the life of my tamas


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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2006
Reaction score
ummm? right behind you! lol kidding! XD


what happened today:


At midnight my old tama was crying since she had to leave.I didn't know though since i was sleeping!Anyway in the morning when i woke up i named her stell since she was a girl.I played some games with it(no actually only one game since you can only play jumping rope) then i bought a guitar at half price(even though my tama can't play it yet!) After that it went to sleep, but only for 5 mins! grrrrr.then it got sick so i treated her and then had to praise her.Then i got caught up playing a game and next thing i knew, my tama was a PUCHITCHI! i was hoping for a harutchi but i guess puchitchi is alright ( i never gotten that child before!) Anyway it is sleeping know and here are the states:



hngry/happyness:all full





traing:1/10 :D



thats all for now but ill write more soon!


p.s feel free to pm about this!

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nothing have happened so today accept my stell can go to pre school now! she sang sometimes but failed some other times <_< . I bought shovel too but stell dug out a snake!Played mimic and jumping rope again.Fed it some food and snacks. Pretty boring really!

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[SIZE=12pt]still nothing,,,waiting for it to become a teenager,,,Tomorrow it will be though! hope its a good one! *crosses fingers* oh and the states that changed are:[/SIZE]








make sure you look in here tomorrow!

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[SIZE=13pt]When i woke up today, i looked at my tamagotchi and it was a *drumroll*,,,,,, young memetchi! just like my old one.My old one turned into a memetchi when it was adult so i hope that this one will turn into something different.I played a lot of flag games to rise my social and then i had to leave pre-school and go to primary/high school! I chose the social teacher for stell and had so far guessed the right box 3 times! So nothing else apart from all that![/SIZE]

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[SIZE=13pt]Well i played some more games with stell got champion for jumping rope, shape and flag.Bought 2 shovels and one was a snake and the other one was a tart.Got visited by the king and got 400p.Also donated 900p to the king.Then i bought sunglasses i had to give stell time out and prasies a lot of times too.After that i played soccer with stell.Tomorrow im going to go to tamaland and visit stell's parents with stell. [/SIZE]

Here are all the items i have from stell and her parent (bella)

1.bow ball

3.RC heli



6.ring(got from king)

7.ring(got from king again!)

8.honey(love potion)(got from king)





13.sun glasses

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[SIZE=12pt]sorry i didnt post yesterday, i was too busy and the internet wouldn't work anyway[/SIZE]


So this is what happened yesterday


Stell went to school and guessed the right box 5 times! and it increased my social by 15 points!! :huh: Then i bought a fishing rod.First i caught a fish then a tin(which made stell unhappy) and finally some money, 1000p.After that the king came and gave me 1200p!! yay.Then i bought a music player for 2400.Here are the states i can remember from yesterday(which isn't a lot! sorry!)


training:9/10 ^.^

points:1600 something


artistic:45 :p


[SIZE=14pt]Ahhhhh i'm choosing my job now!( i just recieved a message that said i had to leave school [/SIZE] :p ) what job should i choose!!!!!!! these are the ones i can choose from: WHAT!!!!! OH NO! I WAS TO BUSY TYPING THIS THAT I TOOK TOO LONG TO CHOOSE! NOOOOO :wub: :( :( i have to wait to tomorrow now! Ughhhhhh!

here are the skill points:




and this is the fortune cookie: money:** heart:** strength:**

P.S i know that playing dance increases the artistic, but im really bad at dance so can you please pm if you have any ideas on how to increase my artistic

P.P.S and can you please pm and tell me what kind of job you like best? so then i can choose! ^.^

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