The Life and Times of a Tamagotchi


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1 word....sorry....

the stats:


hunger: 4

happy: 2

training: 4

age: 3

weight: 59


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 3

age: 1

weight: 39

gotchi points: 759


hunger: 4

happy: 1

training: 4

age: 3

weight: 77(AHH!)

gotchi points: 1525


hunger: 4

happy: 2

humor: 0

style: 8

passion: 18

age: 4

weight: 25 grams

gotchi pioints: 31130


hearts: 3

students: 79

language: 10

math: 10

science: 1

gotchi points: 960

whaaaaaaa im so sorry! i havent posted in a while! My tamas have been on pause like all week! i dont have much time to care for them, but i will try to keep them off of pause all day on sunday! I've been super busy and i have a really bad cold ;~; so i feel terrible! Im sorry please expect a tamalog post with stats tomorrow or sunday, im hanging out with my nieces on one of those days so i'll post on the day im not!

AHHH i havent posted here in a while! Well 3 of my tamas have been out of batteries so the other 2 are on pause...i need to get to the store! AHH! ill post the next time i have a chance, which is hopefully when i get new batteries, which is hopefully soon!

HEY EVERYONE! So i finally got out a new tamagotchi after putting my Uratama and Tamasuku away! i now use...A TAMAGOTCHI ANGEL!

the only thing i dont like about mine is the buttons take like a second to reguister, but its brand new...or so the seller said it was brand new....hmm....

anyways! Its at the 2nd stage, the floating circle thingey! ITS SO CUTE! Im not used to having a tamagotchi be so small! I mean when i was a kid my hands were small so them little eggs felt so big, but my angel feels tiny compared to my connections and stuff...I need to get an original tamagotchi(mine,a long with my gigapet COmpu Kitty got lost like 7 - 9 years ago or something)


age: 2(but i started it up only yesterday?)

angel points: 19

deeds: 3

hunger: 4

effort: 2

that's it! I might bust oyut the Dinkie Dino this weekend, too! but there would be no way to pause it in school monday....and a highschool with a tamagotchi would look silly...meh ill figure out something!

maybe you all thought i was gone, right? Ive been so busy! Life is just...ugh! well that was some crazy first year of highshcool...ON TO THE TAMAS...or...tama?


on pause


hungry: 4

happy: 4

training: 1

smart: 16

style: 23

kindness: 23

age: 1

weight: 16lbs

name: Sprkl [sparkle]

gender: girl

generation: 2

gotchi points: 9070

character: mizutamatchi

YAY! early post! so i had a test this morning! i know a test durring summer? this early? no way! yes my highschool is strange. Anyway, i forgot to pause my tamagothci angel when i left this morning.....


dead(is that even possible i mean its an angel already!)


hungry: 4

happy: 4

training: 1

smart: 16

style: 23

kindness: 23

age: 1

weight: 18 lbs

name: Sprkl [sparkle]

gender: girl

generation: 2

gotchi points: 9070

character: young memetchi
