The lonely Kuchipatchi....


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Apr 5, 2011
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Auckland New Zealand
12th Febuary 2012

There is a certain little Kuchipatchi named Peanut who lives in Tamatown, he misses his hometown Patchi Forest and hates his life in Tamatown. He gets homesick almost everyday, and is always writing letters to his parents back home. His parents keep telling him to come home, but Peanut is determined to start a new life here in TamaTown and make some new friends!!

Back in Patchi Forest Peanut never had friends. He was always bullied because of his weight and the amount of food he ate at lunch during school. His parents told him to ignore them, they said he had a heathly appetite which is a good thing, they told him he's not fat at all. Peanut thought it would be good for him to leave home and start a new life here in TamaTown, when in fact it's much worse. He goes to a new school, but still gets bullied. Especially buy the mean girls of the school Makiko (Annabelle) and Memetchi (Rose) They bully him 24/7 which just make Peanuts school life a lot harder. It also makes him dread going to school everyday.

Peanut tries his hardest to make friends every second of his life, but for some reason no one seems to like him. Peanut doesn't have school today, because it's the weekend. Peanut sits in his little room at his desk, writing yet another letter to his parents, telling them everything that's happening at school, and of course how much he misses them and his brother ChibiPatchi.

The next day, on Sunday Peanut is just thinking up a plan to get him some friends at school tomorrow, when there's a knock at the door.....


-You can add new characters

- Don't make the story to agressive. You can make it that there are fights at the school or something, but no killings.

- Write in whatever colour you want!!!

-Put the date at the start of each entry

-HAVE FUN!!!!!


When Peanut heard the knock he froze scared it was Annabelle here to taunt him after five minutes he got up and opened the door there was a package. Peanut opened the package inside was a box of chocolates from his parents.

they always knew how to make him feel good. G2G will write more tomorrow

14 febuary 2012


After reciving the box of chocolates from his parents, Peanut started to feel slightly better and less homesick. Valentines Day is today he thought to himself gloomily as he surfed TV channels, watching random romance shows. They only made him feel worse though. Peanut had never had a valentine, well i guess he might of back in pre-school but he's not quite sure.

There was no way he was going to get a Valentine at his school anyway, all the girls turned their noses down at him and spat in his face and laughed cruelly if he ever tried to ask them to be his Valentine. Peanut was use to this though, he didn't mind so much nowadays. He was use to being teased. But sometimes he wished he could just hide in his bedroom under the duvet and never come back out.

At school the next day, Annebelle decided to be even more horrible to him than usual.....

Sakura <3

14 February 2012

(am I doing this right? Should it be feb. 15?)

Peanut went into the classroom and shuffled quietly to his desk. He was getting his books out of his bag when Annabelle and Rose walk over to his desk, flipping their perfect curls at the exact same time. Peanut quavered underneath, wondering what mean things they were going to say to him. They always had a nasty remark every day, each one different and meaner then the first. Peanut was sure they spent their time each day making up new ones. He tried to look like he didn't care when they approached his desk.

"Look, Rose. Here's Peanut, though he certainly isn't like one!" Annabelle sneered at Peanut. Rose laughed her horrible, loud laugh that sounded like a witch cackling as she stirred her brew. The other kids laughed shakily, not wanting to be on Annabelle and Rose's bad side. Peanut felt his face burn with shame and humiliation. Just when Rose opened her mouth to spit out another carefully crafted insult, the teacher stepped into the room.

"Good morning everyone! Please take your seats! We have a big day today!" she said sunnily.

Annabelle gave a withering look at Peanut before taking her seat, making a big show of organizing her papers and folding her hands primly in her desk. Peanut just looked at the floor, wishing with all his heart he had just one friend to confide in.

"Class, I would like you to welcome our new student,....."

15 Febuary 2012

The new student to the class is a Chamametchi called Annie. I'm pretty sure i have heard Jared the Mametchi brag about how awesome his little sis is at lunchtimes. The teacher directed Annie to her new seat.... next to Peanut. Annie sat down anxiously without looking at Peanut and started looking through her bag for the correct books.

Peanut kept glancing at Annie all through the lesson. He couldn't concentrate properly on his work as he was so determined to find out if Annie wanted to possibly make friends. You see Peanut thought that Annie wasn't gonna be as mean and horrible to him as the rest of the class, he thought just maybe he could make a new friend.

Annie looked very shy, and was very quiet all through the lesson, even when the teacher asked her to answer a question. She mumbled it so that we could barely hear her, the rest of the class singgered at her and Annebelle said something very rude about Annie to Rose. I couldn't help feeling furious with them. This was Annie's first day in a new school with new people, and she was probably very scared and Annebelle and Rose and all the others in the class were already being horrible to her.... Peanut knew how she felt.

