The little Mimitchi


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Jan 17, 2005
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Standing behind you . . .♥
(Somebody name the Mimitchi plz) :) :unsure: :lol: :unsure: :) :unsure:

One day, a strange thing happened to a little babitchi. While bouncing around she let out a beep and transformed into a Mimitchi! Of course, her owner Sierra was very pleased and amazed. The little Mimitchi was still a baby on the inside. Curious about what happened to her she. . . .

Sierra SAID SHE SO CUTE SHE tried to hold her happiness in side i shall name her moze. ^_^ :(

moze started boucing around her shell again. soon after she let out a beep. her owner looked and saw she had 0 hearts on both hapy and hunger. "oh dear what now?"...

Moze was very sick!!!! Sierra tryed to get the hunger and happy hearts to go up! she could'nt!

she tryed to cure Moze,but it would'nt work,Sierra rushed Moze to the tamagotchi hospital (yeah im using my imagination) and the docter said Moze had an unknown sickness....

"how do i cure it doc?" asked Sierra. "i dunno, i'm not a tamagotchi!" he shouted back...

Sierra was sad,she did'nt know what to do.

but somthing in Moze kept her alive....

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then a nuclear bomb landed on them and they were reduced to dust



THAT SUXs. Then the only person alive had a reverse time machine and reversed time to 15 seconds earlier. Then the doctor said we have to do something risky we have to ........Debug your mimitchi....

Sierra started to ball as her tamagotchi was put on the operating workbench and the doctor pulled out his glasses screwdriver and started the cirular rotation incision. After seeiong this, sierra passed out on the floor.....


the mimitchi jumped OUT OF THE SHELL INTO THE REAL WORLD!...

moze was so scared in this new world that she ran to the woods and hid until she saw a bear she was so scared then a sweet tama angel named kyle apeared and killed the bear

then moze layed two eggs two littlebaby girls came out moze named them lisa &anne...........

She studenly stopped shouting, and jumped behind a tree. The tree shuck because lightning hit the left branch and she studdenly fell to the ground yelling....

but she ACULLY said nothing...she was too shocked too say anything anyways!her tama got zaped!

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