a few games with him too. Other than that though it's just been the typical poo's and cry-beeps.

EDIT: Guess what he evolved into? The male tooth guy >_>

Here's a picture of him.


I do have to admit it, he's cute. I do like the character himself, but not how many times I get him.

Sam (Fiona's Baby)

He was crying as he didn't know where his Mum was. But he felt better after I named him. I picked Sam as a name just because I like it, and it's gender neutral.

He's on pause in his baby stage, but I'll unpause him soon and play with him. :)

Kevin (Xenon's Baby)

Like his brother Sam, he was crying as he didn't know where old Papa Xenon was. I named him Kevin after Kevin off of Ben 10 (one of my favourite programmes. Don't hate on me! XD).

He's on pause too but I'll unpause him soon and play with him. I'll post again when he grows into his child stage.


I accidentally neglected him again. I know, my bad. It's just a pain to set the times on 20 tamagotchi's before school.

He should leave tonight, so I'll name the girl Tulip as beforestated. Rather than marrying Tulip to one of my other tamas, I'll let her use the matchmaker.

Chris is currently bobbing around with his baby and things.

Side Trivia:

The V2's left their babies aswell.

My V5 died unfortunately. (The one who's not the Violet Family.)

The oldest-tama-to-be is 2 years old now, still a happy UFOtchi. He's called Cody by the way.

I can't be bothered to get my V4 or my V4.5 skill points so I'll let them be universals. Though I don't want another Pyonkotchi. So I think on my V4 I will try to get Ponytchi.

The V1 died too. :(

My Black V3 is a Patapatatchi still, at 2 years.

Both of my Tama-Go's are Necktietchi's.

I'll post pictures when the tamas are toddlers since baby pictures are boring in my opinion.


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Hey. I'm back with a mini-update. Sam and Kevin both evolved into Mohitamatchi's. :) I'd have to say it's my favourite toddler of all tamagotchis. Hitodetchi comes a close second.


Here's Sam (left) and Kevin (Right) together. :D They're brothers!

I'm still waiting for Harry to go to school.

P.S. My V2's are both Kinakomotchis.


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Hello everyone! This is just a quick update to say that Chris has left his baby. So now I'm going to name her.

I'll name her Tulip! :)

After I name Tulip I'm going to pause her as I have school later. I'll play a game of get with her before that, as I like that game. 8)


Here she is, crying her youthful eyes out.


There we go! All named and ready!

Side Trivia:

The oldest-tama-to-be is 3

My MusicStar is a Mimitchi! I finally figured out the secret on how you can get easy money for food.

I'll post again after school. :]


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13/05/11 (Friday 13th D:) Continued

Hello again! I've got back from school after some issues with our car. It won't start up, but we haven't figured out why yet. While I was waiting for the AA to come and fix it, some tama news has happened! And it will be leaked right here!


I had him and Kevin with me in the car. At around 5pm, I heard him do his evolution beep so I ripped open my school bag to look for him. When I picked him up, I saw that he had evolved into a Hikotchi! You know, the cool kuchi-like thing with the rockets under him? I've never had a Hikotchi before so I'm really happy. Aside from Sam's evolution, not much has happened to him. Just a few poops and an un-necessary attention beep.


Kevin did his evolution beep about a few minutes after Sam did his. He was sitting snug in my right hand so I saw him evolve! He evolved into a Hinatchi! I've had Hinatchi loads of times but nonetheless, he's cool. He's a penguin for christ's sake. Not much has happened to him since either.


On pause. Will be unpaused as I type this.

unpauses Tulip So yeah, the dreaded baby stage awaits me. -.-


He got angry at me when he graduated from preschool. Soon after, he got an invitation to go to school so he was happy about that. :)

Side Trivia:

My V4 turned into a Masktchi. It's only like the 100th one I've had.

Both of my V2's are now 1 so they should turn into teens pretty shortly.

My V1's a cute Oniontchi.



Here's Sam on his hardcore jet boosters. 8D


Kevin waddling around on the screen.


And the building block competition shall commence! Who will emerge the victor?


And the winner is... Kevin!

That's it for pictures.


Sam: Woah, what did I evolve int---- wait, I can fly, holy cow! I CAN FLY!

Kevin: Good for you. ¬¬ Penguins can't fly you see.

Sam: Ah, that's a shame. But you can buy a pair of wings from the shop!