At lunch that same day Peanut thought now would be a excellent time to ask Annie if she wanted to be friends. Peanut could see Annie sitting on the bench outside the classroom all on her own, nervously munching on a banana, Jared occasionly came up to her and checked on her and introduced her to his mates. But other than that, he completely ignored her. I thought this wasn't a very nice thing to do since Annie was his little sis and needed protecting on her first day.

Peanut nervously approached Annie. He sat down next to her and started opening up his chocolate cake. He could feel Annie watching him out of the corner of her eye.

Peanut looked up at Annie and gave a hesitant grin. Annie grinned back. Peanut knew instantly that Annie wasn't as mean or horrible as everyone else. She was kinda just like Peanut in a way. Shy, nervous and friendless.

Annie and Peanut made friends and spent the rest of the lunchtime sharing foods and talking. Peanut came home that day with a big smile on his face. He flopped down on the couch and watched a bit of tele feeling happy and cheerful.. he had a friend now... and that was the best feeling in the world. He couldn't wait to write to his parents and tell them of this great day he had today.....

15th feb 2012


Dear Mum and Dad

Today school was great I have been *settling in well and making lots of new friends*

I made a new friend called Annie who is a chamatchi. we get along well.

*my other friends include Annabelle, Rose, Lily and Jared*

*everyone has been very welcoming and helping me settle in*

I am going to the cinema with Annie tomorrow

I'll write back then!

Love Peanut

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16 febuary 2012

Peanut felt kinda bad about lying to his parents in the letter about making plenty of new friends. He knew perfectly well that Annebelle and Rose would never be his friend in a million years. He wasn't so sure about Jared though,... maybe since he is friends with Annie Jared could possibly be friends with him too....

Tonight me and Annie are off to the cinmea!! It's gonna be so much fun, were going to watch a horror film.... Annie said she won't tell what the title of the movie is because she wants it to be a suprise. Peanut takes extra care when he's getting ready for the movie that night. He has a bath and then uses his speical deoudrant that his parents got him to make himself smell really good.

At 6:30pm Peanut arrives outside the movie theatre, he looks around for Annie and spots her jumping out of Jareds flash blue car. Jared gives me a very evil look while Annie isn't looking, looks like he doesn't wanna be my friend after all. The movie starts in 20 minutes so they have plenty of time to get the tickets and snacks. Annie insists that she will pay for both, but i pay for the popcorn and chocolates because i don't want Annie wasting all her money on one movie.

A couple of hours later Peanut and Annie come out of the movie theater extremely happy and chatty, Annie says she found the horror quite unscary, almost funny. Peanut agrees. Peanut walks Annie home and all the way they talk non-stop about the movie, discussing their favourite and least favourite parts. At Annie's doorstep they say their good-byes and then Peanut walks back to his place which is just 10 minutes from Annie's.

Peanut jumps into bed that night with a big smile on his face. He is still super glad that he has made a new friend. And at school tomorrow Peanut is going to try and make Jared see that having me as Annie's friend isn't too bad. At school the next day.....

Sakura <3

17 February 2012

Peanut wakes up and goes to school as always, with a big smile on his face because he has a friend now, Annie! When he gets to the playground, he sees Annabelle and Rose holding court at the swings as usual, with their group of hand picked "friends". They're pointing and laughing at other kids, and Peanut feels bad. He wants to defend the kids being made fun of, but he knows that they'll just laugh at him. Peanut spots Annie under a tree, furiously scribbling in a notebook with one hand and holding a chocolate bar in the other, taking a bite every few minutes or so. He makes a beeline to Annie, but right before he reaches her, Jared steps quickly in his way.

"Where're you goin', KUCHIPATCHI?" he says with a sneer.

"I'm going to talk to my friend, Annie." Peanut replies, sounding stronger than he feels.

"Well, I'm her brother, which means I'm RELATED to her. And I'm older, and I say that a greedy kuchipatchi like you shouldn't be friends with her." Jared says.

Peanut feels a stab of pain and anger at Jared. Right before he opens his mouth to retort, a pair of hands pulls him back and he sees Cory the Kuromametchi staring back at him. Cory never really talked to anyone and was very quiet in class. He had a different group of friends from the other kids and usually spent his recess listening to his TamaPod.

"You shouldn't try to argue with Jared, Peanut. Be careful next time." Cory says in his gravelly voice and walks away.

The bell rings and everybody rushes into the school....

18 February 2012

Everyone goes into the classroom. The teacher starts teaching them math facts. Peanut and Annie make small little giggles. Jared is really mad that Annie is spending time with " a loser like Peanut." He gets madder and madder every second until his face is red. He plans a devious plot. He knew Peanut wasnt from here. AND he knew he was bullied before. He got a plan in his head. The next day, Peanut and Annie were walking to school.

"What do you want to do after school Peanut?" asked Annie.

"Well, mabey we sho-" Peanut paused in fear. There infront of him was a person he remembered. Standing infront of him was...

February 18, 2012

Jared the Mametchi, standing in front of a group of some of the biggest bullies in the school.

"Hey, Kutchipatchi. I don't like you hanging out with my sister." Jared said. "It's my job to be her best friend."

"No! Jared, what are you doing?" Annie cried.

Peanut stood frozen in fear.

"So back away." Jared snapped.

Suddenly everyone began to charge straight at Peanut. Annabelle and Rose glared at him, their curls flying wildly.

"Run Peanut!!!!!" yelled Annie.

And Peanut ran as fast as he could toward the school. Suddenly he was stopped by someone. Oh no! thought Peanut.

"Stop. I'll help you." a voice said.

Peanut looked up and saw...

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16 February, 2012

It was Cory, the Kuromametchi.

"I told you to be careful with Jared" he said. "Ill handle this, stay back"

Peanut couldnt belive someone else was sticking up to him. He went behind Cory, and then Cory went up to Jared. He fought back. Peanut came running over. He tried to get Annie out of the rumble. Annie came out fine, but a little dirty. They watched as Cory beat them all without even taking a scratch.

"Grr... you may have won this time." said Jared. "But the next time, were not going so easy. We'll go full out, and you'll regret the day this happened." Jared and his posse with smirks on their faces went to school. Cory turned to Peanut and Annie.

"What did you do to anger him?" Cory asked.

"I dont know. Me and Annie were walking to school..." Peanut said. Cory interupted him.

"Well, I dont care. But if i know Jared, he ment what he said." Cory stated. "Most likely, he will attack tomorrow."

Peanut got scared. What would happen? What would Jared do to him?

"Annie, I have a job for you" said Cory. "Pretend you like Jared and figure out what he's planning to do. Then report to me."

"Okay!" said Annie. So they all went to school. Looks like Peanut has a new friend!

16 February 2012

That night, Peanut found a letter in his mailbox from his mom and dad:

Dearest Peanut,

We're glad you're settling in so quickly! School must be such fun in TamaTown as you get to learn lots of things and the teachers are so good there! We're all glad that you've been making friends. It's nice to see that you're getting along with your classmates. Here in Patchi Forest, life has been the usual. Beartchi has been trying to fix the hot tub, with no success. We've been trying to help, but he refuses. You're the only one he listens to. Don't worry, Peanut, we still want you in TamaTown learning at such a nice school! Chibipatchi has been asking to see "big bwotha Peanut!" every day. He insisted on making a drawing of our family for you, which we've enclosed. We've also included a package for you as well. Hope you like it!

Lots of love,

Mama and Papa

Peanut read the letter carefully, then ripped the package open. Inside was...

18 Febuary 2012

Peanut could not beileve what his parents had sent him, it was just so sweet of them!! Peanut felt tears welling in his eyes as he stared the awesome present his family had sent him. They had sent him a big box of chocolates, his favourite vanilla bath foam (He use to use this all the time when he was in the hot tubs back home), and the best present of all was a drawing Chibipatchi had made, of the four of them all sitting in a wonky hot tub surrounded by different sized bubbles. It was the best drawing ever. Peanut hung this drawing above his little bed in his bedroom so he could look up at it every night and think of hi awesome family in Patchi Forest. He started to feel a little homesick, so to take his mind off it Peanut made a start on his science homework.

The next day at school, Peanut was very careful walking to school. He didn't want to run into Jared and his horrible mates, Peanut started wonder where Annie was, she was nearly always waiting for him up at the corner every morning so that they could walk to school together... maybe Annie was sick??? Maybe something important came up and she had to skip school?

Peanut's questions were answered in class that morning.

"Kids, now now settle down please. I have something very sad and important to tell you" Mrs. Flower is saying.

"Now there's being a little accident concerning a certain new student to our school, Annie"

As Mrs. Flower said this, Peanut felt his stomach tighten. What had happened to Annie???

"Annie has being admitted to the Gotchi hospital with serious heart problems. She was admitted last night when she collasped at dinner, it was on the Gotchi news last night...."