Kevin: Orly? Aah. Better go check that out sometime. I just like waddling.

Sam: Walking's so retro. The sky's the limit mate!

Kevin: No way. Swimming's where it's at! You can't swim, now, can you?

Sam: Nah. But I can swim in the air!

Kevin: I guess imagination is more powerful than reality.

Sam: Yeah, you got it.

Kevin: Hm.

Sam: 'Sup?

Kevin: Nothing.

Sam: k.

a few minutes silence

Sam: This is pretty awkward...

Kevin: Too right it is.

Sam: Huh?

Kevin: Yuh.

Sam: Nuh.

Kevin: Huh?

Sam: Hah!

Kevin: :S

Sam: LOL! This is pretty funny.

Kevin: Ehh. I guess so.

Sam: Yay!

Kevin: Hehe. :)

Sam: Uh, Kevin?

Kevin: What?

Sam: I think I can see... I can see...

Kevin: What?????

Sam: A... p----

Kevin: plop ---oo.

Sam: Learn to use the toilet!

Kevin: I guess it was just sudden. [NON-Roleplay - Do tamas even wear underwear? o_O]

Sam: Still. You need to learn you manners, mister.

Kevin: And who's to say you're the boss around here? And don't you even think of calling me mister. Call me Sir, instead. Or even Lord.

Sam: Okay, Lord Poops-a-lot.

Kevin: Thanks, mister blaze-bum.

Sam: ¬¬

Kevin: You know, I do kinda miss my mohawk. Now all I have is a bit of a stubby spike on my head. Do you feel the same?

Sam: Not really. The flying sure does pay off.

Kevin: Oh.

[A baby girl bobs in through the door]

Tulip: Goo goo! [Hi]

Kevin: Ahh, bless you! Are you the daughter of Chris?

Tulip: Yu guu! [Yes]

Sam: Aww! How sweet! ^_^

Tulip: Hahutiguhu. Gaiihusu, hahageit sougo huu guu? [i'm all alone. Can you care for me?]

Kevin: Sure.

Sam: Of course!

Ryan: Wait, isn't that my job?

Sam: Uhh... I guess. But can't we just be friends?

Kevin: Yeah, please?!

Ryan: Of course you can!

Sam & Kevin: Yay!

(by the way, Kevin has a deep voice and Sam has a high pitched, squeaky one.)

Harry's not in this one, but he'll be in the next one.

I know that my tamagotchi stories are very very very very terrible. I'm lame at writing.

That's all folks! Catch up more when Tulip evolves!


P.S. This is my 57th post, aka my favourite number! Yay!

P.P.S. I just saw my really old, embarrasing TT account. It's called cool tama ryan. My log on that account is mass fail. :L

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Hello everyone! So far there's not much to report on but I'll tell you what's been cookin'.

It's only 5.50am here so the times on them were changed to wake them up.


She had an uneventful baby stage, what babies would usually go through on tamagotchis.

But after an hour or so, she evolved into Mizutamatchi the rain drop child!

Mizutamatchi's are really cute IMO :3

Tulip's connected to my other tamas too!

For the rest of them, they're just in bed sleeping.

Here's a quickie picture of Tulip!


Here she is, in 2 places at once! OMG, She's going to be a ninja! (Not gozarutchi though hopefully)

Side Trivia

Oldest-tama-to-be is 4 and evolved into a Mametchi! I seem to be getting loads of these. I don't know whether that's a good thing or not.

Sorry for the short post. I'll add more soon!


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14/05/11 Continued

I admit it. I've had to pause my tamas twice today. Once when I went to the Tesco's Hell, and secondly when I had to do homework. So there's been limited tama-time. Though a fair amount has happened.


She's fine. I did have to answer two crying calls and clean up several poo's. I'll take her to tamatown later so she can see her Dad!

I've also connected her up to my other tamas. She seems to have grown very friendly with Sam, and she gets along well with Kevin too.


I'm waiting for him to evolve. He should do by the end of today figuring he turned 2 in the night yesterday. I took him to school a few times and played games to avoid getting a Universal character. I most dread of getting that Pyonchitchi thing. >_> The bear with circle ears.

I find the Dance game really hard! x___x


He's still a happy Hikotchi. I played some games with him to slim him down and I connected him with my other tamas. I'll take him and his brother Kevin to tamatown later too.