Peanut couldn't believe what he was hearing.... Annie is hospital... with heart problems/? Is this why he hadn't seen Jared this morning?? The whole was now chattering, talking about Annie. Peanut could see Annebelle and Rose doing thier usual singgering over in the corner. Peanut felt his face go red with anger, he wanted to punch those two in the face hard\. But he knew he had to be strong, and ignore them.

After school that day Peanut caught the Gotchi bus to the hospital.....

Sakura <3

PS: Thanks so much for all the great replies!! This story is great!!! :D

18 February 2012

Peanut leaped off the gotchi bus and ran faster than he ever had before to the gotchi hospital. When he finally burst through the doors, he half shouted to the receptionist, "I need to see Annie the Chamametchi!!!"

"I'm sorry hon, Annie's room is limited to family only." the receptionist said in her smooth, buttery voice.

"But I NEED to see her! It's really important!" Peanut pleaded.

"Sorry hon. When she's better you can come see her, okay? Bye bye now." the receptionist said to her computer screen.

Peanut felt himself crumple on the floor. His first and only friend was lying on a hospital bed and he couldn't see her. Peanut began to cry on the dirty linoleum floor, when a shadow crossed his path. He looked up and saw Jared. Jared's eyes were red and puffy instead of their usual navy blue. He looked tired and everything about him drooped.

"You come to see Annie?" he said in a low voice.

Peanut nodded wordlessly.

Jared strode over to the receptionist and said,

"I'm Annie's brother. I believe you have prevented this kuchipatchi from entering her room-" At this point Jared dragged Peanut to her desk.

"-but in fact he is my 2nd cousin once removed, and therefore a blood relative. Please grant him permission to enter." Jared said, lying like it was second nature.

The receptionist gave them a suspicious look, but nodded and Jared pulled Peanut toward a door. Next to the frame was a dispenser full of masks, of which Jared drew two out of deftly. He pulled one on and handed the other to Peanut, who carefully adjusted it on his beak.

The hallway was long and stark, with nurses bustling around and curtains drawn. Jared led Peanut through the maze until they stopped at a curtain at the end of the row. Jared gestured toward the curtain and Peanut pulled it aside tentatively. Inside....

18 Febuary 2012

Annie was lying in bed, coughing.

"What happened?" Peanut said with tears in his eyes. Jared said when he had mugged them, Annabelle and Rose were getting fiesty, and though they were hitting Peanut, but it was Annie instead. She was fine until dinner when the effects kicked in.

Peanut was crying. He didnt even know what he would do if Annie died. Just then, the nurse came in with papers.

"WELL?" Jared and Peanut both said crying.

"Annie... will be fine. Just some rest, and hot foods should get her back out of bed by a week."

Jared and Peanut were both so relived. Annie woke up.


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February 18, 2012

"I'm so glad you came to see me!" she said.

"I was s-so worried about you!" Peanut cried as he burst into tears of joy.

They joyfully chatted as usual, talking about really nothing in particular, just happy to be together again. Meanwhile, Jared quietly slipped out of the room. Hmm, Peanut thought. Maybe he's not bad after all. He was kind enough to let me in, but I'm still not sure.

Noticing that Jared had left, Annie said, "Peanut, you know how Cory said to sort of spy on him? Well, I think that he's planning.....

A massive tribute prom for Michael Jackson, and Jared hates pop music and was trying to ruin it!" Annie stated wearily he has secretly been plannin the prom for weeks, and plans to get the whole school together to dance to Thriller!" "But why would Jared affect that?" Said Peanut confused "everyone has heard and loves that song?" Suddenly Cori walked into the dank hopsital ward along with an unknown person "Annie are you okay? Annie are you okay? Are you okay Annie?" Said Cori with a slight tinge of sarcasm in his voice" "oh very funny, yes I've told peanut your "plan" who's this?" Said Annie dazed "Hello I am Billie Jean and I'm with the TBI" said the character eerily "who's the TBI" asked Annie "we are the Tamagotchi Bureau of Investigation and we have heard that someone named Jared Flint is behind a Thriller anniversary scandal?" Said Billie "yes, it's worse than we thought Jared isn't just gonna ruin the show he's gonna...

18 February 2012

"Jared's gonna try and tell everyone about the TBI, which is supposed to be kept secret! If the citizens of TamaTown knew, the TBI will collapse!" Billie said, with unmistakable horror in her voice.

"Oh no!" Peanut cried, imagining the terrible things that could happen. He wondered what would happen to Patchi Forest, and Mamapatchi, Papapatchi, and Chibipatchi.

Cory nodded gravely. "The tribute prom is really a disguise for the exposure of TBI, especially the extremely secret branch of the TBI."

Peanut felt himself sweat immensely all of a sudden. The room began to spin....

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