I had to clean up a few of his (flaming) poo's. He got all stroppy and moody as all teenagers do so I gave him a praise and he felt better after that. :)


He's just waddling around and things. :) He's at a good weight as he is, so I didn't do anything about that.

He's got good toilet manners, as opposed to Sam who doesen't. :p He did the pee-pee-wiggle-dance thing so I took him to the toilet and he got a training point! The bar's half full for him now.

Side Trivia

As you may already know, the oldest-tama-to-be turned into a Mametchi. You know what else turned into Mametchi? My Black V3. I think I'll start neglecting my tamas a bit to get something other than Mametchi. I always used to get things like Megatchi and Kurokotchi. I have nothing against Mametchi, I just want something different.

My Red MusicStar got married to a Kuchipatchi. :) They're now bobbing around the screen with their baby boy!

Both of my TMGO's evolved into oldies at 5 years old. o_O What the?

My Globe Design V4.5 is an Ura Memetchi.

Both of my V2's are Ichigotchi's. Also a tama I seem to get a lot.

The V1 is a Hanatchi. :) I like Hanatchi's!

No pictures due to lack of real updates. I promise tomorrow things will be much more exciting, even if nothing much happens. I'm just so tired as I went to bed very late last night to catch up with homework.

Sam and Kevin are still only 1, but they should age later today!



P.S I'm close to winning that Pink with Ribbons V3! =] Only 14 hours left!

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Quick, depressing update.

*deep sigh*

Harry evolved into a Pyonchitchi.

I can't stand those things. I always keep getting them. Even more so annoying than Masktchi. At least Masktchi is somewhat cool, and the same for Gozarutchi. I also hate this bear's girl counterpart. I like the tooth guy more than this.

I do have to admit, he's cute. Otherwise it's ridiculously easy to get him and he shows up way too often.

But anyway, here's pictures of him! Hopefully the next generation will be something else. I do still love Harry, even though he is who he is, mind you. It's not all about looks.


He looks weird when he moves. o_O


At least Harry's close up looks cute.

Tama-Town Adventures!

Sam's Adventure

Sam got to visit his Mum, Fiona! She gave him a cell phone! How sweet :)

He also played in the amusements for a while.

Then he went to the Tamagotchi School and played a few games.

Sam got bored so he came home.


Sam's Mum, Fiona, gave him a Cell Phone! Sam was happy he saw his mum after all this time.

I might take Kevin to tama-town tomorrow. Tulip will most definitely get to go to tama-town tomorrow.

Tomorrow I'll do a tama-story. I'm taking the V3's to tamatown now and things.

So, yeah! :)


P.S. I'm holding a 'U choose' poll thing. Do you think I should add a 5th tamagotchi to my log? I'm thinking about adding my MusicStar. PM me asking me which one you'd like in my log. The deadline is 17/5/11, so be quick if you want to have your say! If there are no pm's by then, I'll randomly add one of them to my log. ^_^

I'll keep updating about these guys as normal and then by the deadline decide based on PM's or personal choice, if there are no PM's.

Possible candidates are:

V4.5 Globe Design

V2 White w/ Life-savers

V3 Black with Silver Bolts

V1 Plain Blue

V2 Blue with Lollipops

MusicStar Red Guitar

MusicStar Transparent Pink w/ Music Notes

V4.5 Orange and blue

V4 Dark Transparent Blue and Yellow

V4 Glow in the Dark

V2 Yellow with Flowers (oldest-tama-to-be)

Tama-Go Green

Tama-Go Blue

(To arrive soon) V3 Pink With Bows

Here's a picture to make things easier.


It's pretty obvious to pick out what the tamas are using the above list.

I'm strongly considering adding the pink MusicStar and either the blue with Lollipops or the White with lifesavers V2. Or maybe either of the tama-go's. But before I do anything, I need your input!

I do have many other battery-less tamas of different versions, but those won't be in my log regardless of whether I get batteries for them or not. The ones in that picture could be swapped around when the batteries in my current ones I'm logging about die. Though I think I'll stick with these tama's throughout the log's life. Unless they break or get lost, I think they'll stay as they are.

P.P.S. I've had numerous people ask, so I'll say it here. I am a boy.

P.P.P.S. Thanks for the 100+ views! Whether you like my log or not, you'll have to get used to it! Muwahaahahah >:]

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